
It's just got to be put together

A real Bible believer, punctuates every one of these promises of God with a "Amen." That's right. If you can't believe it all, you say, "Well, I believe this, but I don't know about that," you've got the same interpreter that Eve had. She tried... He tried to interpret it to Eve. "Oh, this is right, and that's right"; and "Oh, that's true to that. But, surely God..." God said so. And every word... There's not one word, or one phase of it, can be mis--mis-accepted. If you don't accept it with all your heart, every bit of it, then you might as well not even start at all. See? Remember, it was one little phrase of it, just turned around, that caused every sickness, every heartache, every death, everything. It caused it all. Just by misbelieving one little phrase caused all this. Do you think just deliberately walking over one little phrase will get you back, when... People don't accept half of it sometimes, and then call themselves Christians. See, see? It's all right, every bit of it. It's just got to be put together. And there's only One can do it; that's the Holy Spirit, by interpreting It by His own fulfilling what He said He'd do.

The Voice Of The Sign - 64-0214 - William Branham

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