
God made a place in there to put Himself in

You might be filled with a bunch of creeds. You might be filled with a bunch of denominations. But God don't want you filled with that. God made a place in there to put Himself in. God wants you to be filled with Himself. What takes place when you're filled with God? When you're filled with God, you're filled with the Holy Ghost, you're filled with power, you're filled with love, with joy, with peace, with longsuffering, with goodness, with meekness, with gentleness, with worship. You're filled with joy. David said, "My cup runneth over." And if David had a cup running over before the Holy Ghost come, what would it be now? You're filled with something.

United Under One Head - 58-0326 - William Branham


It lets off the pressure

Think of it. God, on the day of Pentecost, that Pillar of Fire separated and tongues of fire set upon each of them, God separating Himself in--dividing Himself, amongst His people. We become God's own Life in us. Then we are dead to the things of the world, and have risen with Christ and setting in heavenly places, looking back to where we come from. It's enough that we could think of that. And it lets off the pressure, takes the pressure away when we recognize the position that we now hold in Christ by receiving the Holy Spirit--God's own Life (The Greek word "Zoe" which means God's own Life.) dwelling in you. And you can no more die than God can die. We're eternal with the eternal (Amen.), waiting for that glorious time of redemption of the body. And now we are already dead, and our lives are hid in God through Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit. The devil is out of the picture altogether.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0622B - William Branham

He thought it, and He spoke it, and it has to come to pass

Remember, a word is a thought expressed. God thought it. Then when He expressed it, it has to happen, for the world was framed by the Word of God. And things were made out of things that do not appear. It was God's Word. He thought it, and He spoke it, and it has to come to pass. It's a seed that's growing, and, marvelously, that has to bring forth its season. We can take His Word, and see that He promised in the last days that He'd draw this people out; and do the very same thing He did, like He did in the days of Sodom. And we look at it and see these things. We ought to take a hold of the promise of God, and come to Him, seeing that we've anchored our souls in this haven of rest.

Confirmation And Evidence - 62-0621E - William Branham


You're sealed both sides

God always bears witness. Your life will bear witness. I don't know what your testimony is, but your life speaks so loud, your voice can't be heard. What your--your living, your every day life will testify what you are. God bears witness. Yes, the Holy Spirit is a Seal, and a seal takes both sides of the paper. They see you standing here and see you when you go away, not only in church but at every day work. You're sealed on both sides: inside and outside. By the joy that you have and by the Life that you live, you're sealed in and outside. But you know you're saved, and the world knows you're saved by the life that you live, for God bears witness. Blessed be His Holy Name.

Hebrews Chapter Two #1 - 57-0825M - William Branham


What God says, It forever stands

53. And I say that to us today, "The things that we bring to Him identifies what our thoughts is about Him." You understand what I mean? See? If you're a... If you believe It with all your heart, every Word of that, you'll identify it by giving all that you have to It. See? But if you believe it's a good place to associate with better people, around church and things like that, that's just about what you give (just a few social hours with some of the congregation or something). But if you--if you really believe It with all your heart, then you give everything that's in you to It. See? And it identifies you, that you truly believe the Message, that you believe it to be theTruth.

54. So many people say, "I can believe this much. I can believe so." The disciples... I believe the last time here, I spoke on that: Believers, Make-Believers, And Unbelievers. Wasn't that it? I... didn't I speak on that here? See? And each person, what's their category. See, it'll come to a place to where they can take so much of it, can't take the rest.

55. Now, how fitting these gifts was to Christ's journey on earth, a Baby born here on earth. And these gifts that the wise men brought Him, fitted just exactly His commission from God and His journey on earth.

56. Now, the first thing: God. This was God, Jesus was God in the form of man. That's hard for people to swallow that, even today, that "He was God." And He... That's what He was. He wasn't nothing less than God. He was God manifested in flesh. He was the Creator in His Own creation. Now that... He was the Creator in His creation, by the creation, for the creation. He was the Creator in His creation, by His creation, for His creation. All winds right back in God, the whole thing. Don't you see? Fullness of God! He was the Creator insomuch that He was God. And He was a Being on earth (a Being of time), which mean that He must had a beginning, therefore He created Himself a body to live in. God, Himself, created a body for Himself. See? That by this creation, He might save the lost creation that He had created.

