
It's only based on one thing

Now, if the same person, another person, approaches on that same basis, He's got to do the same thing. Or, if it didn't, then He did wrong. He did wrong then when He healed that—that one woman, and healed her that way, then He did wrong when He—when He healed her, if He—if He did—if He didn't do the… If He—if He did—healed her, then if He doesn't heal you, He acted wrong then when He healed the first one, if you'll meet the same requirements of faith that she did. It's only based on one thing, "I can if ye believe." That's all. So, see, then it all lays back, no matter how much strain or what we put on it, it's not that; it's relax and believe.
The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God #1 - 61-0216 - William Branham

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