
Don't look at your symptoms

Jonah in the belly of the whale, hands tied behind him, backslid, on a stormy sea, in the whale's belly in the vomit, talk about symptoms, he had them. If he looked this way, it was whale's belly. He looked that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked it was whale's belly. Now, you're not in that bad a shape. But what did Jonah say? He said, "They are lying vanities. I won't believe one of them." He said, "Lord, once more, will I look to Your holy temple." He didn't see the whale's belly; he was looking for the temple. Don't look at your symptoms, look at the promise. How bad you're sick, look Who great a Person give the promise. God said so.

Jehovah-Jireh - 57-0612 - William Branham

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