
What a beautiful thing

And when you are truly baptized into Him, the true evidence is that you believe Him, the Word. How can you be a part of Him and then deny Him? How can I deny my hand being my hand? If there... If I do, there's something mentally wrong with me. And how can I... If there's something mentally wrong with me, deny that's my hand, deny that's my foot? There's something spiritually wrong with the believer that denies any Word that God ever said in promise. There's something spiritually wrong with that so-called believer. You can't deny one letter of Him, because you have become a part of the same. You are a part of Him, because you're baptized into Him by the Holy Spirit that's brought you into the Body of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful thing.

God's Chosen Place Of Worship - 65-0220 - William Branham

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