
I believe we need that

But one of these glorious days Jesus shall come from in the Presence of God, and everything that we was in our best, we'll return again and be with Him forever. Hallelujah. What is these bodies made out of? A little cosmic light, a few atoms, and of petroleum, and so forth, put together, that God brought out of dust of the earth, and painted a picture. And we're only living in the negative now. And some glorious day death will develop the picture, and we'll return again in a new glorified body, to never be old, never be sick, never have a heartache. It behooves you, brother, to enter in at the court veil, shut the world off around you, and consecrate yourself to Christ, and live a consecrated life. Don't you believe that? Certainly, it is. Oh, that's the life to live. How many in here say, "Brother Branham, by the grace of God I'd like to live that kind of life."? Raise your hand, "I'd like to live that kind of life." God bless you. I believe we need that, don't you?

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham

How long are you sealed?

And when the Christian is packed with the Gospel, filled with the goodness of God, all the good things of God laying in him, with an open heart, ready to work, willing to be positionally placed, do anything that the Holy Spirit tells him to do, passed from death unto Life, sanctified from all the things of the world, walking in the Light as the Light comes to him, moving on; he's ready. Then God shuts the door of the world behind him, and kicks it together like that, and seals him with the Holy Ghost of promise. Hallelujah. How long? Until the destination. Don't get him out here on the railroad track, and break it open, and see if everything's all right again. It's all right; just leave it alone. The Inspector has done inspected it. How long are you sealed? Until the day of your redemption. That's how long you're sealed.

Adoption #4 - 60-0522E - William Branham


Just step in the Light tonight

Moses went forward, packing a stick. And we find out the Red Sea opened, 'cause a mighty wind followed that Fire, the Light of God. When man walks in the Light, then the winds follow. Jesus said, "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high." And they waited until there come from heaven a sound of a rushing mighty wind. They walked in Light, till the wind begin to blow. Amen. Just step in the Light tonight, you outside of Christ; the winds will come back again like they was on the day of Pentecost. Just keep walking in the Light; it'll separate the thing that was hindering you from one side to the other.

The Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham

Christianity is something that has to come from the heart

And so, it behooves us as believers, to really not go upon some mental conception or upon some emotion, or some fantastic of something happened: "We did this or did that." For the devil can impersonate all those things. But the only way that we'll know that we're saved is when we've met God's conditions. See, see? You're never saved by your feelings; you're saved by your faith. See? You're always saved by faith. Your faith does it and then your life proves whether you received it or not. Now, if you're trying just to impersonate it, then it--you're just making--you're just making a--a hypocrite out of yourself. Christianity is something that has to come from the heart.

God Making His Promise - 56-1209A - William Branham

Then God will take care of the rest of it

I feel sorry for fathers and mothers today, being a parent myself, and knowing one reason; I'm trying to get my children away from our city; we don't have any Christian schools there. And I want to get them somewhere where they'll be brought up in school, in a real fundamental school where they'll learn to love the Lord. The teaching that I can give them around home, yet they get out with that worldly crowd; the devil is a shrewd fellow, and he pushes that into them. If you keep them under the Spirit until they get old enough to receive the Holy Ghost and know what it's all about, then God will take care of the rest of it. But first they got them little adolescent days. Now, every person thinks of their children. While they're under your--your wings you can watch them. But once out from under the wings, then the devil's got every little old Oscar he can out there to associate with your children that's infidelic, and mean, and devilish, and everything else. God help us.

The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William


Let's not presume this

Did you ever think that that One, you're going to stand in His Presence, and give an account for this Word, and for Christ, when God's so holy, setting yonder in eternity, when ten million suns would be black spots before Him? So holy that even the angels look filthy in His sight... Angels before Him are filthy. You expect you and I, with His Word and the Blood of His Son to cleanse us from sin, and walk right over His commandments and walk out into the world, and expect to stand there blameless, when you knowed better than to do it? The church better be straightening up. Don't... Let's not presume this, because we're a bigger number than we used to be, and we're more financially better than we used to be. We got better buildings than we used to have; we would dress better clothes than we used to have, we used--we have better cars than we used to have. But, oh, brother, I wonder about Christ, how much is He with us. See?

