
Just don't presume

The day of Pentecost they waited till they had Scriptural authority. That's right. 'Fore they claimed anything, they knowed they had it. They didn't say--say, "Well, I--I felt a little sensation." They felt it, saw it, and everything else. They knowed it was there. They seen it moving in them, working in them, talking through them, everything. It was there. They didn't have to presume nothing. It was there talking for Itself. And a man, when he's borned again of the Spirit of God is the same thing today. You don't presume. "I--I believe we received the Holy Ghost when we believe." No, you didn't. You don't... You could do it, but just because you believed... If God didn't fill you with the Holy Ghost, then He hasn't vindicated you yet. You haven't got it. See? That's right. Don't presume you've got it. Be sure of that thing. You don't want to take a chance on it. No, 'cause you'll be lost. Just don't presume. Just stay... Go, stay till it's over with.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


I love You anyhow

36. I been this week down in the country staying with some very dear friends. I asked some of them at the table yesterday when we was eating... We always set around and have a little--like a little study on the Bible. Talking about love; there's a certain person said to me; he said, "I believe you're an antichrist."
I said, "If that would be pleasing to my Lord, that's what I want to be. I want to be whatever He wants me to be. I love Him. And if He should cast me into hell, I still will love Him, if I go with the same spirit that I have now." He looked at me kinda strange.
I seen four or five of them there, young men, young wives, fine women. I knowed how them boys loved their wives, so I said to them; I said, "Here's the way to test it. If your wife before you were married... Now, you go back, say you--this married life, you been dreaming you were married. You really wasn't married, but you dreamed you were. And you woke up, and you went and talked it over with your girlfriend, and said, 'You know, I dreamed that we were married, and we had children, and we living happy, and--and waiting for the coming of the Lord and everything." And then, this girl would say to you, 'You know, I love another man better than I love you. I could be happier with the other man.' Could you from your heart love her well enough to say, 'God's blessings rest upon you, my dear. Go with this other man.' Now, now, check that, each of you men or you women. See? Well, if your love is correct you'd do that, for you are interested in her welfare. What... You know you could have her; you could live with her, you--she's your wife--she will be, she'll marry you, but she won't be happy. She'd be happier... And then, if you love her, then you want her to be happy. Therefore, whatever the will of God is, let God's will be done whether I'm happy with it or not. I want to live so He will be pleased with what I do. Therefore, check your--your objective and your motive by that, you know whether you love God or not."
What if He'd say, "You've served Me, but I'm going to cast you away"?
"I love You anyhow."

Christ Revealed In His Own Word - 65-0822 - William Branham


He's a genuine thoroughbred

I like a genuine thoroughbred. Oh, he's gentle, you can talk to him. He knows who his papa was, who his mama was, who his grandpa and grandma was. He's got pedigree papers to show where he come from. And I like a pedigreed Christian, that can go all the way back to the Word of God, to the day of Pentecost, and identify themselves there with the saints where the power of the Holy Ghost came upon them. That's a pedigreed Christian. He knows where he come from. He's not identified with Methodist, Baptist, or nothing else. He's identified in God's Word. He knows exactly where he's standing with. The royal Blood of his Father flows through him, the Blood of Jesus Christ. He knows what it does. He believes every Word. God works through him and confirms it with the signs that He promised to follow. He hasn't got no spiritual amnesia. He's a genuine thoroughbred. I like that.

Spiritual Amnesia - 64-0411 - William Branham


It is written

Listen to this children. The Word of God will--will defeat Satan anywhere, any place, on any conditions, any time. When Jesus was here He was God. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, but He never used any of His gifts. When He met Satan, He brought the Kingdom of God so low, till the weakest of Christian can use it. When Satan come to Him and said, "If Thou be the Son of God, command these stones..." He said, "It is written." The Word. He took Him up, tried to whitewash the Word for Him. And Jesus said, "And it is also written." He took Him up to the top of the mountain, said, he had to look all these kingdoms, "I will give them to you if You'll worship me." He said, "It is written." There it is. And it is written, "Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe you receive it; you shall have it." Then defeat Satan with the Word of God.

