
We need to go back to a power of God

And Brother Lyle and I, as we set out there, that's Sister Moore's father, and how he told me that in the early days, back in those days when they were persecuted and turned out from everywhere, that he was in a meeting once to where they were—had forbid them to worship the Lord in the Spirit. And a group of people come up and shot through the windows with pistols and rifles. And an old sister standing in the floor with her hands up in the air praising God while the windows was being riddled with bullets from rifles. And the bullets struck the woman's dress and fell to the floor without harming her. We need to go back to a power of God, and a—something that can do the same thing today. Although in our numbers… Persecution always gives strength to the church. We've had it too easy. We get slothful. We get to a place where we don't want to move on, because everything's just handed to us. It takes sorrow, and tears, and sweat, and prayer, and faith, and promise to move forward in the power of the Holy Spirit. That zeal and power that they had in those days has long time vanished from our assemblies. I'm afraid if the windows would be shot out tonight, people'd run every way and never come back again.
Return And Jubilee - 62-1122 - William Branham

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