
And he is the Word of God

When the Word of the Lord comes to a true servant, he must go; regardless of circumstances or regardless of difficulties, he must go anyhow. Whether he's prepared, whether he feels like it, whether he wants to, whether whatevermore; he must go anyhow. It's God speaking, and he must carry this message, because it's... He never goes for foolishness; he never goes for money; he never goes for popularity; he only goes in the Name of the Lord, for one thing: he's got a--a mission, and he's sent of the Lord. And he is the Word of God, because he's carrying the Word of the Lord.

The Way Of A True Prophet Of God - 62-0513M - William Branham


Whatever God has called you to, let it be that

53. Now, we find out, though a good man, blessed of God; but, if God blesses you, you stay in the category that God has called you in. If it's a housewife, remain a housewife. If it's in a business, remain in that business, reflecting God. And whatever God has called you to, let it be that. Because He wants you to be a real housewife to reflect your influence upon another person that would want to be a good housewife. If you're a good businessman, let your life so be that it will reflect Jesus Christ in your business with honesty and integrity, and with things that really mean something. Because somebody is watching your life. You're influencing somebody. God has to have a real housewife. God has to have a real teenage in school. God has to have a--a--a real minister, a real businessman, somebody that will reflect Him. Because there they see in you, Christ. No matter what the rest of the world's got to do, that has not one thing to do with you or I. We are responsible to God for our life and for our experience with Christ.

54. Now, we find out that in his trying to take the--the minister's place, and someone telling him he's out of place, telling him he shouldn't do that, he's out of place, he become anger--angered; he was so angered until his face turned red.
You see, we must be able to stand and take correction. Some of them won't do it. You can't... I've went to meetings and I've set in the auditoriums, and--and you get up. And some people come in and set down just for a few minutes; if you say one word that they don't agree with, [Brother Branham snaps his finger--Ed.] gone (See?), flying up.

Influence - 63-1130B - William Branham


He was big enough to do that

Here some time ago I stood Mount Wilson out there where you could see through this big observatory, big glass, see a hundred and twenty million years of light space. Why, how many nines would that take to break it down in miles? A hundred and twenty million years of light space, and beyond that was still moons and stars and on and on, the great solar system. And I stood there amazed. I said, "Think of it. My heavenly Father just, "Whew." Blowed them off His hand like that, put them into a place, and they obey Him. He was big enough to do that and came little enough to save me. He became me that I could become Him. Christ became a sinner, that through His poverty we might receive His riches and to be sons and daughters of God. Amen.

Faith - 56-0427 - William Branham


I'm in Christ

149. Desperation. "When thou seekest Me with all thine heart, then I'll hear you." See?
The Kingdom... The law and the prophets were until John. Since then, the Kingdom of heaven's been preached, and men press into It. You don't just stand around and say, "Pick me up by the collar, Lord, push me in." You press into it. You get desperate, between life and death.

151. Wished I had time for another story, that I'm thinking right now of a woman, a girl took a wrong road, and how she'd turned new pages and things, till I said, "Sister..."
She got up and said, "I--I believe I'll be all right."
I said, "No, no. Stay there."
And then, the first thing you know she started praying a little bit and directly she got louder and louder. And after while she got desperate, said, "Oh, God, save me."
Alcohol Anonymous couldn't cure it. Nothing else could do it. But them big, black eyes looked at me, and the tears dropping off her cheeks; she said, "Something's happened." Oh, yeah. Yes, sir. Something happened. She got desperate.
Let's be desperate about this; it's between death and life. If you can't get desperate, don't come through here. If you are desperate, come here and watch, you--you'll get it just as soon as you get here.

155. Let us pray. In desperation watch for the Kingdom of God; It'll come upon you.
Our heavenly Father, I pray Thee in Jesus' Name, be merciful unto us, Lord. And start in us a desperation. Oh, Lord God, have mercy upon us; I pray, and let the people seek Thee tonight with desperate hearts. We know You're here, Lord. You're the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And now, may these people who has the Token, that they've passed from death unto Life, they've changed from the old worldly life to a new one... They have... The Blood has been applied and God give them a Token sign. May they take that Token in their hands, them that's sick, say, "I am a purchased product of God. I am in Christ, and in Him is no sickness. I'm in Christ, and in Him is no sin. I'm in Christ, and in Him is no unbelief. I renounce everything that the devil has told me. I take my Token that my... 'He was wounded for my transgressions; He was bruised for my iniquity; the chastisement of my peace was upon Him; and with His stripes I was healed.' And I now hold the Token that God has recognized me that--purpose--person--purchased by the Blood of the Lord Jesus. And I hold the Token of His death in my hands, because He has raised again, and I am His and He's mine. I go with determined faith, that from this night on, I believe God, and I'll be healed when I get there, and meet the requirements; because the last words that fell from His lips was this: 'If they lay hands on the sick, they shall recover.'" Grant it, Lord. May a desperation set in, for I ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Desperation - 63-0901E - William Branham