57. There is nothing that man can annihilate, there isn't one thing. You can't do nothing to completely destroy anything. You might take a piece of paper and burn it up, you might burn a building down, you might burn a tree down; you didn't annihilate it. You... that heat in there, that fire that breaks up, that's only chemicals bursting. They're turning back to what they was at the beginning. They're not annihilated. If you burn up a piece of wood, (and the world say... If we lived in Eternity like God, and that chemicals out of that wood and that fire went back to its original beginnings and its... in whatever it was, the breakings of the atoms and so forth, the--the world say, "we stand for millions of years") that could come right straight back again and be another tree, just exactly like it was.

58 You cannot annihilate anything because it is a Spoken Word of God. Amen! Oh, and that gets me feeling religious, now. See? What God says, It forever stands. Amen! See, you cannot annihilate. We are a part of this earth, and we can never be completely annihilated. No, sir. The sin (the soul) will be annihilated, we realize that. But the--the body that we live in, cannot be annihilated. See?

God's Gifts Always Find Their Places - 63-1222 - William Branham


He has already done that

22. I want to ask the audience, the sick sufferers everywhere: if Jesus was standing here tonight with this suit that He gave me, wearing this, could He save you tonight? No, sir, He could not. Jesus could not save you tonight. He has already done that. You--you were saved when Jesus died at Calvary. The sin problem was settled then. It'll never do you any good until you accept it. You can accept it tonight, but you were saved when Jesus died for you. And was He wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed? Well, He couldn't heal you tonight, could He? He's already healed you. You have to accept it tonight. See?
When anyone says, "I have power to heal you," that's wrong. See? They have power to point you to the Healer, to point to where the finished work has been done for you, but they can't heal you. No one can. I couldn't. No other man could. It's just them things that we can't do. May the Lord bless.

Be Of A Good Cheer - 54-0721 - William Branham

For it's every bit truth

I like something that's got some courage. I just despise a coward. Don't you? Someone who's afraid... Stand up there. If you got the right stuff behind you; stand for what you think is right. Be not only willing to live for it, die for it, or anything. If it's right, it's right. Other men has died for what's right. And so, that's the way with the Gospel. If I didn't think it was right, and I didn't believe He was the Son of God, I'd be against Him. I'd be out here saying everything I could against Him, because I wouldn't think it was right. But I know He's right. And so therefore I'm... I believe it with all my heart. And if--and if just part of this is right, and the rest of it's not right, then it--it's none of it right. It's either all right or all wrong. And every word is true. You can hang your soul on any phase of the Gospel and believe it; for it's every bit truth.

The Resurrection Of Lazarus - 51-0729A - William Branham


It is the acts of the Holy Spirit in the church

If the first branch of the vine brought forth a Pentecostal church, every real branch out of that vine will bring forth another Pentecostal church. But we got a lot of grafted branches, and they bring forth after their kind. We got Methodist branch grafted into it, Baptist branch, Pentecostal branch, every other kind of branch. It bears its own fruit. You can take a orange tree and put a grapefruit in it. It'll live off the life of that tree, but it'll bear grapefruit. Put a lemon in there, it'll bear lemon, not an orange, yet it's living off of orange life. See, any citrus fruit... Any church professing to be Christian thrives off of the glory and praises of Christ. But it can't bear the fruit. It won't bear the Life of Christ until Christ puts forth that branch Himself. Then it'll--it'll write another Book of Acts behind it (that's right), because it is the acts of the Holy Spirit in the church. See? That's the way it is tonight, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Queen Of Sheba - 61-0119E - William Branham


It means you

42. And tonight, maybe a cancer has conquered you; maybe something else has taken a hold of you, some disease, even the disease of sin, or whatever it is. It may look dark and gloomy to you now; may look like you'll never recover, maybe look like you can't get over that TB, that prostate trouble, or that lung trouble, whatever it is, that tumor, that crippled condition. The doctor may say every hope is gone. But standing right by your side tonight, ready to take you in possession, stands the eyes of faith who sees the victory yonder through the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
Away with Satan and his gloom, and up with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the faith of Almighty God. Faith can take its holy stand on the Rock of Ages, and pierce a eagle eye through every stormy cloud when the very waves of death and disappointment's trying to wash its foundation out from under it. It can stand there and look beyond the skies and say, "God is right," and believe the counsel of the wise and living God. Amen.

43. What faith will do... "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." The very faith is a little whip that you have standing by you, if you'll only let it take you into possession tonight, and... Take you, and believe, and have faith in it, and believe that God's Word is true, and you've accepted it, then faith will work miracles for you. Do you believe that?
God's Word has said this, which is the infallible Word, "These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name they shall cast out devils, or evil spirits, and speak with new tongues, or take serpents, or drink deadly things, it wouldn't harm them. If they lay their hands on the sick, they shall recover." God's Word says that. There's something trying to work in every individual heart here tonight, saying, "That's the truth, but does it mean me?" Yes. It means whosoever will let him come. It means you.