Expectations - 53-0507 - William Branham


The very nature of God's in you

Some people say, "Well, you should live a better life, turn a new page, this is New Years." Oh, how many resolutions did you make, and all of you broke them? It'll never work. It's a dying out and a rebirth, a regeneration, a new--new creature in Christ Jesus. That's what the world needs today. That's what the Church needs today, is an old-time, apostolic, God-shaken, Holy Ghost revival. That's right. I don't mean in a bunch of fanaticism. I don't believe in a bunch of emotional, worked-up, but I mean a real, true, Blood born salvation that sets men free from sin, and makes him a new creature in Christ. Amen. You know that's the truth. Come upon those basis. Come to God like that and see what happens. Recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as your Superior; recognize that you're dead and your life is hid in Him through God and sealed in there by the Holy Ghost, then walk up to Father. You become a part of God, the very nature of God's in you. You're a son of God; you're a daughter of God.

Fellowship With God Through Reconciliation - 56-0120 - William Branham


He died for unholy

99. Now, I want to say this right now: the Blood of Jesus Christ is all-sufficient. See? Christ never died for them Seraphims. No, no. But they were created beings; He never died for Angels; He died for sinners. See? He never died for holy people; he died for unholy. And long as you think you're holy, He never done you no good. But when you realize you're nothing, then He died--He died for you. See? When you realize that you're nothing, then He's the One--you was the one He died for. God's all holy. There's nothing to Him but holiness; that's all, purity.

Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham


Place God

107. Now, these Angels, when they're in God's Presence, they was... Believed it... David said (You remember we had here a few nights ago when I was preaching on something.), and he said--David said, "I place the Lord always before me, that I shall not be moved. Moreover," he said, "then when I do that, my flesh shall rest in hope." Yes, sir. "Because I know what... He will not leave my soul in hell, neither suffer His Holy One to see corruption. For the Lord is always before me."
Wherever you go, place God. If a man get angry and cusses you, place God between you and him. If a guy calls you a holy-roller, place God between you and him. If the wife gets angry with you, place God. If the husband gets angry, place God. If the children aggravate you, place God. See? Whatever you do, place God. If papa and mama gives you a little spanking and corrects you, place God. Remember what God said about that? "Bring up a child in the way it should go." See? Always remember, place God. Put God before you, and you'll have reverence for God and respects for Him. That's right.

Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham


But you believe

It's Christmas. All the tinsel up-and-down the street of Santa Claus, a German fiction, a Catholic dogma... There's not one ounce of it true. And it takes the place of Jesus Christ, in the hearts of too many Americans. Christmas don't mean Santa Claus. Christmas means Christ. It's not some man with a pipe in his mouth, and coming down a chimney. Teaching your children such as that, what do you expect them to grow up to be? Tell them the Truth, not on some fiction--fictitious story. Tell them there's a God of Heaven Who sent His Son, and that's what Christmas means. And He's near coming again. And as the pressure begins to come to the earth, the devil has put out his things, by eyes, what you can see, the tinsel, and so forth. God's put out His, which is Spirit, that you can't see, but you believe.

Where Is He King Of The Jews? - 58-1221M - William Branham


How shall I prove my love to Him?

The cloudy skies and storms of life are no signs of God's disapproval. Neither are bright skies and still waters signs of His love and approval. His approval of any of us is only IN THE BELOVED. His love is elective which He had for us before the foundation of the world. Does He love us? Ah yes. But how shall we know? We shall know because He SAID SO, and manifested that He did love us for He brought us to Himself and gave us of His Spirit, placing us as sons. And how shall I prove my love to Him? By believing what He said, and by conducting myself with joy amidst the trials that He in His wisdom allows to come to pass.

Smyrnaean Church Age - Church Age Book Chapter 4# - William Branham


He's raised from the dead

In this Christmas times when people are shopping, and dancing, and drinking, and celebrating something that they know nothing about, like they was celebrating Washington or Lincoln's birthday, and not worshipping the... They still got God in a manger, when God's not in a manger. He's raised from the dead, and alive forevermore, living among us, proving Himself, as the same God that the Nicene fathers carried, and down through the ages has come since the day of Pentecost. The same God that met Paul on the road to Damascus; he was a missionary to the Gentile and a messenger from God to the Gentiles. The Gentile's Message started by a visitation of the Pillar of Fire, and it ends the same way.

