
He always hears

God likened us unto sheep. I wonder why. Anybody here ever raise any sheep? Well, you know that a sheep is the most helpless thing in the world when it's lost. It just can't find its way home at all. Is that right, sheep-raisers? And I've helped raise them myself out on the Western prairie, and herded them a many. But notice, a sheep when it's lost... when he's lost, he will just stand and bleat. That's all. The wolves will come get him (That's all.), 'less a shepherd doesn't come to him. And that's the way it is with us, when we're lost, we're absolutely hopeless unless the Shepherd comes and gets us. So, I'm glad tonight God has got His Shepherd over His sheepfold, aren't you? That when we call, He always hears.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham

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