He wants you

Oh, my dear brother, my dear sister, to Him that's able to keep you from falling, to Him that's able to hold your heart in grace, may He shed His blessings upon you. May you never forget that we're living in the last days of the last church age, where it's predicted to be a lukewarm church age, just halfhearted about It. And stop being halfhearted. Really come to Christ, with all your heart. I ain't telling you what church to join. That don't have... God will never ask you that in the judgment. No, sir. He don't care what church you belong. He wants you; it's an individual. And you must be borned again and receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, or you're gone. See? You're just playing church; you're just impersonating until you actually have an experience of being borned again.

The Seven Church Ages - 54-0512 - William Branham


Let that work in me

Lust for money, lust for big things, lust for popularity, these things are dead to the believer. We don't care; a tent or a cottage, why should I care? Live or die, sink or drown, this is the thing that I'm interested in: the Kingdom of God. Whether I maintain my home, whether I maintain my family, whether I maintain whatever it is, let me maintain Christ, the hope of glory.
Build me up, oh, Lord into this. Let Christ be my Head. Let working through me on my foundation of my faith that's in Him, let virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, and brotherly kindness work in me, oh, Lord, is my prayer. I don't care, live or die, sink or drown, denomination, no denomination; friend or no friend, let that work in me.

Share - 62-1014M - William Branham


And it produces faith

"Good evening, friends. I wish to speak to you tonight on the subject "When Love Projects, Grace Takes Over." Taking my text from St. John, the 3rd chapter, the 16th verse: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." This scripture deals with love, and we know there is no power, or teaching, or rule, that will come up to the Christian love of God. No one can explain the love of God, though many have tried. The poets and the songwriters have failed, and we, as ministers, preach the love of God but we can not fully explain His wondrous love. One poet wrote of the love of God like this:

If the oceans all were ink, and the skies of parchment made,
And every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above would drain the oceans dry,
Nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky.

I have often thought of the great poet who wrote this:

Ever since by faith I saw that stream Thy flowing wounds supplied,
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.

I think if one thing is needed in the great universal church of God tonight, it is love. We do not need our gifts and our emotions as much as we think we do, though they are wonderful and to God we give praise that we have them--but if these gifts are not governed by love they are not effective.
Love should govern the home--a home that is not disciplined by love is not much of a home. If the husband and wife do not solemnly love one another, they cannot trust one another. Remember, love is the strongest force in the world--and instead of resting our faith upon some emotion, which is alright--or on some gift, which is alright--like shouting or speaking in tongues, etc., we should rest our faith upon the love of God. We must come back to this principle--love first, then those other things. If we did this our churches would progress much faster, for God is love.

Now love has two different meanings, with two different words to describe it. In the Greek one love is called "phileo" --that is the natural love that you would have for your wife; but "agapao" love means divine love--and these two loves are very contrary to each other. For example, with the love that you have for your wife, if a man would insult her you would kill him on the spot--that would be phileo love; but with agapao love, or divine love, you would pray for the man's lost soul. That is the difference. I'm almost sure many of us have been deceived with having phileo love, and thinking it was agapao love. Phileo love is intellectual, whereas agapao love comes from the heart. Human love, or affectionate love, is from the mind--the love of God is from the heart. Now phileo love will always doubt and question, but agapao love will always rest and be at peace. Human love is always reasoning--Godly love never does. Godly love is perhaps in its trust, and it produces faith when you really love with God's love.

