An absolute is like the north star when you're lost. When you… When you've lost your directions, and you want to find your way back, the north star is an absolute. Now, there's other stars, but they turn with the world. As the world turns around them, the… it turns away from them. And the… You know, the same morning star is the evening star also, because the world just turned around. But there's one star that does not move, and it's centered right in the middle of the earth. And therefore the… It's a—it's a sure star. If you know the north star, you can always find your way around. But, oh, that's when a man is lost, and he doesn't know just which way to go. Now, I know a Star. Oh, it's more than a north star. And to be tied and see His Presence, no matter how you're lost or where you are, you can find your way back by His guidance, that's His Word. It's the way out of all troubles. It's the way to peace. It's the way to success. It's the way to Life, itself, is to follow this Star, the Lord Jesus. And now, if you are tied to that Star, the Holy Spirit is the Compass that'll only point to the Star. The Holy… A compass, it is magnetized to that North Pole. And the only way, no matter how much jungle you're in, or how deep the thickets are around you, or how foggy it is at sea, that compass hand, you can turn it any way you want to, and it'll swing right back and point to the north star. And when we're in trouble, and trusting Christ, there's one thing sure: the Holy Spirit will point us to the Word that will guide us to the North Star, and to deliver of everything we have need of. He is our Absolute.A Absolute - 63-0304 - William Branham
It's the way out of all troubles
That's wrong, brother
No matter how long you've been a Christian, do you still got those little old spirits that talk to you, makes you fly loose, makes you talk about somebody? When somebody comes up and goes to speaking about somebody else, you join right in with them and oh, just run them down? That's wrong, brother; don't do that. That'll finally keep you out of the promised land. If you just got that little old things that you oughtn't to have, if the love of God really isn't in your heart, won't you be lady and men, walk up and say, "God, right here I'm going to dump it out this morning, right here. I'm going away from this altar a different person." Would you come?Enticing Spirits - 55-0724 - William Branham
Your life tells what you are
So a hypocrite, an impostor, he can go to the world and affiliate with the world, and act like the world, and live in the world, and enjoy the pleasures of the world, and come to church and pretend to be a Christian. But the real Christian can't go out into the world and come back; there's something wrong. So that shows... Show me your company, I will tell you who you are. Let me go into your house and see what you read, let me listen to--see what kind of music you--you have playing. Let me see what kind of magazines, what kind of literature you read. Let me look in your office and see if it's a big bunch of these vulgar pictures of pin-ups and things. And you tell me you're a Christian, I won't say nothing to you; but in my heart I will watch what kind of fruit you're bearing (See?), 'cause that's your diet. Oh, you say, "I belong to the church. Well now, you no business judging me, Brother Branham." I am not judging you; the Word is a judging you. That's right. Your fruit, your life tells what you are.Pride - 55-0807A - William Branham
Hold on to it
Some people has great big faith like this, anything can happen. The next has faith that deep, takes a little longer. Next has faith that deep, takes quite a little while. Some has faith like a mustard seed. But if it's mustard seed faith, genuine faith, hold on to it; just keep believing it; it'll become marble faith; then it'll become grapefruit faith; and then it'll become mountain faith. It'll bring you right out if you just stay with it. Hold on to it; it'll bring you right straight to the light, if you'll stay with it.The Second Miracle - 51-0729E - William Branham
Show the devil what you're made out of
Refuse to sign for anything the devil brings. He will have to take it back. Say, "I refuse to have it. I just won't have it, no, sir." He will have to take it back in the Name of the Lord. If you believe it, and confess it, and say, "I've accept Jesus Christ as my Healer," there's no affliction or disease can stay on you. Stay right with it. But the first time that you get weak and say, "Well, yes, I've still got it." Then you drop right down to where you was at. You signed for it, then took it back. Say, "Yes, Mr. Devil, I--I'll have it back." Oh, brother. You stand right there as--as long as there's a breath in your body, say, "I refuse to have it. I refuse to have it." How do you feeling? "Wonderful, hallelujah." That's it. That's right. Show the devil what you're made out of; you're borned again by the Spirit of God, and you don't have to bow down to his images. Stay right there, say, "I don't want your stuff." "Why, here's your name on it, the doctor said..." "I don't care what he said. I know what God said. Get away from here with it." That's right, that's the way to treat him; hand it back. He was the one give it to you, he will have to be the one take it back.The Second Miracle - 51-0729E - William Branham