Paradox - 61-1210 - William Branham


It's the atmosphere of the people...

And it's the atmosphere that brings the miraculous, and wonders, and powers of God among the people. It's the atmosphere of the people. And when people get to a place they're reasoning, and wondering, and stewing, and thinking, and all tore up, and don't know where they do stand, half of them not even Scripturally taught, how can you expect the atmosphere to be right? You can't do it; it won't be right. It's got to be in one accord, one place, and set around with one motive, one thing, then you're going to see something happen.

The Supernatural - 56-0129 - William Branham


Always keep humble

He that humbles himself, God will exalt; he that exalts himself, God will bring to abase. He'll bring him down. Always keep humble, and be little in your own sight. No matter what God does for you, just see how much more humbler you can be all the time. More God blesses you, just keep getting more humble all the time. He can continue to bless. But when you get to a place that you think, "I've got it," you haven't got it, you're on your road out. That's right. See? You lose your influence. You lose the--your strength of your testimony.

Influence - 63-0112 - William Branham


And he's still fighting It

And now, when God promised a royal Seed that would come forth as a Saviour, it's been the work of our--God's enemy, the devil, to try to destroy that Seed all the way down. The first thing, when the righteous son was born, Abel, and the unrighteous was born, Cain, first, he slew Abel thinking he was getting that righteous Seed. For he was standing there when God pronounced the everlasting earthly judgments upon the people, and upon the serpent, and upon the ground, and He promised through the woman would come a Seed. And this Seed would bruise the serpent's head. And the serpent fought at that Seed all down through the age, and he's still fighting It.

The Infallible Proof Of The Resurrection - 57-0114 - William Branham


But God was there just in a spare of a moment

Oh, there it was. And when they walked into the fiery furnace, under trial, under a test, they held true to the end. But God was there just in a spare of a moment, and He delivered them. They knowed that they were prayed up; their sins were confessed. They knowed they'd met every requirement, and yet He seemed to be silent. He's only silent to test you, to see really what you are, what's on the inside of you, see if you really mean from your heart what you're saying with your lips. Let that go deep. We can say with our lips, but is our heart saying it?

Elijah And The Meal Offering - 60-0310 - William Branham


We don't need that

You know, the trouble of it is, you're trying to get Hollywood in the church. The thing you ought to be trying to do is get Hollywood out of the church. See? You're trying to make your building so pretty; you're trying to make your denomination so big, till it'll attract the attention of the people. We can't go over on their side. We got to have them on our side. Everything's shiny, remember, Hollywood glitters with worldliness, while the Gospel glows in humility. There's quite a difference between shining and glowing. The Gospel glows in humility, and meekness, and humbleness, and power. While, Hollywood shines, and everybody hurrahing and hollering, and going to it. See? We don't need that.

A Testimony On The Sea - 64-0307 - William Branham


Everybody is watched...

I believe it was Paul that said, "We are written epistles of God, read of all men." When you're on the street, and when you're at your work, and wherever you are, somebody's watching you. And especially after you have said and made your confession that you are a Christian, they'll watch you much closer then, and that gives an influence to--to the people that's around about you. And we should watch what we do. Because if we produce the wrong influence, then we bring reproach, not so much upon ourselves, but upon what we claim to be, Christians, we bring it upon Christ. And no one, if we would think, you would never want to bring reproach upon Christ. But the wrong act, at the wrong time, will certainly cause a wrong reflection towards the person that's watching you. And everybody is watched, when you profess to be a Christian.

Influence - 63-0803E - William Branham


Be careful

And you people with these saw-blade tempers, that's always spouting off in the mouth at somebody, can't put up, and things like that. Be careful. You're guilty if you speak a word against your brother that's not right, not just. Go around and tear down... You don't have to stick a knife in a man's back to kill him; you can break his character and kill him, kill his influence. Speak against your pastor here, say something bad about him, you just might as well have shot him; told something that wasn't right about him, well, it'll kill his influence with the people and things like that, and you're guilty of it. What Jesus said.

