132. Now we find, God, all ages, has had skin on It. He, God, has been hid behind the veil.
133. It just reminds me of a--a little story that happened down in the South. And so there was a Christian home. And then in this Christian home they believed God, and they--they thought that--that God protected them from all troubles. And, which, He does. And they had a little junior, a little boy about seven or eight years old. And--and he went to Sunday school and was a very fine little lad. But he was scared in a storm, especially when lightning was flashing.
134. And I told this to a man, the other day, when this piece had come out about this man being healed. This same minister said, "They make a god out of you, Brother Branham."
135. Well, he was a critic, so I thought I'd just kind of break it off, just a little bit. Not to hurt, you know, but just kind... I said, "Is that too far from the Scripture, to be that?" See? I said, "No, it isn't," I said, "because Jesus called prophets 'gods.' See? That's right, 'God.'"
136. And they say, "Well, you people try to take the place of God." That's not too far out. That's exactly what it is. That's exactly. God manifested in flesh, just as He promised.
137. This little family, we find. I told him this little story, which come to my mind just now. That, one night it come up a storm, and mother said to Junior, said, "Now, you go on upstairs, son, and go to bed."
Said, "Mama, I'm scared," he said.
"Ain't nothing going to hurt you. Go on up and go to bed."
138. Little junior laid up there, and the lightning flashing around the windows. And the little fellow got so nervous, he'd stick his head under the cover, and he could still hear the--the lightning, or see the lightning flash on the windows, and--and hear the thunder roar. So he said, "Mama!"
And she said, "What do you want, junior?"
Said, "Come up here and sleep with me."
139. So she come up the steps, like any good, loyal mother would. And she came up, and she took little junior in her arms. And she said, "Junior, mother wishes to speak to you just a moment."
Said, "All right, mama."
140. Said, "Now you must bear this in mind. We go to church, constantly. We read the Bible. We pray. We are a Christian family. We believe in God." And said, "We believe that, in storms and whatever goes on, God is our protection."
141. He said, "Mama, I believe every bit of that. But," said, "when that lightning is so close," he said, "I--I want a God with skin on It."
142. So, I--I think, not only junior, but all of us feel that way. When we get together, when we pray one for the other, God with skin on It.
143. And we find out here that God has always had skin on Him. When Moses seen Him, He had skin on Him, look like a Man. When God was behind the curtains, He had skin on Him. And God, tonight, in His Church, is veiled in His Church with skin on It. He is still the same God, tonight. We find that.
144. But now, as ever, the skin veil is what catches the traditions. They just can't believe that that is God making them people act like that. See? It's because God is veiled in His Church, in skin, skin on It. That's right. He is hid from the unbeliever, and revealed to the believer. Yes, sir.
The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us - 64-0629 -William Branham
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