We're ready to fly away
The same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel through the wilderness, the same Angel of God that come into the--the place and delivered Peter from the bars, the same Lord Jesus that stood before Paul and sent the shining light that blinded his eyes. And the men around him couldn't see no light at all. But Paul; it put his eyes out. And he was blind and had to be led by the hands to the city, the light was so bright around him. That same Light, the Lord Jesus Christ is here tonight in His resurrected Being and proving Himself by infallible signs and wonders that He's here. Oh, people, put your faith into action. Don't be a scared. Why, shame on you; don't be scared. Stand fast in the liberty wherein Christ has made you free. Don't entangle yourself in a bird cage any longer. Come on out of it. Break down the walls. Christ tore down the middle walls of partition, made us free. We're ready to fly away. Amen. I like that.Faith In Action - 55-1003 - William Branham
That's what makes us love Him
Why God picked on little Bethlehem, and then did not choose these greater cities...?... They had greater names, and more of a spiritual background. But, you know, God has a way of doing things, just His Own way about things. I'm so glad He does. See? Sometimes He takes things that doesn't have a spiritual background, or doesn't have any background at all. And that's why He is God; He can take something that's nothing, and make something out of it. And then that's what makes Him God. That's what makes us love Him. That's what makes us poor people appreciate Him, because that even though we, poor, with no background, yet God can do great things with us if He ever gets us under His control.God's Wrapped Gift - 60-1225 - William Branham
Let Him be Lord
It's the greatest present that was ever give. Oh, of course, you give your friends Christmas presents. That's good. That's tokens. But, brother, there's a Present offered you tonight that no money could ever buy. It's a free gift come from God: His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Would you receive Him as your personal Guider, as your personal Saviour, as your God, as your—as your Redeemer, as your King? He heals the soul and the body. He takes the control room. If you got fears and doubts, just let it go now. Let Him be King. Let Him come in and take over. Let Him be Lord. "Lord" is "Ruler." Lordship is rulership.The Unity Of One God In The One Church - 58-1221E - William Branham
Your very breath holds in His hand
Oh, how we could only stop just a minute! Who are you, anyhow? What does that job you got mean? Or what does that little house we own mean? What does the car we own mean? Pretty little girl, you little sassy thing, what does that little look that you have now? You young men with a shiny, slick hair, straight shoulders; you'll bend down someday, when stooped with age. But, blessed be the Lord! You've got a soul that's born again. You'll live forever and ever, because He become you, that you through His grace might become Him, and make a place for you. Oh, we who think that we got a change of clothes, and a few groceries in the house, what are we? God could take it in a second. Your very breath holds in His hand. And here in our midst to heal the sick, to proclaim and profess, and to foretell, and every time perfect. And even concerned enough to bring a little, dead fish back to its life again, in the midst of us. Jehovah around us, Jehovah in us, the great and mighty I AM.Hebrews Chapter Two #2 - 57-0825E - William Branham
Today this Scripture is fulfilled
Now, how could those people ever fail to see Who He was? How did they ever miss it? How could it be, when it was so plainly made known and showed? How could they have ever missed seeing? When He... What a Word! Think of it, "This day is this Scripture fulfilled before your eyes." Who said it? God Himself, Who is the interpreter of His Own Word. "This day is this Scripture fulfilled." The Messiah, Himself, standing in the presence of the congregation and reading a Word out of the Bible, pertaining to Himself, and then saying, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled," and they still failed to see It.This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled - 65-0219 - William Branham
It will be so
When, we think sometimes it's all "we got to do this and do that" to make the clock tick just right. God's timepiece is ticking perfectly, and Jesus will be here right on time. He won't be one second behind. Everything will happen just exactly the way God said it would. So, whether we do it or whether we do not do it, it will be here just the same, 'cause God has spoke it, and it will be so.We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham
It's to them that believe