Many who are here tonight might say, "You mean that you are going to read only that little verse of scripture, and that's all?" Oh but my friends, there's enough in this little verse of scripture to send you to heaven or condemn you to hell for ever. Your attitude toward this little scripture will seal your eternal destination, so now let us think on that scripture for awhile.
Like the scripture being little--there are many little things that we may do in this life--but Jesus said if you but give a cup of cold water in my Name, you will be rewarded. I'm so glad He sees the little things we do. Love is a powerful force, and when love is projected, and when it comes to the end of its strength, then sovereign grace will take it up from there and will grant the object that love has asked for. That is the reason we have a Saviour tonight, God so loved the world, and His love being projected toward the world produced a Saviour. God wanted so much to see you well that His love went out and it produced an atonement for your sickness as well as your sins. It was the love of God that constrained Him to do it. Nothing is greater than love--it brings trust, it brings faith, it brings pardon. Love has no fear, love casts out fear. I have found a great deal of fear among Christians--this is not right and should not be so. Fear is the lack of confidence, but if you love and have confidence you will cast away fear. God wants you to have love and confidence in Him--this will cast away your fears and bring you to serve Him with a greater love.

Love is not based on legalistic laws that we have to keep, love is based on faith in one another, faith in God, trust in God, confidence in God. And I will tell you this my friends, when the love of God comes into your heart, you won't go around hurting, or being hurt. When you believe God, really believe Him, and get married to Him, you die out to the things of the world, then God projects His love, and His love makes you what you are."

The Eleventh Commandment – William Branham


That's what takes real love

When you're young couple and you find favor with one another, it makes you join yourselves together for a lifetime journey: Love, and that's phileo love; that's human love. What will Agapao love do, when you can really get into a place that you can show God that you love Him and you got confidence in Him? How you'll join yourself to Him, not only for a life's journey, but for eternity. How you're willing to take His Word, just at what He says, and say, "That's right, Lord. I question it not," and move right on. That's what takes real love.

It Is I - 60-0720 - William Branham


His mistakes wasn't mentioned

42-1. In my life I made many mistakes. I've done lots of things that's wrong. I'll probably, if I live much longer, I'll do many more. Perhaps some of them will be stumbling blocks in your way. I hope that you forgive me.
I was reading of Abraham, how that the flusterations that he had, how that he... My, the things that he did. He doubted God, and he lied about his wife, and everything. But when his Divine commentary was written in Romans 4, it never mentioned his mistakes. But It said, "Abraham never staggered at the unbelief through God, but was strong." All of his mistakes was all forgotten about when the Divine commentary of his life was written. His flusterations wasn't even mentioned. His mistakes wasn't mentioned. Brethren, I hope that when my commentary is read that day that He'll rub mine out too, and won't think about them. I hope you do too. God bless you.

Godhead Explained - 61-0425B - William Branham


God always answers prayer

9. When you got saved, God gave you a checkbook, as it was; and at the bottom of every check it's got Jesus' Name signed in it. And everything that Jesus died for becomes your personal property. It's yours; it's already paid for. There's nothing you have to do to get it. Just don't be afraid of the endorsement. If Christ, when He died at Calvary, He finished everything that was in the redemptive plan. Everything was completed. When He died at Calvary, He raised His hands which was tacked to the cross, and said, "It's finished." What's finished? All's been finished. Everything that Satan done to the human race, the price was paid for, and we are completely redeemed tonight in Christ from all of our--ever what happened.
And no one can preach salvation without preaching Divine healing. See? You can't preach redemption of the soul without preaching redemption of the body. See, when you can't deal with sin in any measure, 'less you deal with sickness and every attribute. Sickness is the results of sin. Sickness is an attribute of sin.

10. I was preaching here not long ago in a Methodist church, and I was saying, "Smoking cigarettes is not a sin. Committing adultery is not a sin. Getting drunk is not a sin. Taking the Lord's Name is not in sin."
Some blessed little old saint setting in front with one of these high collar dresses on, she just forgot where she was at; it got her so bad, because she'd just been--had one school of thought. She said, "Then pray tell me what sin is."
I said, "Sin is unbelief." You know, smoking's not a sin. Committing adultery's not a sin. That's because you're not a believer is the reason you do that. It's the results from unbelief. "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall never come into condemnation; but is passed from death to Life."

11. "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity: chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." Everything's in past tense. There's no negative at all in Christianity; it's all positive, done paid for. It's finished. Amen. That would make Methodist almost shout again, wouldn't it? Think of it. It's all completed, all finished. Our only thought, is not many things... God cannot do nothing else; it's already completed. Christ stood right here tonight, you'd say, "Christ, heal me."
He'd say, "I've already done it."
Say, "Save me, Lord Jesus."
"I've already done it." When He died at Calvary, every sin that was ever committed or ever would be committed was forgiven right there on the basis of the shed Blood. But it'll never do you no good till you accept it. Got to be your personal property, and that's your personal faith in a finished work that Christ has already done for you.

