
He's on the receiving end

Here I was illustrating a little something for the kiddies the other night, and was telling about the father of Moses and the mother, and how they was giving the little baby back, committing it back to God Who gave it to them. I said, "Now, if you save your soul, keep it, you're going to lose it. If you give it back to God, you'll keep it." And it's spoke five times in the Bible. Now, and I said, "If--if the father and mother of Moses kept him, they would lose it; if they'd give him back to God, they'd keep him."

And how that that day when they pushed him out in the flags and bulrushes, how God rose from His throne, great robe drop around Him, walked out there, and He said, "Come here, Gabriel, all you Angels, come out here. Look down here; I've got somebody believes Me. I give it to them, and they're giving it back. They can't keep it, because the witches of hell will get it." Them old women going around busting their little heads, and throwing them, and fattening up the crocodiles on them...
Said, "We'll... If we keep it, they'll kill it; we'll lose it, but if we give it back to God, we'll keep it." And in this little bark that you're sailing in tonight, you've got a precious thing in there; it's a soul. If you keep it, you'll lose it. Go on keep it, go on out to the world and act like the rest of them; you'll lose it. But if you'll give it back to the One Who gave it to you, you'll keep it. Amen. Just believe Him.

And they put this little baby in the ark and pushed him out. I can hear God say, "Gabriel, come here a minute." Call ten thousand Angels on marching orders, and line them all up and down the Nile. "You see that not any crocodile comes near that. And when he gets into a whirlpool, see that it gets out all right." You're going to...?... many whirl-pools in this life, my brother, but if God has called Angels on marching orders to take care of it, don't worry, He will get you out of it. Amen.
Notice, and the little ark was pitched. I can imagine why they put that tar on it, you know likes out on the streets? Old crocodile starts to put his nose up there, what a smell. He backed off. And we watch him, all at once, he becomes a flusterated, and away he goes. Why? Gabriel's setting up on top of that ark, floating down the river. That's the reason they couldn't touch it. It would been give back to the One that gave it.

And that's the way it is tonight; God lets His Angels have watch over us. "The Angels of God are encamped about." They don't go back and forth; they stay here. I like that. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him."
I can hear Gabriel say, "But, Lord, where are You going to be at all this time?"
"I'm going to be on the receiving end, down at the other end." He will be down there to receive it when it gets there. There's where He's standing tonight: on the receiving end. He is standing on the portals of glory, on the receiving end, to receive His children. And someday, when life is over He will reach down and wind the end of that highway of holiness around His hand, give it a big pull. And when He does, where she's broke here, He will lift every saint right back up into that realm of eternity again, and she'll roll on through the ages. He's on the receiving end.
What you scared about? Afraid He won't do it? Yes, He will. As sure as there's a God in heaven, He will do it. And He's on the receiving end.

Law Having A Shadow - 56-0621 - William Branham

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