
I must raise my head

50. Oh, I must not go as a coward. I must not go around daily with my head hanging down as if something was terrible. When I look at the world, and all their darkness, and all their carrying on, I must raise my head, walk with my head among the eagles, knowing this, that I know Him in the power of His resurrection. Because He lives, we live also. Because He raised from the dead, I shall rise also. You shall rise also. That's what Easter means to the believer.

51. Some time ago, over in... The first world war was going on, they had great gases that they throwed, such as mustard and chlorine gas. And it was dangerous. It would poison everything. The leaves would die; the trees would die, and the grass would die. Everything where they'd gas that mustard gas would burn it up when they'd throw it.

52. A Chaplain one Easter morning, he was going down through the--the tents where the wounded and the dying was laying. A Red Cross nurse come along. The boys had been on the front for so long out there; they was just so weary. And so she had a--a bunch of roses in her hand. And as she passed by each little cot where the boys was laying, crying... It was Easter, what a Easter for them, planes a going over, bombs a dropping. She'd take a rose and give to each boy, say, "God bless you; God bless you, brother." Those soldiers would grip that rose and scream, for they knowed that rose was growed in a land where they belonged.

53. Brother, this morning we're in a world of dangerous poison gases. We're in the world where all kinds of doctrine and stuff that says there's no resurrection, and there's no Divine healing, there's no this, or that, or the other, but my Red Cross nurse. But the Holy Spirit comes along once in a while and brings us over on those sacred sands of God's grace and pours into our heart a little token from the land beyond the river.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham

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