Hebrews Chapter Seven #2 - 57-0922 - William Branham

It should put us into action

Why, when the Angel met Mary that morning on the road to the well and told her she was going to have a baby, knowing no man, it put her into action. She went quickly, telling everybody that she was going to have a baby, knowing no man. She didn't care what it meant or what the people said. She had actually met an Angel of God, and it put her into action. She was conscious that the Holy Spirit was upon her, creating in her a life. Oh, if we could only realize that, that the Holy Ghost is upon us, creating in us a faith, trying to present Hisself in so many different ways and gifts to create a faith for a raptured Church. It should put us into action.

Influence - 63-0803E - William Branham

You can never make yourself something that you're not

You can never make yourself something that you're not. If you're just impersonating Christianity, no matter if you're preaching the Gospel, you need an altar call in your soul. That's right. If you're just trying to act like that person that's a Christian, you're miserable yourself, knowing in your heart that you're not. And if the fruits of the Spirit don't follow you: long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, then you need an altar call in your heart. You just feared hell and started off trying to be a Christian. God has to call you to be a Christian. God called Abraham. Give him... elected him.

The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People - 54-0306 - William Branham

That brings fellowship

I would rather have a church that knows nothing about any spiritual gift, and just be so in love with each other and with Christ, I'd rather have that than every spiritual gift operating in the church. Now, that might sound hard in a Pentecostal group, but I would rather have it. Where there is gifts, they'll fail. Where there is gifts, they'll bring confusion. Where there is gifts, they can be questioned. But where there is love, it is perfect. That's right. And if you had perfect love you'd have perfect gifts. That's right. So work first with love. That brings fellowship, and fellowship brings gifts.

The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham

Only Blood will God accept

From Adam until now, man has tried to make his own substitute. Man has constantly tried to do it, from fig leaves to education. He's tried to make himself a substitute. Adam expressed what was in man, when he tried to make his own way back by fig leaves. Since then, they've built towers, they've built cities, they've built idols, they've built civilization, they've built denomination, they've built scientific regimes, and all these things. But still it remains the same. Only Blood will God accept. God only accepts a man through shed Blood.

All Things - 62-1124E - William Branham

We have a national Spirit

American acts like American; German acts like a German, because that's their national spirit. And we have a national Spirit. That's the Holy Spirit coming from God out of heaven, and you act like that. Makes you conduct yourself as they do up there. Because you are of another world. We're living in America; that's true. That's the body part. But the soul that conducts us, our character is from above. We live from above because we're born from above. All Christians come from above. Jesus said, "I'm not from below; I'm from above. If I was from below, My subjects would fight for Me, but My Kingdom is of above." And so is every man that's born of the Kingdom of God, He's from above.

The Kinsman Redeemer - 60-1002 - William Branham


I look at the cross

I have a little cross hanging in front of my car, and somebody said to me, said, "Billy, you know that's a Catholic emblem?" I said, "When did the Catholics get the option on the cross?" Never. That's not an emblem of Catholic faith; that's the emblem of Christian faith. A Catholic faith is a little dead saint, of Mary or--or some dead person that they worship. We don't worship dead people. We don't worship Saint Cecilia and all those different saints. That's Catholicism, which is a high form of spiritualism. But the cross represents Him Who died and rose again. And I said, "I keep that there, looking on the street. Twenty-five years ago, or thirty, when I was almost blind, I promised God if He'd heal my eyes I'd look at the right thing." And I said, "To everywhere you look, it's so ungodly, women half dressed, and naked women laying in the yards and everywhere. I look at the cross instead of looking, and remember what Christ did for me, and turn my head to the things that's of the devil." Hallelujah.

The Church And Its Condition - 56-0805 - William Branham


He's on the receiving end

Here I was illustrating a little something for the kiddies the other night, and was telling about the father of Moses and the mother, and how they was giving the little baby back, committing it back to God Who gave it to them. I said, "Now, if you save your soul, keep it, you're going to lose it. If you give it back to God, you'll keep it." And it's spoke five times in the Bible. Now, and I said, "If--if the father and mother of Moses kept him, they would lose it; if they'd give him back to God, they'd keep him."

