What good does it do to preach the Bible if God's a mute and won't answer His promise? What good would it do to feed your canary bird vitamin B, vitamin A to make his wings strong and keep him in a cage all the time? You don't let him out. What good does your vitamins do? What good does all of our seminaries and schools of theology, and our great preachers with D.D., Ph.D., and double L D? What good does that do, if all on a historical God that doesn't live and act the same today as they teach about that did happen? The Bible said that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is not dead; He's raised from the dead and is alive forevermore, ever present, omnipresent forever. That's the God that we want to hear about. That's the God that every true elected son of Abraham wants to hear about and wants to know about.
The Sin Of Unbelief - 58-0517E - William Branham
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