116. In the midst of idolatry, in the midst of worldly-ism, in the midst of all kinds of confusions and mix-up, we still have Him in the ship. Oh, in this day, in this day when religions don't know which a way to go; oh, how happy I am to know that that same God, with the same Shekinah Glory, same yesterday, today, and forever, is in the ship, knowing I've got to face (if He tarries) the valley of the shadow of death. No wonder David screamed out, "I'll fear no evil, for You're in the ship!" Amen.
117. Oh, how they could see this, so much that they had seen, was not able to express it all, of what they had seen. Now it dawned on them that He was laying right close to them.
118. Now He is a lot closer to you than He was then. Is that right ? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] "I'm with you now, but will be in you. A little while and the world will see Me no more, yet ye shall see Me; for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."
119. "Brother Branham, can I rest assured on This?" Jesus said so! "How will I know it?"
120. "And the works that I do shall you do also." There you are. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right , "The same yesterday, today, and forever!"
121. I think it's time, when trouble comes on, that we say, to those disciples who must have said, "Let's go wake Him. Let's go call Him. Let's call Him on the scene." Oh, my beloved brother, my lovely sister, I love you. And, remember, I'm telling you the Truth. If you've got trouble tonight , He is right at hand . He can be called on the scene, by just a move of your lips. He will come on the scene. Amen. Call Jesus to the scene! Wake Jesus, for we have Him with us, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
122. They had seen God's Scriptural Word vindicated by Him, so have we, and He was not hard to be called on the scene. He was just laying there waiting for them to call Him.
123. Now I wonder, tonight, if He just isn't laying right in your heart, waiting for you to wake Him up? That's right. Oh, I love that!
124. The people today say, "Well, now, if we could only know and be assured." We hear them say, say, "This is that, and this is that."
125. But This is That. This is That. Now, This is what He said, This is His Word. He and His Word are the same. Let His Word identify Him.
126. That's the way He said could prove He was God, because that the works that God give Him to do was done by Him. "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." See? That's how it identified Him.
127. That's how to identify you. If you say you're a Christian, and the--the identification of a Christian, the Bible Christian, is not worked in you, then there is something wrong. See, "These signs shall follow them that believe." Yes, sir. Not "maybe they will." They will!
128. If we could only realize that He is here with us, the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Lo, I am with you always. I'll never leave you, never forsake you. I'm with you to the end of the world," 24th chapter. "I'll never leave you," again He said. Oh! Again, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." I was just looking at the Scriptures I had wrote down here concerning it.
129. How can we be sure? By His proven Word. He is now waiting for you to call Him on the scene, to be proved, so let us go and awake Christ in our lives.
130. How do you awake Christ? By believing His Word. Faith brings Him on the scene. That's what brings Him on the scene, faith. Then, call on Him to confirm His Word. And don't doubt, in fear; don't do that. Just believe Him as It is written, and let it be done, and God will prove to you that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
We worship an invisible God.
Calling Jesus On The Scene - 63-0804E - William Branham
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