The Power Of The Devil - 55-1005 - William Branham


That's what God wants you to do

"Who, taking thought, can add one cubit to his statue?" said Jesus. We are what we are. And that's one thing that has hurt our Pentecostal move and other moves, is somebody trying to be something that they're not. They are trying to impersonate someone else. You can't do that. You're just what you are; that's all. And when you do that, God will use you in just what you are. And you're just as important as anybody else. As I said the other night, the little bitty hair spring in this watch is just as important as the mainspring, 'cause it takes it all together to make time. And that... When we realize our position in Christ and then abide in that, if it's just a little housewife, stay right there. That's what God wants you to do. See? Just be what you are.

Why? - 61-0413 - William Branham


How can we be sure?

116. In the midst of idolatry, in the midst of worldly-ism, in the midst of all kinds of confusions and mix-up, we still have Him in the ship. Oh, in this day, in this day when religions don't know which a way to go; oh, how happy I am to know that that same God, with the same Shekinah Glory, same yesterday, today, and forever, is in the ship, knowing I've got to face (if He tarries) the valley of the shadow of death. No wonder David screamed out, "I'll fear no evil, for You're in the ship!" Amen.

117. Oh, how they could see this, so much that they had seen, was not able to express it all, of what they had seen. Now it dawned on them that He was laying right close to them.

118. Now He is a lot closer to you than He was then. Is that right ? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I'm with you now, but will be in you. A little while and the world will see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me; for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."
119. "Brother Branham, can I rest assured on This?" Jesus said so! "How will I know it?"

120. "And the works that I do shall you do also." There you are. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right , "The same yesterday, today, and forever!"

121. I think it's time, when trouble comes on, that we say, to those disciples who must have said, "Let's go wake Him. Let's go call Him. Let's call Him on the scene." Oh, my beloved brother, my lovely sister, I love you. And, remember, I'm telling you the Truth. If you've got trouble tonight , He is right at hand . He can be called on the scene, by just a move of your lips. He will come on the scene. Amen. Call Jesus to the scene! Wake Jesus, for we have Him with us, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

122. They had seen God's Scriptural Word vindicated by Him, so have we, and He was not hard to be called on the scene. He was just laying there waiting for them to call Him.

123. Now I wonder, tonight, if He just isn't laying right in your heart, waiting for you to wake Him up? That's right. Oh, I love that!

124. The people today say, "Well, now, if we could only know and be assured." We hear them say, say, "This is that, and this is that."

125. But This is That. This is That. Now, This is what He said, This is His Word. He and His Word are the same. Let His Word identify Him.

126. That's the way He said could prove He was God, because that the works that God give Him to do was done by Him. "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." See? That's how it identified Him.

127. That's how to identify you. If you say you're a Christian, and the--the identification of a Christian, the Bible Christian, is not worked in you, then there is something wrong. See, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Yes, sir. Not "maybe they will." They will!

128. If we could only realize that He is here with us, the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Lo, I am with you always. I'll never leave you, never forsake you. I'm with you to the end of the world," 24th chapter. "I'll never leave you," again He said. Oh! Again, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." I was just looking at the Scriptures I had wrote down here concerning it.

129. How can we be sure? By His proven Word. He is now waiting for you to call Him on the scene, to be proved, so let us go and awake Christ in our lives.

130. How do you awake Christ? By believing His Word. Faith brings Him on the scene. That's what brings Him on the scene, faith. Then, call on Him to confirm His Word. And don't doubt, in fear; don't do that. Just believe Him as It is written, and let it be done, and God will prove to you that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We worship an invisible God.

Calling Jesus On The Scene - 63-0804E - William Branham

But when God comes around

Now, as a preacher I don't think that Jesus was a great outstanding forceful preacher. John the baptist was a preacher, but he done no signs at all. He never performed a miracle. But Jesus come by not preaching so forceful as John, but there were signs and wonders accompanying Him. He said, "If you can't believe Me believe the works that I do. If you can't believe Me believe the a vindication that the Father has given of Me, for the works that I do, the same testify that the Father has sent Me." What a statement. Think of it. "The works that I do testify that the Father has sent Me." Man can make any kind of a statement, but if God don't back that statement up, you've got a right to say it's wrong. But when God comes around and confirms that statement to be the truth then it's sin to disbelieve it. For what is sin? Sin is one thing: "unbelief."