And how that that day when they pushed him out in the flags and bulrushes, how God rose from His throne, great robe drop around Him, walked out there, and He said, "Come here, Gabriel, all you Angels, come out here. Look down here; I've got somebody believes Me. I give it to them, and they're giving it back. They can't keep it, because the witches of hell will get it." Them old women going around busting their little heads, and throwing them, and fattening up the crocodiles on them...
Said, "We'll... If we keep it, they'll kill it; we'll lose it, but if we give it back to God, we'll keep it." And in this little bark that you're sailing in tonight, you've got a precious thing in there; it's a soul. If you keep it, you'll lose it. Go on keep it, go on out to the world and act like the rest of them; you'll lose it. But if you'll give it back to the One Who gave it to you, you'll keep it. Amen. Just believe Him.

And they put this little baby in the ark and pushed him out. I can hear God say, "Gabriel, come here a minute." Call ten thousand Angels on marching orders, and line them all up and down the Nile. "You see that not any crocodile comes near that. And when he gets into a whirlpool, see that it gets out all right." You're going to...?... many whirl-pools in this life, my brother, but if God has called Angels on marching orders to take care of it, don't worry, He will get you out of it. Amen.
Notice, and the little ark was pitched. I can imagine why they put that tar on it, you know likes out on the streets? Old crocodile starts to put his nose up there, what a smell. He backed off. And we watch him, all at once, he becomes a flusterated, and away he goes. Why? Gabriel's setting up on top of that ark, floating down the river. That's the reason they couldn't touch it. It would been give back to the One that gave it.

And that's the way it is tonight; God lets His Angels have watch over us. "The Angels of God are encamped about." They don't go back and forth; they stay here. I like that. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him."
I can hear Gabriel say, "But, Lord, where are You going to be at all this time?"
"I'm going to be on the receiving end, down at the other end." He will be down there to receive it when it gets there. There's where He's standing tonight: on the receiving end. He is standing on the portals of glory, on the receiving end, to receive His children. And someday, when life is over He will reach down and wind the end of that highway of holiness around His hand, give it a big pull. And when He does, where she's broke here, He will lift every saint right back up into that realm of eternity again, and she'll roll on through the ages. He's on the receiving end.
What you scared about? Afraid He won't do it? Yes, He will. As sure as there's a God in heaven, He will do it. And He's on the receiving end.

Law Having A Shadow - 56-0621 - William Branham


Jesus Alone

Now works are fine, but they don't save you. They don't make you perfect. It is Christ or perish. And it is not even Christ AND works. It is Christ alone. This age began the years of Arminianism that does not believe in Christ as the REALITY. It does not sing of "Nothing but the Blood," for it sings of "Nothing but the blood AND my own conduct". Now I believe in good conduct. If you are saved you will do righteously. We have already gone over that. But let me tell you now, salvation is NOT Jesus PLUS. It is Jesus ALONE. SALVATION IS OF THE LORD. From start to finish it is all GOD. Let His life be in me. Let it be His blood that cleanses me. Let it be His Spirit that fills me. Let it be His Word in my heart and mouth. Let it be His stripes that heal me. Let it be Jesus, and Jesus Alone. Not by works of righteousness which I have done. No sir. Christ is my life. Amen.

I feel I could just go on and on about these truths, but I will give you one more thought. It is about that wonderful hymn that A. B. Simpson wrote.

"Once it was the blessing,
Now it is the Lord.
Once it was the feeling,
Now it is His Word.
Once His Gift I wanted,
Now the Giver own.
Once I sought for healing,
Now Himself Alone.
All in All forever,
Jesus will I sing.
Everything in Jesus,
And Jesus everything."

Philadelphian Church Age - Church Age Book Chapter 8 - William Branham


He can put it there

20. Now, maybe you have to be educated. Maybe that's why the sickness is on you, that God has to educate you to a place that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Maybe that's what your faith is give to you. That's why the sickness come upon you, to test your faith. Then you can walk out here in Phoenix, or--or Douglas, or wherever you're from, and say, "I know. Nobody can tell me; I know He's a Healer."
How many in here's been healed by Divine healing, let's... Do you know it? It's true. Amen. It's true. You are His witnesses. Oh, my.
Now, here we are. I want you to notice it. Then He said, "La--la--launch out now and let down."
So he said... Peter said, "Lord, we've toiled all night long." We seined through these waters, in other words. "We've fished and fished, and we haven't even got one fish."
Here it is, get it. "Nevertheless, at Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net." See? "I know we've done everything humanly. All... We're... Our knowledge, our ability, we're at the end. But at Thy Word, Lord, I will let down the net."