12. So salvation isn't doing a lot of good works. Grace is what brings us to God. God saves us by grace. And no man never sought God at any time. The Bible says he didn't. You say, "Why, I sought God all night." No, you never. God sought you. Man's very nature in the garden of Eden proved it. Instead of Adam running up and down the garden saying, "O Father, where art thou," it was God hunting Adam saying, "Adam, where art thou?" See? We turn the picture around. Here, this will settle it for you if there's a question in your mind. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him first." That settles it if He said it. All right.
We're not on that subject, we're just backgrounding a little. Get the fear away. Don't be scared that God's not going to answer prayer. God always answers prayer. The work's already finished. He's obligated; He must do it; He's got to do it to keep His Word. Notice. Now, it's a finished work.

Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham


There isn't one thing left

There isn't one thing left, as I see in the--in the prophetic Word, one thing left or one thing hindering the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ this very hour, not one thing left in the Bible. Everything has been fulfilled, waiting now for the coming of the Lord Jesus. And how should we do this afternoon? We should speak and act today as if this is the last hour we'll ever have. And who knows but what it might be. It may be for some of us, and it may be for all of us. But let's act as if it's our last hour. Let's pray as never before. And let's be a blessing to others, and try to do all we can; for remember, this is only one time that we're mortal. From this on, from the time that we leave this world, we go into another world, and we'll never have the opportunity to win one soul in that world. All that's going to be won will be won right now. And if this may be our last hour then what should we do on this hour?

Hear Ye Him - 56-0930 - William Branham


When faith speaks, everybody else keeps still

But if you just rely on hope, you hinder faith. Now, hope looks for something, way off. But faith claims it right now. See? Faith says, "God said so and it's mine." That settles it. See? "I don't care if I'm still crippled, I'm still blind, if I'm still sick, that don't have nothing to do with it. I believe it anyhow. It's mine right now. God said so and that settles it." See? That's faith. But hope says, "God said so, and I'm expecting to get it, someday." You see? "I'm expecting, someday." And as long as Satan can put you off to another day, that's as good as he wants. That's right. You'll never get it. Just believe that you got it right now--it's your personal property. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Is that right? Faith acts now. It's positive. There's no... Oh, my. I tell you, sickness and everything else, when faith steps in, it's just like a snowball on a hot stove. It just melts away. Everything goes away from faith. 'Cause faith stands up and takes over rule. When faith speaks, everybody else keeps still. That's right.

Faith Cometh By Hearing - 54-0320 - William Branham

We need a God that's present tense

What good does a historical God do you, if He isn't the same today? If the fire of Pentecost ain't just as good today as it was then, what good does it do to talk about it? What if a man was freezing to death and you painted him a fire, and said one day the fire burnt? That won't make him warm. He don't want a painted historical fire; if he's freezing, he wants fire burning. And if--the people who read the Bible don't want something, a God that lived in a day gone by. Let's have a God of today Who's just the same as He was then. We need a God that's present tense.

The Sin Of Unbelief - 58-0517E - William Branham

Just anchors you in Christ

57. And I noticed down over there, them young trees that was coming up, they were flexible; they just give with the wind, frolicked back and forth like this, having a good time. I said, "That puts me in the mind of a good old fashion, God-sent, Holy Ghost revival. Hallelujah.
When signs and wonders begin to come into the church, the big old churches moan, "I don't believe in them things. That's fanaticism. The days of miracles is past." And the Wind whistling right down, the same Ones that made them moan, give the others frolic. Hallelujah.
And when you shook that tree, every time it gets a shake, it loosens up the roots so it can grow down and get a better hold. Hallelujah. That's what we need tonight, is a good old-time, Holy Ghost shaking, get down (Glory to God.), get an old fashion hold on God. All the shaking and pulling the Holy Ghost does you, He's loosening up the dirt around the roots so He can dig down, get a better hold, "Be rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus." Them experiences, experience of healing, experience the baptism of the Holy Ghost, experience of the gifts of the Spirit (Hallelujah.), just anchors you in Christ, harder It blows.