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 55-0603 - William Branham


Holy Ghost is power for service

Holy Ghost is power for service. So when talk about you got to be born again, and applying that to the Holy Ghost, many of the Methodists and so forth are wrong there. It cannot. It just won't cope through the Scripture here. You get the thing sideways. It's got to take it the way the Scripture's got it placed out here. See? And the Holy Spirit is a... "You shall receive the new Birth after this"? What? No. "You shall receive power," Acts 1:8, "after this the Holy Ghost is come upon you." See? And they had already believed to Eternal Life, and so forth, but they had to have the Holy Ghost for power. "You shall be witnesses unto Me after the Holy Ghost is come upon you," because the Holy Ghost is a witness of the resurrection, showing that you have become an adult in Christ.

Countdown - 62-0909M - William Branham


I want to see what's mine

If I fell heir to a house, I sure wouldn't want to move into it till I got and looked everything over. I want to see what's mine. I want to see what I own. And when I fell heir to the Kingdom of God, to the righteousness of Jesus Christ, baptized into this great arcade of God's eternal blessings, I like to walk around and see what's mine (Amen.), look on the shelves see what this is. Here it is, every promise in the Book belongs to every believer. Don't you stand still for somebody to push you off in a corner, give you a little cold tater, and tell you to wait. Don't you listen to that stuff. God's promise is right now. Push you off in a millennium somewhere... The Bible said, "Now we are the sons of God." What we will be, we are now, present tense.

Jehovah-Jireh - 57-0612 - William Branham

The grace of God's just as real to him as it is to you

37. He's watching for someone to come the way of the Blood, revelation. And Abel, by faith, he heard the Word of God, and took God at His Word; and by faith in the Word of God, God received him. That's the only way God will ever receive anybody, is by taking God at His Word by revelation that God will keep His Word.
God said the Holy Ghost is good for this day; that settles it for me. If God put His power in the Church to heal the sick and cast out devils... And the prophets and so forth, set them in the church, and promised it, that they would be to the end of the world; that's satisfies it to me. That they had any theologian, or how much they can do like a worm in a lemon, run here, squeeze out here, and squeeze out there; it doesn't make a bit of difference. God said so, and that settles it. Let's stay with God; have faith in His Word.

38. Now, God told Cain, said, "If you'll do well (See?), but if do not, sin lieth at the door." Sure. Cain was a type of the carnal believer today, who goes out and thinks, "I'll join this here biggest church there is in Chicago, if so-and-so and doctor So-and-so. I'll go and join that over there."
Then you go to reading in the Bible and you find out that many of things that Jesus said was going on in the church: "These signs shall follow them that believe." It doesn't follow. Jesus said they shall follow them that believe, not they maybe will, perhaps they will, they will for a certain amount of time. He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." And it was promised to the end of the world. I want the page and Scripture where He said He took it away from them. Then He would contradict His own Word. See what a mess you'd get into? "These signs shall follow them." That was a marking a memorial, a mark of true believers, that He was in their midst. 'Cause He's just showing Himself and manifesting Himself by these signs. Amen.

39. Now, to think a church being built on that, let the world creep in. Now, certainly it'll rise the indignation of a real true servant of God. Sure, it's wrong; let's get the thing out of there. Get away from this old lukewarm, halfway, say a little prayer of a morning, little prayer at night, and go to bed, and get up the next morning. No wonder we're getting worldly. No wonder world sneaks into this church. Because we don't say a prayer; there's no more agonizing; there's no more staying before God. There's no more digging out, cleaning up. We need a old fashion revival. We're just fooling ourself... "We're the Assemblies. We're the Pentecostals. We're the Oneness. We're the Trinities. We're this, that, or the other. We don't have anything to do with that other group."
There's where the Holy Spirit leaves you, right there. When you get that in your mind, brethren, you just might as well go back to the altar , because that's the place you belong. That's right. Amen. That's how worldliness creeps in. Let's forget about it. Let's put our affections on Christ and look to Christ and Him alone (Amen.), and have fellowship one with another, while the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. If He'd come to mark today, every one of us without a fault, who would He mark?

40. If you think the next man's in error, remember, the grace of God's just as real to him as it is to you. I'd hate for Him to mark me today, whether I was faultless or not. I don't trust in that; I trust in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to take me through. I stand in His grace alone. Nothing in my arms I bring. I've done nothing; I've said nothing that's worth nothing. As I...?... Lord, I just wholly depend on You, just You and You alone.
Sure, Lord, if I love You with a true heart, I'll certainly love You, and walk, and try my best not to do nothing to hurt You. And if I do do anything to You, though, I repent for it as quick as I do it.
I love my wife, if I'd do anything wrong to her, I'd repent immediately for it, if I did it not knowingly. Or I'd repent, and tell her I was sorry I done it, as sure I would to my Lord. And I wouldn't do nothing to hurt the poor little thing for nothing in the world. And neither would I do to hurt God millions times more than my wife. If you love Him, you'll respect Him. You know that's right.