137 I just wonder tonight, brother, sister, if we sometime, we're always trying to see how much we can get ourself, when we ought to be giving what we got, to Christ. See, not learning how smart we can be, and how we can outwit the other fellow, but how all that we've got we can surrender to Him. 138 "God give me a dream, I wouldn't even believe it," I heard some people say. 139 "I don't believe in Divine healing." I was showing a fellow the other day about it. He said, "I don't care how many doctors would sign their names, I don't care how many you say, and what would be, or whatever more," said, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" I said, "Certainly not. It was not for you." 140 Divine healing was not sent to unbelievers. It was sent to believers. Christ is to believers. The Holy Ghost is to them that believe, only; not for unbelievers, wasn't intended for them. It's a blind stumbling block to them, always will be, always was. It's not to unbelievers. It's to them that believe! That's it.We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham
We need to go back to a power of God
And Brother Lyle and I, as we set out there, that's Sister Moore's father, and how he told me that in the early days, back in those days when they were persecuted and turned out from everywhere, that he was in a meeting once to where they were—had forbid them to worship the Lord in the Spirit. And a group of people come up and shot through the windows with pistols and rifles. And an old sister standing in the floor with her hands up in the air praising God while the windows was being riddled with bullets from rifles. And the bullets struck the woman's dress and fell to the floor without harming her. We need to go back to a power of God, and a—something that can do the same thing today. Although in our numbers… Persecution always gives strength to the church. We've had it too easy. We get slothful. We get to a place where we don't want to move on, because everything's just handed to us. It takes sorrow, and tears, and sweat, and prayer, and faith, and promise to move forward in the power of the Holy Spirit. That zeal and power that they had in those days has long time vanished from our assemblies. I'm afraid if the windows would be shot out tonight, people'd run every way and never come back again.Return And Jubilee - 62-1122 - William Branham
I was sent to you
But remember, brother, that message is supposed to shake the nation or shake the church. Don't you look for some great something to come down on corridors. The message of God will be exactly to the elected church. These signs and wonders will never be done before the world; they're not supposed to be. President of the Four Rose Whiskey Company, his wife was... She's a--a Missionary Alliance. And she was in one of the meetings; she called Brother Bosworth, which was a Missionary Alliance, and said, "The thing of it is, you're not letting that gift get started out." Said, "What I seen last night would be done in the capitals and so forth, of the nation, why," said, "it would convert--bring the whole world to Christianity." But you see, it's not sent to capitals of nations. See? It's sent to the elected church. You see, you're not... "Oh," they say, "put your name on great big signs, and hit the big nerve centers; get on television." It wasn't meant for that. I was just sent to you, the church, and that's it. Now, you believe it with all your heart.Balm In Gilead - 61-0218 - William Branham
It can't sink
I was saying somewhere, maybe here a few nights ago, I wanted to preach so bad, I preached to my wife in bed till twelve o'clock, just telling her of how glorious Jesus was. A text come in my heart. It kept burning me so great till I just couldn't rest with it. And I just said, "Honey, I want to preach to you a little while." And she roused up; by grace she listened. I said, "The Christian faith is based solidly upon rest. That's right. A Christian is not tossed about. A Christian doesn't run from place to place. A Christian doesn't fuss, and fume, and worry about things. A Christian rests. It's all over. It's all finished for the believer at Calvary. That's right. Oh, sickness may comes and disappointments; but the Christian's at rest knowing this, that God's able to keep that which He has performed, knowing that no matter what the thing is, or how it looks, there's neither sickness, sorrow, death; there's neither starvation or anything that can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ. We're at rest. Just let the old ship toss any way she wants to; the anchor holds.Why Are People So Tossed About? - 56-0101 - William Branham
I come by a harbor one time and seen that. We was flying in a plane. The great... Coming down low, there was a big old ship there. The sails had been let down, you know. And, oh, what a storm on the sea. My, she was tossing. And I seen that old ship there rocking back and forth, and some waves that would go in, and some waves that would go under, and everything. And I said, "Wonder why that is?" And a fellow setting said, "It's got a sea anchor on it. Therefore," said, "the ship can't sink." He said, "It can go through the waves, but it can't sink, because it's anchored." I said, "Oh, praise be to God; we got a anchor." Some waves we can go over, and some we can go under; but regardless, if the anchor holds... It isn't the ship doing the holding; it's the anchor doing the holding. It isn't what I am, or what I will be, or what I was; it's what He is now, and what He did for me and you. It ain't what I can do; it's what He has done.