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


But that's the man that's reflecting Christ in his life

24. For instance, what if there is a cage full of canaries. And the cage is the size of this Tabernacle. And one little canary bird flies up in the cage and says, "Gentlemen, I want to tell you all something. I happen to be just a little superior to you all. You see, I'm--I'm a canary that knows all about the human being. Oh, I can explain it all. I seen the lady walk through the house; I've seen the children play. I know all about it. Now, you all listen to me."
And about the time he's pouting off his little brain, a Princeton University, college man steps up with a polishedness of grammar. And he begins to carry a conversation with that little canary bird using the highest grammar that he can, and speaking to this little canary bird. I'd imagine the little fellow'd turn his head sideways; he would listen from one side to another. But he don't know a thing he's talking about. Yet, he can hear him, yet, he can see him, but what does his knowledge amount to? Nothing. Because he don't know what the man's talking about. Why? He's got a canary brain. He hasn't got a human brain. He just understands as canaries understand.

25. And that's the way the human is. I don't care how intellectual you are, we still got canary brains, because we're only human beings. God's knowed by the Spirit and by the revelation by the Holy Ghost. We'll never be able to understand Him through intellectuals. You might talk in inter--and have intellectual meetings, and psychology, as much as you want to, and people will never know God. They can't.
You can explain, and say the people that cry and turn the other cheek are just the old fashion. But that's the man that's reflecting Christ in his life, a man who is humble. A man who will walk with God will act like Jesus.

26. But, you see, the little bird couldn't understand. Yet, he thought he could. Because he's not made that way; his intellectual will not compare with the intellectual of this smart student.
And neither will our intellectuals ever match God. How can our little infinite mind ever compare with the finite mine--or the finite mind of us ever compare with the infinite mind of God? That infinite mind of God is so far beyond human intellectuals until it would never be.
The only way that bird will ever know what the man's talking about is by yielding himself, and accepting it, and doing whatever he thinks that the man wants him to do.

Images Of Christ - 59-0525 - William Branham

That's the way He does it

I'm so glad, that in this dark hour Jesus is walking along with His church, showing Hisself alive. This is the darkest hour this world has ever seen. Since the dawn of time, never has it been like this. Never has it been so separated; never has the church been so tore to pieces; never has it been so denominationally eat up, so many differences, so many sensations and things going on in the church. But right in the midst of it all Jesus comes along in this darkest of the hour to show Hisself and His love to His church. The darkest of hour, then Jesus comes along.

Across on the other side of the shore, when the little ship pulled itself into the shore the next morning, there had been a little woman who lived up on the hillside, that had perhaps sold everything on the farm, and had tried to be healed by the doctors, and none of them could do no good.

She'd perhaps sold the team; she'd sold everything she had, spent all her living, and her poor, little, frail, peaked body, her little pale cheeks, and every hope was gone; nothing could take place.

Of course, she had heard of Jesus, but He was all the way across the sea. And when the last penny had been spent, and when biscuits was made for breakfast that barrel scraped the bottom, there was no more oil in the cruse; the money was spent; and she was still sick and weak. And just in that darkest of hour, a little boat landed down there, and Jesus came along, just at that dark hour. Oh, that's the way He does it.

Now, she could not go to Jesus, but...Oh, there is one blessed thing. You can't go to Him, but He can come to you. And He has never at any time failed.

And Then Jesus Came - 57-0302 - William Branham


There's only one form of Eternal Life

There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God. So if we have Eternal Life, we were with God right then, a part of God. We were His attribute. We are now His attribute. And because "In the beginning was the Word." And a word is a thought expressed. So we were His thoughts, then expressed into word and become what we are. That's the reason our names, maybe not what we have now, but our names were put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. See? And if it wasn't there then, it'll never be there. See? And Jesus come to redeem all those, that's whose names were on that Book.