Father The Hour Has Come - 56-1002A - William Branham


We should wait on the Lord

33. The prophets spoke of these days, that when they, for teaching would teach the man's doctrine and not God's doctrine. And we've seen so much of that, and it's gone on so long, until today the Word of the Lord is a rare thing, that someone can come and say, "THUS SAITH THE LORD."
Now, we've had a lot of impersonations of that. Satan is really on the job. And many years gone by people were afraid to say that unless it was the Lord. But today they just don't care. But it's a rare thing to hear the voice of the Lord and to find a person that can say, "The Lord spoke to me."
You notice that amongst the people any more, that they hardly hear a time that when they say, "The Lord spoke to me." When men and women used to pray all night, and their homes were set in order by the Book of the Lord, and God was first in their home...

34. See, we got too many things ahead of the Lord. You can't have the prayer meeting because Mr. Godfrey's on tonight. You can't have the prayer meeting because "We Love Sucy" is on tonight, or some kind of a foolish nonsense like that, that takes up the time. And we don't have time to hear the voice of the Lord.
And those who do claim to be Christians, just kneel down of the little prayer like this, kinda homemade. "Lord bless me, and my family, and take care of us. Good night." And the next morning rise and say, "Just guide us through the day. Good day."... We should wait on the Lord .
You see, we do all the talking. We don't give Him a chance to talk back to us. That if we would pray and pray until our soul comes into the Presence of God, and then just relax and listen to His voice...

35. But there's so many voices today that takes the voice of the Lord away from us. There's the voice of pleasure. So many people are listening to that, where they can go and have a good time. And many of them are professing to be Christians. Some kind of an old rock-and-roll coming up, they just can't listen to what God... They--they say, "Well, I'm a Christian, I read a verse in the Bible today, yeah, 'Jesus wept.'" That's it, go ahead.
But then, to really get down and pray, they got to many other things to do. There's so many voices in the world, so many things to attract our attention from God.

Hear His Voice - 58-1005M - William Branham

That's how much the message means

Each age has had its message and its messengers. All through the times, every age has packed its message with a messenger. God, in every dispensation, has sent forth someone anointed with the Holy Spirit to bring forth His Message for that age, every time. Now, we could start back, to back it up just a little bit. Even from the beginning, God was the Messenger at the beginning, to tell Adam and Eve, "You shall eat this, but you shall not do this." That was the message. And when man stepped across the message of the hour, it brought death and chaos to the whole human race. Now, that's how much the message means. And remember that it wasn't just a complete blank denial of what God said, that Eve believed; it was taking what God said and whitewashing it over, or--or just misconstruing it a little bit, just adding a little bit to It, or taking a little bit away from It. That's the reason that I believe that the Word is the Truth.

The End-Time Evangelism - 62-0603 - William Branham


You're different

Live for Him, keeping ourselves from the world. Now, look. You look on television, some of you sisters, and you go down here and you want... You young women, you're young; I know that, but you're a Christian. See? You're different. You don't want to be like the world. You love the world's--not only you young ones, but some of you older ones. See? Well, what does that? See? You watch television; you go down to the store; and you see these little old clothes that women wear that's ungodly. Do you know what's going to happen at the day of judgment? You might be just as virtuous to your husband as you can be, but in the day of judgment you're going to have to answer for committing adultery. Jesus said, "Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart." Who's to blame? You. See? You presented yourself.

Things That Are To Be - 65-1205 - William Branham


You're going to have to take it

We're on the border land tonight. The Bible said, "I would above all things you prosper in health." It's yours. God promised it. And the promise to you is just as good as it was to Israel. He said, "I have given you that land. I will send My angel, this Pillar of Fire, before you to guide you to the place." Divine healing's yours, God promised it to you. He sent the Holy Ghost, has guided you to this place. Let's take it. Amen, it's ours. Same God made the promise to Israel made it to you, and He's the same yesterday, today and forever. Sends the same signs, wonders and miracles. Now, He ain't going to come just push it down you. You're going to have to take it. And as soon as you claim it, there'll stand an old Ammorite standing there; kick him out of the way.

The Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham


Then he had faith

Moses had maybe never heard the voice of God, but he knowed by intellectual, he knowed by a feeling inside of him, that he was the deliverer. But he tried to do it and failed, so he said, "Maybe I made a mistake." There might be preachers setting out here the same way, that thought you made a mistake, when you found your failure. You just never waited long enough. The Bible said, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength... mount up with wings like an eagle." Moses thought that maybe he'd missed his calling. But one day when God spoke to him face to face, and he heard the Word of God, my Angel spoke to him, and it co--coincides with the Word... When he saw that the voice that spoke to him was the same thing the Word had promised, then he had faith, and he was certain that he was going down there; he was certain Israel was going to come out from under the bondage, because God made the promise. It was a Scriptural promise.

The Uncertain Sound - 61-0415E - William Branham


He always hears

God likened us unto sheep. I wonder why. Anybody here ever raise any sheep? Well, you know that a sheep is the most helpless thing in the world when it's lost. It just can't find its way home at all. Is that right, sheep-raisers? And I've helped raise them myself out on the Western prairie, and herded them a many. But notice, a sheep when it's lost... when he's lost, he will just stand and bleat. That's all. The wolves will come get him (That's all.), 'less a shepherd doesn't come to him. And that's the way it is with us, when we're lost, we're absolutely hopeless unless the Shepherd comes and gets us. So, I'm glad tonight God has got His Shepherd over His sheepfold, aren't you? That when we call, He always hears.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham

Accept it in a good heart

If you're weary and gloomy and feel like that everyone's against you, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." That's a seed. Accept it. And if you're sick, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we're healed." "Accept it. It's a seed: will produce. When you sow a seed, you don't dig it up every morning to see if it's come to pass. If you do, your seed will never come up. You got to plant it, commit it to the earth, and let it alone. It's up to nature, God, to water it and to see that it produces. Is that true? So that's the way you do the Word of God. Accept it in a good heart, already fertilized, and all the creepers, and the rocky places, and the stony doubts taken away, and in good rich soil of faith, and believe it, commit it to God, and walk away, testifying that you have received what God has promised you. And He's the High Priest of your confession, to make right anything that you confessed that He has done. That's the Gospel.

The Church Of The Living God - 51-0727 - William Branham


God is known by one element

Now, in the garden of Eden there were two trees. One of them say, on the right side, was the Tree of Life; on the left side was the tree of knowledge. And as long as man eat from the Tree of Life which is faith, he lives. But the first bite he took off the tree of knowledge, he separated himself from his fellowship with God. You see it? And notice then, in separating himself, he continually bites off of that tree, continually eating from that tree. Then he's brought it in till he's try to mix that knowledge with fellowship with God. And God never made a man by his knowledge to know Him. And all the knowledge we have will never understand God. God is known by one element; that's faith.

God's Covenant With Abrahamn And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham


These promises are true

But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn't no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it's supposed to. But it sets on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He--he hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He's lost his identification. And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sets around. Instead of digging into the Word and find where these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that's been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that's been killed somewhere else, hops like a vulture. God, help us to fly away from that. These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them. They are true. I'm so glad to be associated with eagles.

Proving His Word - 65-0426 - William Branham


It was a paradox

167. Here sometime ago, a minister friend... I just heard this told; I believe it. One hot afternoon down in Georgia, he was visiting with this--a druggist. The old druggist was a fine old Christian brother, full of the Spirit of God. And he said, "Come in and set down, and let's have a--a Coke." They was setting there drinking their Coke. He said, "I want to say something to you, and you perhaps will not believe this."
"Well, let's hear it first," said the minister.
He said, "I have always tried to do my best for God." He was a deacon in a church. He said, "I've always tried to live to my calling and do that which was right." He said, "I've never cheated anybody. I've always testified for my Lord everywhere I could." And said, "I've... To... My drugs here," said, "I've tried to carry the very highest class that could be bought'n. I've never overcharged anybody. I've tried to do everything was right, that I knowed how to do to serve the Lord." He said, "I'm going to tell you what happened."

169. Said, "My son, who's studying to be a druggist too, to follow me, he was in the front of the building there one day." And said, "It was during the time of the depression." Said, "A little lady walked into the--the door." And said, "You could see what her trouble was. And she was to be a mother. And her husband, and both of them, poorly dressed," said, "they give the prescription over to my son," and said, "to have it filled, for the woman was in need of this certain thing that the doctor had prescribed for her. And said, he said, 'This will be so much, such-and-such,' when the to-be father asked 'How much will it be?' 'So-and-so.' He said, 'Sir, I will not be able to get the prescription fulfilled, or filled,' he said, 'because that I haven't any money.'"