My faith doesn't anchor in what the coming meetings will be. My faith doesn't rest in only--any ability that I would have, or upon what church I should join, or what people I should associate with. My faith anchors and rests entirely upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, already been received. God justified Him by raising Him from the dead. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased," and God raised Him up from the dead for our justification. No wonder the poet said:"Living He loved me; dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away; Rising, He justified, freely forever: Someday He's coming--oh, glorious day."The Christian rests in that hope upon the stormy seas. There... Sure, storms rise, all kinds of troubles, but we're anchored. That's all. It'll never sink. It can't sink.
It's only based on one thing
Now, if the same person, another person, approaches on that same basis, He's got to do the same thing. Or, if it didn't, then He did wrong. He did wrong then when He healed that—that one woman, and healed her that way, then He did wrong when He—when He healed her, if He—if He did—if He didn't do the… If He—if He did—healed her, then if He doesn't heal you, He acted wrong then when He healed the first one, if you'll meet the same requirements of faith that she did. It's only based on one thing, "I can if ye believe." That's all. So, see, then it all lays back, no matter how much strain or what we put on it, it's not that; it's relax and believe.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
God's still got mercy open
348. Brother Branham, some say mercy is over and no one can be saved. Now, is this true? (I'm glad I got this one.) We watch and pray--we watch the prayer lines, and it seems some are still finding mercy. Now, that's the first question, you got two. "Is mercy over?" Don't never think that. See? Just keep right on doing everything you can until you're taken away. See? "We notice in the prayer line some's finds mercy." Sure. Mercy's--the doors are open. See? I think where you got this--this thought might lay between... See, I don't have time to give each one of these Scriptures their right place (You see?), each one of these things their right place. They... In the prayer line you find mercy, certainly. If I knowed Jesus was coming this afternoon, I'd be doing just the thing I'm doing right now (See?), just continuing right on. Mercy is always open. See?Questions And Answers #3 COD - 64-0830 - William Branham
And now, where I think you get it, is about the finishing of the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals being loosed. See? The Seven Seals, it's manifested what takes place has--what has took place. The seventh church age, we're at the end of the seventh church age. When I say the end, that doesn't mean it's this very hour, this very minute. You remember, the Bible said, back in the times of--of the Lord Jesus, Paul said, "For the time is at hand." Do you realize how long that was in God's time? That was yesterday. My time, it's been two thousand years. See? The time is at hand. See? What God calls at hand is not what we call at hand. See? So just keep on believing, keep on praying, keep on... God's still got mercy open; just keep flowing into it as fast as you can. God will do the stopping when it's time to stop. See?
349. Now. Brother Branham, is it true that no one should preach but you? We have seen your--we have seen you ordain men. We do--don't believe you would do that if there were not--if they were not to preach. Mercy. Brother, sister, ever who told you that nobody's to preach but me, I'd sure be a poor subject to God with all that. No. Every man or that feels a call of God upon his life, get into the ministry and start preaching; we need them. Men of God are anointed all over the world to preach the Gospel. See? I'm just one little pebble on the beach among many big stones. See? So I... There's just many that's more eligible, more worthy, more of anything to preach than me; I'm just one little, humble person laying out here. I'm one grain of wheat in a whole garner. See? So that just a... You know what I mean. Any man that's called of God needs to preach the Gospel.
