
It can't sink

I was saying somewhere, maybe here a few nights ago, I wanted to preach so bad, I preached to my wife in bed till twelve o'clock, just telling her of how glorious Jesus was. A text come in my heart. It kept burning me so great till I just couldn't rest with it. And I just said, "Honey, I want to preach to you a little while." And she roused up; by grace she listened. I said, "The Christian faith is based solidly upon rest. That's right. A Christian is not tossed about. A Christian doesn't run from place to place. A Christian doesn't fuss, and fume, and worry about things. A Christian rests. It's all over. It's all finished for the believer at Calvary. That's right. Oh, sickness may comes and disappointments; but the Christian's at rest knowing this, that God's able to keep that which He has performed, knowing that no matter what the thing is, or how it looks, there's neither sickness, sorrow, death; there's neither starvation or anything that can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ. We're at rest. Just let the old ship toss any way she wants to; the anchor holds.

I come by a harbor one time and seen that. We was flying in a plane. The great... Coming down low, there was a big old ship there. The sails had been let down, you know. And, oh, what a storm on the sea. My, she was tossing. And I seen that old ship there rocking back and forth, and some waves that would go in, and some waves that would go under, and everything. And I said, "Wonder why that is?" And a fellow setting said, "It's got a sea anchor on it. Therefore," said, "the ship can't sink." He said, "It can go through the waves, but it can't sink, because it's anchored." I said, "Oh, praise be to God; we got a anchor." Some waves we can go over, and some we can go under; but regardless, if the anchor holds... It isn't the ship doing the holding; it's the anchor doing the holding. It isn't what I am, or what I will be, or what I was; it's what He is now, and what He did for me and you. It ain't what I can do; it's what He has done.

My faith doesn't anchor in what the coming meetings will be. My faith doesn't rest in only--any ability that I would have, or upon what church I should join, or what people I should associate with. My faith anchors and rests entirely upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, already been received. God justified Him by raising Him from the dead. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I'm well pleased," and God raised Him up from the dead for our justification. No wonder the poet said:
"Living He loved me; dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away; Rising, He justified, freely forever: Someday He's coming--oh, glorious day."
The Christian rests in that hope upon the stormy seas. There... Sure, storms rise, all kinds of troubles, but we're anchored. That's all. It'll never sink. It can't sink.
Why Are People So Tossed About? - 56-0101 - William Branham

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