170. Well, he said, "My son said, 'Go right down the street there, just a half a block, or a block, and turn left, and you'll see where the--the place is where they have charity. And you go there to the county, and they will perhaps give you the money to have an order, that they'll pay for this prescription, because it's got... The lady has to have the--the--the medicine right away.'" And said, "He went out of the place, started..."
And said he listened to his son. "And something said, 'Oh, no, don't do that.' Said, 'That woman needs that.'" Said, he happened to think, "'That long line of people down there, it's hard for a well man to stand in the line, let alone a mother in that condition.'"
Said, "I said to my son, 'Go, call them; tell them to come back.'" He said, "And I rushed to the door, and said, 'Come back. Come back.' They come back. And I said to my son, 'Fill that. There's no charge.'"

173. And said, "My son give me the prescription, and I went over and had it filled, and filled it up the best that I could, and brought it out to give to the lady, and tell her that. There would be no charges on this. That was all right, 'cause she was in need of it real bad, and--and I'd get by without it, so, the money for it."
So said, "I just started to lay the medicine in her hand. And when I did, I looked at the hand; it was scarred." Said, "I looked up, and I was putting it in Jesus' hand." Said, "I learned then that the Scriptures, what it meant, 'Insomuch as you've done unto the least of these, My little ones.'"
Said, "'Do you believe that?' this fellow said to me. Why, sure, I believe that." It was a paradox, incredible, but it's true.

Paradox - 61-1210 - William Branham


Three things lays before you right now

Three things lays before you right now. First: The world is in a Sodom condition. Jesus said it would happen. Look at the perversion: Our women trying to act like men, our men trying to act like women: sissified, rotten, filthy, lowdown, devil possessed and don't know it. The Bible said that would happen, and that's where it's at. Secondly: It's in that hour according to the Scripture here that Jannes and Jambres appears. Secondly... Thirdly: It's at that same hour that the Son of man is to be revealed. There is your believer, your make-believer, and your unbeliever. There is a genuine Word standing out, vindicated; there is the make-believer impersonating It; and there is the unbeliever rejecting the whole thing.

The Anointed Ones At The End Time - 65-0725M - William Branham


I hope He can

How did Abraham recognize that? Now, Abraham called Him "Elohim." How many knows that's true, Bible readers? Yes, sir. Elohim is the all-sufficient One, the great Creator Himself. Why did he call Him Elohim? Because He could discern the thoughts that was in the heart; that's the Word. Hebrews 4 said--said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing asunder the bone and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart." That's how the prophets... Jesus called them gods. That's how Jesus proved Himself. And that woman knowed He was the Word. He could discern the thoughts. And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man," when the Son of man is being revealed. What has it done to your eyes? Can He get inside tonight? I hope He can.

When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham


I trust that's to all of you the same way

I just don't want to enjoy blessings and eat the texture there. I want to be a sheep. I want to know Him in the power of His resurrection." To know Him is have life. Not to know your catechism, that's not life. Not to know the doxology, not to know the apostles' creed, is not life. Not to know the Bible is life, as good as it may be. But to know Him is Life. And it's only those, that when evening time begins to set, and the sun of our life begins to go down, I want to hear across the mountain yonder that separates between me and glory, I want to hear the Shepherd's voice call, say, "Brother Branham, it was well done, My good and faithful servant." I trust that's to all of you the same way.

Shepherd Of The Sheepfold - 56-0403 - William Branham


Their natures was the same

Now, the Bible said He saw the Spirit of God like a Dove, and He said, "Behold the Lamb of God." And the Dove came on the Lamb and abode... I like that "abiding." Now, what if the Lamb would have snorted like a wolf. Why, the Dove would have been gone. You know, sometimes I wonder if that's the reason that so much trouble is in the church. If we are the lambs of God, we should have the nature of lambs if we expect the dove to abide. You believe it? I do. Now, if we'll watch the Dove... The reason it stayed on the Lamb, because their natures was the same. And the reason that the dove stays on the Christian, He will stay there as long as he is a lamb. But when he takes a different nature, the Dove will take its flight.

The Lamb And The Dove - 56-0917 - William Branham


I must raise my head

50. Oh, I must not go as a coward. I must not go around daily with my head hanging down as if something was terrible. When I look at the world, and all their darkness, and all their carrying on, I must raise my head, walk with my head among the eagles, knowing this, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. Because He lives, we live also. Because He raised from the dead, I shall rise also. You shall rise also. That's what Easter means to the believer.

51. Some time ago, over in... The first world war was going on, they had great gases that they throwed, such as mustard and chlorine gas. And it was dangerous. It would poison everything. The leaves would die; the trees would die, and the grass would die. Everything where they'd gas that mustard gas would burn it up when they'd throw it.

