37. He's watching for someone to come the way of the Blood, revelation. And Abel, by faith, he heard the Word of God, and took God at His Word; and by faith in the Word of God, God received him. That's the only way God will ever receive anybody, is by taking God at His Word by revelation that God will keep His Word.
God said the Holy Ghost is good for this day; that settles it for me. If God put His power in the Church to heal the sick and cast out devils... And the prophets and so forth, set them in the church, and promised it, that they would be to the end of the world; that's satisfies it to me. That they had any theologian, or how much they can do like a worm in a lemon, run here, squeeze out here, and squeeze out there; it doesn't make a bit of difference. God said so, and that settles it. Let's stay with God; have faith in His Word.
38. Now, God told Cain, said, "If you'll do well (See?), but if do not, sin lieth at the door." Sure. Cain was a type of the carnal believer today, who goes out and thinks, "I'll join this here biggest church there is in Chicago, if so-and-so and doctor So-and-so. I'll go and join that over there."
Then you go to reading in the Bible and you find out that many of things that Jesus said was going on in the church: "These signs shall follow them that believe." It doesn't follow. Jesus said they shall follow them that believe, not they maybe will, perhaps they will, they will for a certain amount of time. He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe." And it was promised to the end of the world. I want the page and Scripture where He said He took it away from them. Then He would contradict His own Word. See what a mess you'd get into? "These signs shall follow them." That was a marking a memorial, a mark of true believers, that He was in their midst. 'Cause He's just showing Himself and manifesting Himself by these signs. Amen.
39. Now, to think a church being built on that, let the world creep in. Now, certainly it'll rise the indignation of a real true servant of God. Sure, it's wrong; let's get the thing out of there. Get away from this old lukewarm, halfway, say a little prayer of a morning, little prayer at night, and go to bed, and get up the next morning. No wonder we're getting worldly. No wonder world sneaks into this church. Because we don't say a prayer; there's no more agonizing; there's no more staying before God. There's no more digging out, cleaning up. We need a old fashion revival. We're just fooling ourself... "We're the Assemblies. We're the Pentecostals. We're the Oneness. We're the Trinities. We're this, that, or the other. We don't have anything to do with that other group."
There's where the Holy Spirit leaves you, right there. When you get that in your mind, brethren, you just might as well go back to the altar , because that's the place you belong. That's right. Amen. That's how worldliness creeps in. Let's forget about it. Let's put our affections on Christ and look to Christ and Him alone (Amen.), and have fellowship one with another, while the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. If He'd come to mark today, every one of us without a fault, who would He mark?
40. If you think the next man's in error, remember, the grace of God's just as real to him as it is to you. I'd hate for Him to mark me today, whether I was faultless or not. I don't trust in that; I trust in the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to take me through. I stand in His grace alone. Nothing in my arms I bring. I've done nothing; I've said nothing that's worth nothing. As I...?... Lord, I just wholly depend on You, just You and You alone.
Sure, Lord, if I love You with a true heart, I'll certainly love You, and walk, and try my best not to do nothing to hurt You. And if I do do anything to You, though, I repent for it as quick as I do it.
I love my wife, if I'd do anything wrong to her, I'd repent immediately for it, if I did it not knowingly. Or I'd repent, and tell her I was sorry I done it, as sure I would to my Lord. And I wouldn't do nothing to hurt the poor little thing for nothing in the world. And neither would I do to hurt God millions times more than my wife. If you love Him, you'll respect Him. You know that's right.
Father The Hour Has Come - 56-1002A - William Branham
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