Israel In The Homeland - 53-0329 - William Branham


That's the God that we want to hear about

What good does it do to preach the Bible if God's a mute and won't answer His promise? What good would it do to feed your canary bird vitamin B, vitamin A to make his wings strong and keep him in a cage all the time? You don't let him out. What good does your vitamins do? What does all of our seminaries and schools of theology, and our great preachers with D.D., Ph.D., and double L D? What good does that do, if all on a historical God that doesn't live and act the same today as they teach about that did happen? The Bible said that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is not dead; He's raised from the dead and is alive forevermore, ever present, omnipresent forever. That's the God that we want to hear about. That's the God that every true elected son of Abraham wants to hear about and wants to know about.

The Sin Of Unbelief - 58-0517E - William Branham


I'm with you

Isn't it beautiful when you can really anchor your soul into Christ, in such a place till you can get quiet before Him, and hear His Voice speaking to you, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee. I'm the Lord that giveth thee Eternal Life. I love thee. I knowed thee before the foundation of the world. I put thy name upon the Book; thou art Mine. Fear not, it's Me. Don't be afraid; I'm with you." Then I sing. I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest, I'll sail the wild seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep; But in Jesus I'm safe evermore. Remember, the very voice that speaks sweet to you, will condemn the sinner. The very flood that saved Noah, destroyed the sinner. See what I mean?

The Patmos Vision - 60-1204E - William Branham

It's going to be a secret

Hours come and go. The first thing you know, you will be saying, "Well, I--I thought there was supposed to be this happen before the rapture." There might be a voice come back like it did one time, "It's already happened and you didn't know it." You'd be all anchored off in a church somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and the first thing you know the rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going, nobody know nothing about it. The world will keep right on going, like Noah went into the ark. You remember after Noah went into the ark, he set there seven days after God closed the door. God closed the door and Noah set in the ark for seven days before anything happened. And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be.

Influence - 64-0315 - William Branham


No matter how impossible it looks to be

Now, I want you to look at the difference between Mary and Zacharias. Zacharias, that minister, Gospel minister, or a preacher, as it was in that day, priest in the temple, had knowed all kinds of things that had happened before of the miraculous power of God, but doubted the Angel in his case, where Mary said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't question what could be or so forth. And look how much more she had to believe than what he had to believe. Hannah had had a baby before, when she was past the age. Sarah had a baby before after she was past the age. And that had already happened many times. But Mary had to believe something that had never happened before. No woman had ever brought a child like that into the world by knowing no man. But she had more to believe than what Zacharias did. So therefore, she didn't question God; she just took God at His Word. Amen. I like that. Take God at His Word. Believe It anyhow. No matter how impossible it looks to be, believe God, and He will bring it to pass.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0115 - William Branham

But don't you bow to one of them

That's what's the matter with the Church tonight: we got a wishbone instead of a backbone. What we need is something in there that'll stand you up. Amen. Every man that ever amounted to a hill of beans had to fight for what he got. God don't give it to you on a silver platter. He said, "There's the promised land. She's flowing with milk and honey. But before you get there, you're going to go through all these Hivites and Canaanites and everything. But don't you bow to one of them. You destroy the things as you come to them. Stop building a fire on the enemies altar." Amen.

God Talked To Moses - 53-0831 - William Branham


How you going to tell it today?

But watch. Jesus said that in this end time again the two spirits would be real close together again. Is that right? Now, notice. It will be closer than that was; this is the end time. Oh, children. God have mercy upon us. Till it would even be so real till it would deceive the very elected if possible. Now, how you going--how did we tell it in them days? How you going to tell it today? The same way, stay with the Word: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, care all this Message. And when you listen to the tape--even maybe I'll be gone someday when the Lord's finished with me here on the earth--you'll refer back to this. Listen to my voice, what I'm telling you. If He takes me before His coming, just remember, I've spoke to you in the Name of the Lord by the Word of the Lord.

The Anointed Ones At The End Time - 65-0725M - William Branham


The beginning of wisdom

It seems that people's lost their common decency and modesty. They're not like they used to be. It used to be when the prophet said THUS SAITH THE LORD, the people trembled. Yeah, they certainly did. The people moved, for they was afraid. But now they lost all their scare of it. They don't fear God. Solomon said, "The--the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," just the beginning of it. But the prophet can speak THUS SAITH THE LORD; the people say, "Nonsense." See, there's not a hope for them. It's... They say, "Why, we're smart. We're intellectual; we don't have to take that kind of stuff. We know what we're talking about." It's also an old proverb, that fools will walk with hobnailed shoes, where Angels fear to trod. Certainly.