52. A Chaplain one Easter morning, he was going down through the--the tents where the wounded and the dying was laying. A Red Cross nurse come along. The boys had been on the front for so long out there; they was just so weary. And so she had a--a bunch of roses in her hand. And as she passed by each little cot where the boys was laying, crying... It was Easter, what a Easter for them, planes a going over, bombs a dropping. She'd take a rose and give to each boy, say, "God bless you; God bless you, brother." Those soldiers would grip that rose and scream, for they knowed that rose was growed in a land where they belonged.

53. Brother, this morning we're in a world of dangerous poison gases. We're in the world where all kinds of doctrine and stuff that says there's no resurrection, and there's no Divine healing, there's no this, or that, or the other, but my Red Cross nurse. But the Holy Spirit comes along once in a while and brings us over on those sacred sands of God's grace and pours into our heart a little token from the land beyond the river.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham

Then will come that Easter for us

96. Oh, our God and our Saviour, we are so grateful to Thee for this Easter, for what it means to our hearts. And by faith, over yonder, across the land, we can see the coming of the Lord Jesus, as He's making Hisself ready now, putting on His kingly garments. And the church is putting on, the Bridegroom putting on Her wedding gown. There's fixing to be a great meeting pretty soon.
This ash heap can't stand forever. When we're hearing people laughing, making fun of us, and calling us that s--scandalous name of holy-rollers, and making fun of us, and say that we're not even mentally right, oh, it can't last all the time, Lord. But let us be as Job, hold our testimony; let us be as Daniel at the lions' den, or the Hebrew children at the fiery furnace, or Abraham in his journey.

98. Help us, O Lord, to stand true until we see that great thing take place, "When the trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise, we which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye." And then will come that Easter for us, that Christ enjoyed some nineteen hundred years ago this morning, and said, "Because I live, you live also."
"This same Jesus, that was taken up from the midst of us, shall come back just the way He went." We shall see Him, even every scar in His hand and every thorn print on His head. We shall see Him.

Oh, I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
And redeemed by His side I shall stand.

100. Yes, Lord, my poor heart, as thi--this feeble body of mine begins to bend beneath the load, the cares and toils of the harvest field, the mission fields, and the ups-and-downs, and the indifference between arrogant ministers, and so forth, across the place, and the people scorning, and evil powers... But, O Lord, someday we're coming like Elijah, down to the river, look over there, harnessed to every bush, a chariot of fire that'll pack us away. Let us know that these ash heaps are only veils to hide us from that great thing that just lays ahead, that great glory.
May we remain true like Job, until we can see Him face to face. May we be as true as our Lord was, as our example, to go to Calvary to--ready to be crucified, and be crucified with Him, that there might be a resurrection in our life. Grant it, Lord.
May, if there be any scorners here, that was like Paul of old, that's made fun, may they find the Easter on their road home this morning. Grant it, Lord.
We pray, Lord, that those that are on the ash heap of destruction, ash heap of sickness, that this will be the hour that they will be delivered.

104. Last night, speaking to that little woman out at the trailer and her husband, how that yonder in Phoenix, in a serious condition, and those big cancers laying up there on them, and now today is perfectly well and normal. And the little baby that was going to have its heart taken out, sets here in the building this morning, normal, well. A little blind boy that once walked in darkness and never see daylight, walks today and sees the light of day. And, O God, how we thank You for this. And it's all looking beyond the veil, to that great day of resurrection. Grant it, Father. Let them know that these things had to be that way, that these--little blind boy could see, that the little child having heart trouble might give a testimony to others. All these things work around together for good to them that love You.

105. All made possible to us because there was One obedient in trial, there was One Who stood the test; that was Jesus. The One Who was so obedient to the Father, till the Father raised Him up on Easter morning, because it was not possible that He should be holding of death. "For I will not suffer My holy One to see corruption, neither will I leave His soul in hell." For He was found faithful , always doing that which pleased the Father.
God, may we ever be faithful at the post of duty. No matter what our trials is and our troubles, whatever, may we be able to say always, "I know that all things work together for good to them that love God." Grant it, Father.
We bless these people this morning with Thy blessings. They've come early from their places; they've come to the Tabernacle. They've come to get comfort. May they go home this morning with the power of the Holy Ghost burning in their hearts, walking along the road like those coming from Emmaus, saying, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He talked to us along the way?" Grant it, Father. I commit them to Thee now, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

I Know - Easter Message Book - 60-0417S - William Branham