The Harvest Time - 64-1212 - William Branham

He only goes in the Name of the Lord

And when the Word of the Lord comes to a true servant, he must go; regardless of circumstances or regardless of difficulties, he must go anyhow. Whether he's prepared, whether he feels like it, whether he wants to, whether whatevermore; he must go anyhow. It's God speaking, and he must carry this message, because it's... He never goes for foolishness; he never goes for money; he never goes for popularity; he only goes in the Name of the Lord, for one thing: he's got a--a mission, and he's sent of the Lord. And he is the Word of God, because he's carrying the Word of the Lord.

The Way Of A True Prophet Of God - 65-0513M - William Branham


You must pray over the church that you're fellowshipping in

Now, you must pray over the church that you are fellowshipping in. Remember, churches carry a spirit. Now, I don't want to be critical, but I realize that I'm an old man, and I got to leave here one of these days. I've got to answer at the day of the judgment for what I say tonight or any other time, and I--therefore, I've got to be dead earnest and truly convicted. But you go into a church, and if you'll watch the behavior of that church, you just watch the pastor awhile, and you'll usually find that the church acts like the pastor. Sometimes I wonder if we just don't get one another's spirit instead of the Holy Spirit.

The Choosing Of A Bride - 65-0429E - William Branham

He was big enough to do that

Here some time ago I stood Mount Wilson out there where you could see through this big observatory, big glass, see a hundred and twenty million years of light space. Why, how many nines would that take to break it down in miles? A hundred and twenty million years of light space, and beyond that was still moons and stars and on and on, the great solar system. And I stood there amazed. I said, "Think of it. My heavenly Father just, "Whew." Blowed them off His hand like that, put them into a place, and they obey Him. He was big enough to do that and came little enough to save me. He became me that I could become Him. Christ became a sinner, that through His poverty we might receive His riches and to be sons and daughters of God. Amen.

Faith - 56-0427 - William Branham


You're a Christian because God has ordained that you must be a Christian

God's sovereign. Of course, He--He knows, "He is not willing that any should perish but all might come to repentance." But in order to be God, He has to know, and He does know before the thing ever come to pass, who would be saved and who would not be saved. That's right. So there is some people that will not, and God knew it in the beginning they would not. And He even raised up Pharaoh and hardened his heart for that very cause, that He might show His power. And Esau and Jacob, to show the election of God might stand sure... Before either child was--when they were born, 'fore they were born, God said, "I love Jacob and hate Esau." That's right. Before... See, you're a Christian because God has ordained that you must be a Christian. Now, you can turn it aside. Some... God will set somebody in your place. But your place is setting there. If God calls you, go take it and stay with it.

Earnestly Contending For The Faith That Was Once Delivered To The Saints - 53-0614A - William Branham

He wants you

Oh, my dear brother, my dear sister, to Him that's able to keep you from falling, to Him that's able to hold your heart in grace, may He shed His blessings upon you. May you never forget that we're living in the last days of the last church age, where it's predicted to be a lukewarm church age, just halfhearted about It. And stop being halfhearted. Really come to Christ, with all your heart. I ain't telling you what church to join. That don't have... God will never ask you that in the judgment. No, sir. He don't care what church you belong. He wants you; it's an individual. And you must be borned again and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or you're gone. See? You're just playing church; you're just impersonating until you actually have an experience of being borned again.