God's Power To Transform - 65-0911 - William Branham


He was the humblest of men

Now, a lot of people has the wrong impression of Christ. Some people thinks that Christ was a sissy. Christ was the greatest of all men. He was the example Man. Not only was He Man, but He was God-man. He was God with us, Emmanuel. He was the humblest of men. But you can be too humble. You can get so humble, until the devil will make a puppet out of you. He was humble and a--to washing the disciples' feet. He was forgiving enough to pray for those who drove spikes into His hands. But He was man enough to plait ropes and to run the moneychangers out of the house.

What Went Ye Out To see? - 59-1001 - William Branham


Don't that make it a little bit better now?

Search the Scripture. The Word of God is a Lamp unto our feet. That we should, if we should be guided then, it's the Light that follows the pathway that leads us from victory unto victory. Now, before you can have a victory, there has to be a battle. And if there's no battles, there's no victories. So we ought to be thankful for the battles and the trying. It's God giving us the opportunity to have victories. Oh, my, don't that make it a little bit better now? See, the battle come along, somebody saying something bad about you, sickness come on to you, maybe God give you those light afflictions that He might heal you and show His favor to you, let you see what He means by it. He loves you.

Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham


He's perfect

See, the Bible doesn't contradict Itself, the Bible is God. There's no contradiction in God; He's perfect. But the people with their own interpretation... Now, notice, let me show you, friends. The churches cannot agree themself on the interpretation of It. The Methodists can't agree with the Baptists, the Baptists the Presbyterian, the Presbyterian the Pentecostals. And with about forty different organizations of Pentecost, they can't agree with one another. So you see, that would be Babylon again, confusing. But God does His Own interpretating of His Word. He promised the thing, and then does it Himself. He gives Himself the interpretation of it, because He makes Hisself known in that hour how far the--the Body of Christ is advanced, from the feet to the head.

Events Made Clear By Prophecy - 65-0801E - William Branham


This is my prayer

105. I know I've got probably as far as they're going to let me go. They're touching my sides and I know that's for me to leave. I want you to do something. I want you to close your eyes. I want you to pray this prayer behind me. I'll just repeat it; you pray it.

106. Our Father, [Congregations repeats after Brother Branham--Ed.] Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, and Giver of every good gift, I, Your servant, stand in need. I need Thee, Lord. Thou knowest my need. I'm aware that Jesus has raised from the dead and He's here in this building tonight to give to me, by His suffering, and His Presence, everything that I have need of. Thou God, knows what I have need of, and I now claim it as my personal property. In Jesus' Name I will confess it; I will believe it from henceforth, in Christ's Name.

107. That's your prayer. Now, keep your heads bowed. Keep closed in. Quietly, the organist, "Only Believe." Quietly. Close your eyes. Who would you think that is standing by you? Who is that Who knows you?
Yes, the little lady there with the TB, it's over, sister. Your faith makes you well.
That man setting there, getting up at nights with that prostate trouble, setting there, sir, with white shirt on, yes, it's over, sir. See you walking back and forth to the bathroom. Go home tonight and rest in peace.
Keep shut in with God, He's there...?... touching my side, saying I must go now. That's your prayer. Now, I'm going to pray for you. This is my prayer. You believe.

108. O God, what an evil thing Satan is. He binds the helpless. He comes in by force. He puts the children of God into corners. But tonight He's exposed. Tonight we realize that he's just a bluff. He has no legal rights. Christ stripped him of everything he had at Calvary. Everything, even fear, everything was paid for at Calvary. And Satan, you don't have any legal rights over God's children. They're God's heritage. You can't hold them any longer. Come out of here. I adjure thee by Jesus Christ, God's own Son, Come out, Satan, in the Name of Jesus, God's Son leave this group of people.

Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham


It's in there to stay

And now we find that the antichrist, in the last day will deceive all that dwells upon the earth, whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world. Your name was put in God's Book before the Lamb was slain. When His program was laid out, the whole thing, you were recognized in that program because you got Eternal Life. The word eternal, never did begin and neither can it end, and you are an attribute of God's thinking before the world was ever created. That's the only way you can have Eternal Life. And that Life, that He was thinking of you, is in you now. There's no way to separate it. It's in there to stay.

