
He wants you

Oh, my dear brother, my dear sister, to Him that's able to keep you from falling, to Him that's able to hold your heart in grace, may He shed His blessings upon you. May you never forget that we're living in the last days of the last church age, where it's predicted to be a lukewarm church age, just halfhearted about It. And stop being halfhearted. Really come to Christ, with all your heart. I ain't telling you what church to join. That don't have... God will never ask you that in the judgment. No, sir. He don't care what church you belong. He wants you; it's an individual. And you must be borned again and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or you're gone. See? You're just playing church; you're just impersonating until you actually have an experience of being borned again.

The Seven Church Ages - 54-0512 - William Branham

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