The Seven Church Ages - 54-0512 - William Branham


Just lean on His understanding

Satan was much smarter than Eve. She didn't--wasn't even in the picture. But she wasn't supposed to be smart; she was supposed to be obedient. We're not supposed to be smart. Jesus said the children of this world, or, the kingdom of this world is much smarter, the children of darkness than the children of Light. We are likened to sheep. Sheep can't even lead themselves; they've got to have a shepherd. God don't want us smart, He wants us to lean on His understanding (Amen.), just where He leads. Amen. You see the picture? Don't lean upon your own understanding. Proverbs 5, 3. Don't lean upon your own understanding, lean upon His understanding. No matter how contrary it seems, and how big the bright lights look out here, don't pay no attention to it. Just lean on His understanding, what He said is the Truth.

Oneness - 62-0211 - William Branham


Watch what God's vindicating and proving

You can cross that line. Like the children of Israel did in their journey, coming through the wilderness, Israel did the same. After they'd heard Moses' message and seen it vindicated; listened to a false prophet that said, "Oh, now look, children, we're all the same. We should marry among one another, and we should do this." And Moses had told them different, and seen God vindicate it. Because Balaam seemed to be a more instructive man than Moses was. See? He come from a great nation where there was great people, and was all organized together, the land of Moab, great armies, and great things that the people in them days would've feared. And here come a prophet down, a prophet, anointed one, false anointed one (See?), come down to an anointed one (Look how close.), and taught the people, and many of them went after that (Don't you never forget that. See?)--went after the thing that wasn't the Word, the vindicated proven Word. Don't let someone come in here and tell you something different. Watch what God's vindicating and proving.

Power Of Transformation - 65-1031M - William Branham

Then we become a dwelling place for God

Now, holy God could not condone sin. So nothing could touch the mountain where God was. Then God was made flesh and dwelt among us in the form of Jesus Christ His Son, His creation. Then that Son gave His life, and the Blood cell of God was broken that the Life might come out of the Blood to us. Through that Blood we are cleansed. And now our blood, our life, which came by living through sexual desire brought our life in the world; the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us, changes our nature by sending upon us the Holy Spirit; then we become into the Divine nature of God; then we become a dwelling place for God.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham


That's what takes real love

When you're young couple and you find favor with one another, it makes you join yourselves together for a lifetime journey: Love, and that's phileo love; that's human love. What will Agapao love do, when you can really get into a place that you can show God that you love Him and you got confidence in Him? How you'll join yourself to Him, not only for a life's journey, but for eternity. How you're willing to take His Word, just at what He says, and say, "That's right, Lord. I question it not," and move right on. That's what takes real love.

It Is I - 60-0720 - William Branham


He is hid from the unbeliever, and revealed to the believer

132. Now we find, God, all ages, has had skin on It. He, God, has been hid behind the veil.
133. It just reminds me of a--a little story that happened down in the South. And so there was a Christian home. And then in this Christian home they believed God, and they--they thought that--that God protected them from all troubles. And, which, He does. And they had a little junior, a little boy about seven or eight years old. And--and he went to Sunday school and was a very fine little lad. But he was scared in a storm, especially when lightning was flashing.

134. And I told this to a man, the other day, when this piece had come out about this man being healed. This same minister said, "They make a god out of you, Brother Branham."
135. Well, he was a critic, so I thought I'd just kind of break it off, just a little bit. Not to hurt, you know, but just kind... I said, "Is that too far from the Scripture, to be that?" See? I said, "No, it isn't," I said, "because Jesus called prophets 'gods.' See? That's right, 'God.'"
136. And they say, "Well, you people try to take the place of God." That's not too far out. That's exactly what it is. That's exactly. God manifested in flesh, just as He promised.

