
It's teaching to you

Just as sure as God kept His Word to Peter, James, and John; just as sure as He kept It to John the beloved, the revelator; just as sure as He kept His promise to the church ages; it's that sure that He promised in this last days He'd send down in a latter rain and would bring back the same Spirit was upon the earth in Him, the Light shall come in the evening time and show the same power, the same signs, and everything that He did in His day He would show it again in this open Door in the last day. Here It is. We got It right with us now, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. You're... It's preaching to you; It's teaching to you; It's trying to get you to see what's right and wrong. It's the Holy Spirit Himself speaking through human lips, operating among human beings, trying to show mercy and grace.

Revelation Chapter Four #1 - 60-1231 - William Branham

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