The hour is at hand
And remember, the very time that the sleeping virgin went to buy the oil, that's when the Bridegroom came. Glory. Don't you see it? If the Presbyterians and the Episcopalians and those others, are come seeking for the Holy Ghost, you'd better get your lamp trimmed. Trimmed, trimmed, yes, it needs trimming. Pentecost, better be trimming some lamps. Amen. Get a lot of this world cut away from you. You done got corroded over. The wicks got in bad shape. You know that wick is a great thing. I used to watch. What a real wick of God is a--a believer, is a wick. Look, he's got a fire on one end, up here, and the other end's dipped into oil, drawing oil and making fire. What a--what a church, what a power. What a place to be. Hallelujah. Shining that same Gospel light that shines in the east, is shining in the west. It shall be light in the evening time. Rise, trim your lamp, Pentecost. Trim off the world; trim off the fashions of the world; trim off the things of the world. Get ready; the hour is at hand.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
Act like gentlemen
Abel died on the same rock with his lamb. Every believer has to do the same thing: die on the rock with your lamb. A lamb don't have but one thing, and that's wool. And he has to forfeit all he's got. He don't kick up a fuss about it. You take the little fellow and throw him up there, like I said, the lamb dumb before its shearers. He gets sheared off. He don't fuss about it. Only thing he's got, he forfeits it willing. And we say we're Christians. Somebody wrote me a little letter the other day and--little note, and funny isn't it, I got it down there, said, "I got a right; I'm a American citizen; I wear any kind of clothes I want to." Go right ahead, it's all right. That shows you're a goat. That's right. You just go ahead and wear them if you wish. But remember, if you're a lamb, you have got a right to it, but you forfeit your rights for Christ. I got a right to get drunk tonight too; I'm American citizen. I got a right to smoke cigarettes; I'm American citizen. You have too, but we forfeit our rights. Be shaved off of those things. Act like gentlemen, like ladies, dress like it, and act like it and live like it. Forfeit your rights.The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
It's your faith
Now, the people, you see, it's your faith. It's never your feelings. It's nothing, whether it's so, if my hand isn't straight. That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's my faith that does that. See? Right before us, we see the image of a perfect healed person, by faith. And then we just make step by step till we step right into that person, and just walk right on with it. See? There you are. And that, that's what does it, your faith; not your feelings. Your faith does it. The thanks and praise be to God!What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ - 63-1124 - William Branham
He's looking for time-tested material
And Jesus Christ came from heaven to glory, from glory down here to build a Church. And the material that He's putting in it is time-tested material. You might come to the altar and make a confession, but when He finds blow holes and everything else in to where the world's blown the maggots in you, and so forth, you cannot stand; He just pitches you to one side. God wants a time-tested church, not somebody's a Christian today and a backslider tomorrow, and is in-and-out, up-and-down; He can't place you nowhere. But He's got a church that's tested, went through the trials, through losses, through sickness, through sorrow, through death, and still standing with a testimony. That's the man. Yes, that's the man He's looking for. I don't care if you're a pauper; I don't care if you're a beggar. I don't care if you're a ragpicker. Whatever you are, God puts the test to you. He's looking for time-tested material.Time Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham
He knows your needs
He knows your needs. He knows how to bring it to you. But the trouble of it is, because it don't come the way you think it ought to come, then you're all discouraged, and you hand it back to Him. Let's ask Him, and believe that He will send it just the way He wants to send it. And accept it upon the basis. That's right. See? If you ask Him, don't make Him a liar. He can't lie. He promised, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Now, God can't lie. Ask Him and it shall be done. "Seek, ye shall find; knock, it'll be opened." We believe that. Certainly we do.The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way - 62-0120 - William Branham
You just have to get alone once in a while with Jesus
You know there's something about getting alone to yourself. Many people never pray until they come to church. Many people thinks that the only place to pray is at church, but the Bible said for men to pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands. And then when we get by ourself, we'll usually pray different than what we would if we pray it in church. It's the secret prayer that Jesus spoke of, saying, "Enter ye into a secret closet, and close the door, and when you have did so, pray to your Father Who sees in secret; and He that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." And when we're praying like that, there seems to be something to the prayer that takes all the hypocrisy out of it. It seems like that we get in a better connection with God, to get alone. And there's been many times in my life, as perhaps in your life, that you just have to get alone once in a while with Jesus.Blind Bartimaeous - 57-0301 - William Branham
