
Don't never get off

And you find gifts and so forth creeping up in the church, and the operation of these gifts. Before you let it go to operating and things, first... Feel it pressing on your heart... Now, the enemy's real slick. See? And that's just what tears the churches to pieces every time is a true gift operated wrong. See? Something God's trying to do and operated wrong, it'll just--it'll just simply not only hurt you, but it'll tear the whole church up. See? Consult it; take it through and through the Bible, then test it and see if it's God or not. Just keep testing it and trying it, see if it's perfect right down the line and right with the Word. Then you're all right. See? As long as the Word has said it would be here, would operate this certain way, stay right with it. Don't never get off, no matter what anybody does, how real it seems to be. If it doesn't reflect in the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelations, leave it alone. Don't take no chances; we're in the last days when Satan is just deceiving as he can be.

Revelation Chapter Four #3 - 61-0108 - William Branham

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