
Three things lays before you right now

Three things lays before you right now. First: The world is in a Sodom condition. Jesus said it would happen. Look at the perversion: Our women trying to act like men, our men trying to act like women: sissified, rotten, filthy, lowdown, devil possessed and don't know it. The Bible said that would happen, and that's where it's at. Secondly: It's in that hour according to the Scripture here that Jannes and Jambres appears. Secondly... Thirdly: It's at that same hour that the Son of man is to be revealed. There is your believer, your make-believer, and your unbeliever. There is a genuine Word standing out, vindicated; there is the make-believer impersonating It; and there is the unbeliever rejecting the whole thing.

The Anointed Ones At The End Time - 65-0725M - William Branham

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