You don't need it no more
And today, when a man hears the good news, Christ died in your stead, nothing that you can do about it, Christ paid the price, the Gospel sound, you can drop every cigarette, every chew tobacco, every whiskey bottle, every--every thing that's binding you and say, "I am free. This is the good news. Christ has made me free." You're a free people. You don't have to go any longer. You don't have to serve the devil any longer. You can be free if you desire to be free. Now, you don't have to drink; you don't have to run around; you don't have to mistreat your wife; you don't have to curse; you don't have to lie; you don't have to steal; you don't have to be weary. Why, you've got the resources up yonder that's never been tapped of the bountiful blessings of God that the world knows nothing about. You say, "I must have a little pleasure." Why, brother, if you ever hear the good news of the trumpet, the worldly pleasures seem so little they're sounding brass and a tinkling symbol. You don't need it no more.The Mark Of The Beast - 56-0715 - William Branham
But remember, in there you've got a soul
Sometimes I notice, people go out here... I was standing by a big museum here not long ago. And I seen the analysis of a human body. A man that weighed a hundred and fifty pounds was worth eighty-four cents in chemicals. Could you think of it? And then you think you're somebody. You're worth eighty-four cents. That's right. Put a ten dollar hat on eight-four cents and think you're somebody. Wrap a five hundred dollar chubby around you and think you're somebody when you're eighty-four cents. You sure take care of that eighty-four cents, though, don't you? That's right. But remember, in there you've got a soul that's worth ten thousand worlds. And you let the devil push that around anyway. Yes, that's right. You take a person, some of these little feisty people out on the street, don't know no more about God than a Hottentot would know about an Egyptian knight. Oh, they belong to church. Wrap a five hundred dollar mink coat around them, stick their nose up in the air, if it'd rain, it'd drown them, thinking they're somebody. What are they? Eighty-four cents. That's right. But you got a soul, remember.The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People - 54-0306 - William Branham
God will let you take over the territory
Little by little, just as you kill out this bunch of Amorites, I'll let you move in and take over. If you kill out this bunch of Hivites, I'll let you move in, take over." Somebody said, "Well, I got... I was prayed for last night. I had a crippled hand and the only thing I can do is wiggle my finger." Well, that's just all the farther you spread out. Brother, well, if you'll spread farther you'll move your arm. As you spread your faith, God will let you take over the territory. It's yours. God promised you your health again. Hallelujah. Whew. My, I feel good. O God, spread me out. Amen.God Talked To Moses - 53-0831 - William Branham
Because God uses pennies sometime
All these believers, as we could go on for hours, all these were like a bunch of change out of your pocket, in God's hands. You pull out a bunch of change. There is pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half of dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is, in God's hand. There is some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in It, because God uses pennies sometime. Lot was just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take… A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him. He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got. So you see people that say, "I don't believe in healing. I don't believe in these things," just know it's a penny, but just let him alone. See? Just a penny's worth, and so that's all he can buy. Don't stop him; just let him alone. Remember, that's just all the farther he can go. Joseph, he was separated from his brethren. Yeah, I didn't mean that hardly in that way that I said it, see. I mean, if he just, "Well, I belong to this, and that's what we believe." It's just a penny, go ahead, see; just a penny. Say, "Well, the Lord bless you, my brother." See, he is copper; he can never be silver (You see?), so just let it go ahead. God can use him. Oh, He is using it. I'd rather see him down there in a church than to see a barroom standing there on the corner. Wouldn't you? Sure. So just let it alone. God can use it, anyhow; maybe not very much, but He'll use what He can use, as much as they'll let Him use.God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief - 64-0121 - William Branham
Yours might complete It
Then, each night, we want every person that's not a Christian, hope something will be said or done, that you'll become a Christian. And if you're not, if you've already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and accept Him and been baptized, and you haven't received the Holy Ghost as yet, don't let this get by. Just let this be your night. Because, remember, there will be just so many names on that Book. And when the last name is added, that's all of it. And yours might complete It. When the Lamb come and took the Book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, that was the Book of Redemption. And those names was put in there before the foundation of the world. When that last name was called, the Book, the plan, everything else was revealed then, the Seven Seals was opened by the Lamb. The mysteries of the whole Bible was hid in There.The World Is Again Falling Apart - 63-1127 - William Branham
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