
I love You anyhow

36. I been this week down in the country staying with some very dear friends. I asked some of them at the table yesterday when we was eating... We always set around and have a little--like a little study on the Bible. Talking about love; there's a certain person said to me; he said, "I believe you're an antichrist."
I said, "If that would be pleasing to my Lord, that's what I want to be. I want to be whatever He wants me to be. I love Him. And if He should cast me into hell, I still will love Him, if I go with the same spirit that I have now." He looked at me kinda strange.
I seen four or five of them there, young men, young wives, fine women. I knowed how them boys loved their wives, so I said to them; I said, "Here's the way to test it. If your wife before you were married... Now, you go back, say you--this married life, you been dreaming you were married. You really wasn't married, but you dreamed you were. And you woke up, and you went and talked it over with your girlfriend, and said, 'You know, I dreamed that we were married, and we had children, and we living happy, and--and waiting for the coming of the Lord and everything." And then, this girl would say to you, 'You know, I love another man better than I love you. I could be happier with the other man.' Could you from your heart love her well enough to say, 'God's blessings rest upon you, my dear. Go with this other man.' Now, now, check that, each of you men or you women. See? Well, if your love is correct you'd do that, for you are interested in her welfare. What... You know you could have her; you could live with her, you--she's your wife--she will be, she'll marry you, but she won't be happy. She'd be happier... And then, if you love her, then you want her to be happy. Therefore, whatever the will of God is, let God's will be done whether I'm happy with it or not. I want to live so He will be pleased with what I do. Therefore, check your--your objective and your motive by that, you know whether you love God or not."
What if He'd say, "You've served Me, but I'm going to cast you away"?
"I love You anyhow."

Christ Revealed In His Own Word - 65-0822 - William Branham

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