137. This little family, we find. I told him this little story, which come to my mind just now. That, one night it come up a storm, and mother said to Junior, said, "Now, you go on upstairs, son, and go to bed."
Said, "Mama, I'm scared," he said.
"Ain't nothing going to hurt you. Go on up and go to bed."
138. Little junior laid up there, and the lightning flashing around the windows. And the little fellow got so nervous, he'd stick his head under the cover, and he could still hear the--the lightning, or see the lightning flash on the windows, and--and hear the thunder roar. So he said, "Mama!"
And she said, "What do you want, junior?"
Said, "Come up here and sleep with me."
139. So she come up the steps, like any good, loyal mother would. And she came up, and she took little junior in her arms. And she said, "Junior, mother wishes to speak to you just a moment."
Said, "All right, mama."
140. Said, "Now you must bear this in mind. We go to church, constantly. We read the Bible. We pray. We are a Christian family. We believe in God." And said, "We believe that, in storms and whatever goes on, God is our protection."
141. He said, "Mama, I believe every bit of that. But," said, "when that lightning is so close," he said, "I--I want a God with skin on It."
142. So, I--I think, not only junior, but all of us feel that way. When we get together, when we pray one for the other, God with skin on It.

143. And we find out here that God has always had skin on Him. When Moses seen Him, He had skin on Him, look like a Man. When God was behind the curtains, He had skin on Him. And God, tonight, in His Church, is veiled in His Church with skin on It. He is still the same God, tonight. We find that.
144. But now, as ever, the skin veil is what catches the traditions. They just can't believe that that is God making them people act like that. See? It's because God is veiled in His Church, in skin, skin on It. That's right. He is hid from the unbeliever, and revealed to the believer. Yes, sir.

The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us - 64-0629 -William Branham

Then what should we do on this hour?

There isn't one thing left, as I see in the--in the prophetic Word, one thing left or one thing hindering the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ this very hour, not one thing left in the Bible. Everything has been fulfilled, waiting now for the coming of the Lord Jesus. And how should we do this afternoon? We should speak and act today as if this is the last hour we'll ever have. And who knows but what it might be. It may be for some of us, and it may be for all of us. But let's act as if it's our last hour. Let's pray as never before. And let's be a blessing to others, and try to do all we can; for remember, this is only one time that we're mortal. From this on, from the time that we leave this world, we go into another world, and we'll never have the opportunity to win one soul in that world. All that's going to be won will be won right now. And if this may be our last hour then what should we do on this hour?

Hear Ye Him - 56-0930 - William Branham


It's positive

But if you just rely on hope, you hinder faith. Now, hope looks for something, way off. But faith claims it right now. See? Faith says, "God said so and it's mine." That settles it. See? "I don't care if I'm still crippled, I'm still blind, if I'm still sick, that don't have nothing to do with it. I believe it anyhow. It's mine right now. God said so and that settles it." See? That's faith. But hope says, "God said so, and I'm expecting to get it, someday." You see? "I'm expecting, someday." And as long as Satan can put you off to another day, that's as good as he wants. That's right. You'll never get it. Just believe that you got it right now--it's your personal property. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Is that right? Faith acts now. It's positive. There's no... Oh, my. I tell you, sickness and everything else, when faith steps in, it's just like a snowball on a hot stove. It just melts away. Everything goes away from faith. 'Cause faith stands up and takes over rule. When faith speaks, everybody else keeps still. That's right.

Faith Cometh By Hearing - 54-0320 - William Branham


Yes, we want that

We think so much of this body. We put so many clothes on it. We do so many things that's unnecessary, change after change after change and all these things and... And why, it's just everybody. Just let somebody start something. You paint your steps red and watch the Joneses paint theirs red. You change from a Chevrolet to a Ford, and they just can't stand it. It's matching time. You let the--you let a woman come to church, certain type hat on, watch all the women get that, especially the pastor's wife. See? Just watch what happens. Now, that is true. That is the absolutely truth. It's matching time. Brother, it ought to be matching time at... All them--all them things is--is for a purpose. I don't care whether my coat matches my trousers, and I have a hard time. My wife, or my daughter-in-law, or somebody has to tell me what kind of--of a tie to wear with it. I--I don't care whether they match at all. I want my experience to match God's Word. That's the thing, 'cause that's where I aim to live, not down on the corner yonder with the Joneses, but yonder in glory where Jesus has gone to prepare us a place. Yes, we want that. Yes, sir.