21. Now, look. You probably been to doctor's. You had a operation. You've tried everything. You might been through prayer lines before. But "At Thy Word, Lord, tonight I'm going to let down my net. I'm coming tonight to let the net down. I'm going..."
Well, you say... "There's no fish there."
"You seined through, Peter. You--you know you seined through all night, and there's no fish there."
If God said, "Let down the net," He will put fish there. See?
And I believe tonight, if the doctor says you can't be well, and the Word of God says you can be well, God can put anything... He can put new cells; He can put new eyes, eardrums, whatever it is, He can put it there. Don't you believe it?

At Thy Word, Lord - 48-0305 - William Branham


It's still the Truth

Then if Eve lusted for knowledge, it was sin. And when we lust for knowledge (want a Ph.D., LL.D.) it's sin to do so. That's a strong statements, but that's the Truth. No matter how strong it is, it's still the Truth. See? To lust for knowledge, understanding... The thing of it is, is today we don't try to establish the Word of God in the people's hearts. We're trying to establish ourselves. Churches are trying to establish the doctrine of the church in a person's heart. We are commanded to establish the Word of God. Paul said, "I didn't come to you with enticing words of man that your faith might rest up in the knowledge of men, but I come to you in power, in manifestations of the Holy Ghost that your faith might rest in God. There you are.

Satan's Eden - 65-0829 - William Branham


God is the one Who heals

I wish to say this, my friends. I am not a healer. I cannot heal people. I don't believe there's any man, doctor, or hospital, or medicine that can heal people. I believe that healing, it lays in God alone. Now, a doctor can move a obstruction; he can set a bone, pull a tooth, take out a tumor. But that doesn't heal. That merely just moves the obstruction. God does the healing. Healing is creation. It's to create and to rebuild. And no medicine can rebuild your body. Only God alone can rebuild. That's right. God is the one Who heals.

And Then Jesus Came - 57-0302 - William Branham


Don't look at your symptoms

Jonah in the belly of the whale, hands tied behind him, backslid, on a stormy sea, in the whale's belly in the vomit, talk about symptoms, he had them. If he looked this way, it was whale's belly. He looked that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked it was whale's belly. Now, you're not in that bad a shape. But what did Jonah say? He said, "They are lying vanities. I won't believe one of them." He said, "Lord, once more, will I look to Your holy temple." He didn't see the whale's belly; he was looking for the temple. Don't look at your symptoms, look at the promise. How bad you're sick, look Who great a Person give the promise. God said so.

Jehovah-Jireh - 57-0612 - William Branham


The devil cannot create nothing

The devil cannot create nothing. The devil only perverts. He can't create; he perverts. And first he has to have a way. Ask the doctor. If your body was perfect and like God made it in the beginning, it would be impossible to get sick. But the devil has to find a weakness somewhere to pervert. That's the same thing with your soul. Reason you don't believe in Divine healing, the devil found a weak spot in you, and he perverted it. God is the Healer. And we're off-springs of God, sons and daughters of God believing it like our Father believed.

Life Is The Healer - 57-0611 - William Branham


He demands a complete separation from any doubt

Now, Abraham was just an ordinary man--wasn't something special. God never called him, as far as we have any record, until he was seventy-five years old. His wife, which was his half-sister, being sixty-five years old at the time, they'd probably lived together since they were very young, and she was barren, had no children. God called a complete separation: to separate himself from the rest of the world, and from all of his people, and from all of his kindred. There was a special thing for him to do. And when God expects you to do a special thing, He demands a complete separation from any doubt. You've got to come to full obedience to obey what He says. God demands it. You can't do it no other way. And that... He always sets an example, and that was his example of a complete separation: from all of his family, all of his kindred, and so forth, to walk a life separated to God.

The Patriarch Abraham - 64-0207 - William Branham