25. When the Christian gets to that place where you'll lay aside and not listen to all the scandal and stuff that's said, and all the going on, and have one motive, that's to do the will of God that God sent you to do, there'll be a different day and a different church.
Here she walked down to this crowd. And Jesus was walking along in His slow steady walk. And the people were running to Him and saying, "Are you the prophet? Are you this? Are you that? Say, how about come over here and doing something for me? Let me see you perform a miracle. We would love to see you turn the waters to wine. Here's a jug full of it; I'd like to have some. They said it was good wine. Make this wine; let me see how it taste."
26. He never even would raise His head; He just kept walking on. That makes me love Him. You know, it takes the little bitty petty people to fuss and argue. A big man never pays any attention to nothing like that. Christians doesn't notice what the world says. If they want to say anything they want to, they got... They're too big to notice those little bitty things. They just keep moving on, just going on.
The little woman thought, "Now, it's the only hour that I'll ever see Him, my last opportunity. The only opportunity that I've ever had, and I truly believe if I could only touch the garment of that Man, I'd be made well." What a faith, what a time.
Then Jesus Came - 57-0407E - William Branham
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