Things That Are To Be - 65-1205 - William Branham


He is not dead

What good does it do to preach the Bible if God's a mute and won't answer His promise? What good would it do to feed your canary bird vitamin B, vitamin A to make his wings strong and keep him in a cage all the time? You don't let him out. What good does your vitamins do? What good does all of our seminaries and schools of theology, and our great preachers with D.D., Ph.D., and double L D? What good does that do, if all on a historical God that doesn't live and act the same today as they teach about that did happen? The Bible said that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is not dead; He's raised from the dead and is alive forevermore, ever present, omnipresent forever. That's the God that we want to hear about. That's the God that every true elected son of Abraham wants to hear about and wants to know about.

The Sin Of Unbelief - 58-0517E - William Branham

He wants fire burning

What good does a historical God do you, if He isn't the same today? If the fire of Pentecost ain't just as good today as it was then, what good does it do to talk about it? What if a man was freezing to death and you painted him a fire, and said one day the fire burnt? That won't make him warm. He don't want a painted historical fire; if he's freezing, he wants fire burning. And if--the people who read the Bible don't want something, a God that lived in a day gone by. Let's have a God of today Who's just the same as He was then. We need a God that's present tense.

The Sin Of Unbelief - 58-0517E - William Branham


But in Jesus I'm safe evermore

Isn't it beautiful when you can really anchor your soul into Christ, in such a place till you can get quiet before Him, and hear His Voice speaking to you, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee. I'm the Lord that giveth thee Eternal Life. I love thee. I knowed thee before the foundation of the world. I put thy name upon the Book; thou art Mine. Fear not, it's Me. Don't be afraid; I'm with you." Then I sing. I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest, I'll sail the wild seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep; But in Jesus I'm safe evermore. Remember, the very voice that speaks sweet to you, will condemn the sinner. The very flood that saved Noah, destroyed the sinner. See what I mean?

The Patmos Vision - 60-1204E - William Branham


He will bring it to pass

Now, I want you to look at the difference between Mary and Zacharias. Zacharias, that minister, Gospel minister, or a preacher, as it was in that day, priest in the temple, had knowed all kinds of things that had happened before of the miraculous power of God, but doubted the Angel in his case, where Mary said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't question what could be or so forth. And look how much more she had to believe than what he had to believe. Hannah had had a baby before, when she was past the age. Sarah had a baby before after she was past the age. And that had already happened many times. But Mary had to believe something that had never happened before. No woman had ever brought a child like that into the world by knowing no man. But she had more to believe than what Zacharias did. So therefore, she didn't question God; she just took God at His Word. Amen. I like that. Take God at His Word. Believe It anyhow. No matter how impossible it looks to be, believe God, and He will bring it to pass.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0115 - William Branham


The tape ministry is a worldwide thing

The tape ministry is a worldwide thing, everywhere. I think it's one way God has got scattering the Message back into the heathen lands, back in where that it has to be translated. And in Germany, and so forth, they got tapes they go to their congregations, of hundreds and hundreds of people; and put little things in their ears, and run it onto a tape. And just as I'm speaking, the minister stands there making the same expressions, and in the other languages, and bringing it out before hundreds. And hundreds are being saved and healed, just through the tapes going out across the world. All in English, but being translated in many, many different language in tribes around the world. We hear from them, back through the mail.

The Testimony - 63-1128M - William Branham


But don't you bow to one of them

That's what's the matter with the Church tonight: we got a wishbone instead of a backbone. What we need is something in there that'll stand you up. Amen. Every man that ever amounted to a hill of beans had to fight for what he got. God don't give it to you on a silver platter. He said, "There's the promised land. She's flowing with milk and honey. But before you get there, you're going to go through all these Hivites and Canaanites and everything. But don't you bow to one of them. You destroy the things as you come to them. Stop building a fire on the enemies altar." Amen.

God Talked To Moses - 53-0831 - William Branham