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now - 64-0306 - William Branham


Be certain of God

39. You know, when we have confessed our sins and met every requirement that God requires... We believed on God. There's a circumstances has to be met, and it's according to His will. And we've confessed our sins, and we've made all the wrongs that we have did right, done everything that we know how to do, every requirement that God had made or asked, we have met that requirement, and yet He lays silent; He just won't answer us...
I'm sure that I'm speaking to peoples this morning who's come to that place. I've been there many times myself. When I've went back and traced my life and turned over every stone, and I'd find that I did something wrong, I'd go confess it and say, "Lord God, I'll make it right," and go do so. Then come back again and say, "Now, Lord, Thou art God; You'll answer me. Surely I've met every request that You required me to do. And every requirement, I have met it." And still He won't move, seems to set silent; that's when you've got to be sure that He is God. Don't be discouraged; the only thing is, that in your heart to be certain of God.

41. My text, be certain first before you do anything; be certain in your heart that it's God. And when you've met everything that He said, then you're sure that He's God, that's when faith goes to work right there. Faith stands steady, for it knows that He is. And you met every requirement. You believe that He is, and faith holds steady. Oh, blessed be His Name. Faith won't move, for it's sure that God is and a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.
May this go way down deep and never move from you, Branham Tabernacle. If you've met God's requirement, and in your heart you believe that He is, God's only testing your faith, for He loves to do that. You've confessed your sin and you've met every requirement that God requires, and still He lays silent, remember, faith says that He is. Then faith holds onto it, not knowing what it's all about, but it knows that He is, and it's certain that He is.

44. Then remember, if He is, His Word has to be true. And if He required you to meet these circumstances and you did, He's obligated to take care of His Word. Don't back off and say, "Oh, I never got healed. I..." Oh, you poor, weak faith. Don't believe that. If everything's confessed, and everything's out, and you met God's requirement, faith holds right there. There's nothing will move it. He is, and you're sure. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with the wings of an eagle. They shall run and not be weary; if they walk, they shall not faint."
Wait, when you've met His requirements; that brings your faith to a showdown. If you have met... God's requirements has been made--or met, and you have fully considered it, and you have done everything that God required you to do, then your faith rests right there that He is. Be certain of God.

Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham


I will take Jesus and His promise

64. That's what's the matter with people tonight in Divine healing and everything. It's yours, go take it. Hallelujah. God promised you to walk, brethren, you believe it? You have to take it. God promised you life, brother, do you believe it? Take it. God promised you joy, brother, do you believe it? Take it. God said, "I will give it to you. It's yours."
Now it wouldn't be right for God to go and dish all the things out. He give them the land; they've got to do the house cleaning. Amen. It's yours, but He ain't going to come poke it down your neck. You've got to take the land yourself. He give it to you and it's yours; rise and possess it. Hallelujah. It's your choice. If you want to murmur like the other ten did, you'll wander in the wilderness a long time longer, till tomorrow night still sick. But if you're ready to take it tonight, it's yours. What kind of a choice you going to make? I will take Jesus and His promise, and tell the devil he's a liar. Amen.

The Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham


Aren't you glad to be one of them?

I'm so glad of that. Aren't you? Aren't you glad to be one of them? Just one of them, one of them humble people that just emptied yourself out, come down, not before a...n idol, before a living God, not before an organization and put your name on a book, before a living God; not to recite a creed, but to let the Word become flesh in you. See, that's it. And humbled yourself. And then through that, He exalted you up above; not to be heady, high-minded, say "I'm this, that, or the other," but in humility, sweetness, and "How did He ever save a wretch like me? And how did He ever do it?" That's the way the real Christian feels. Don't you believe that? Oh, He is so real.

Christianity Versus Idolatry - 61-1217 - William Branham


Every disease is healed by God

24. We find out many times that people rely on their symptoms, if they're prayed for. I was going to find the report from Brother Joseph, see how many went away last night with really... after a full week of Gospel teaching how to be healed, that went away and say, "Well, still got it." See? And you'll probably always have it (See?), if you feel that way.
Faith don't see that thing. Faith sees what God says. Faith don't see any symptoms at all. Faith refuses to see symptoms. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, if they are there, shouldn't we say they're there?" "No. No, sir."

25. You say, "He's the Lord that..." confess, "He's the High Priest of our confession," Hebrews 3, and any of you brethren know that "confess" and "profess" there is the same word. So He's the High Priest of our confession. He can't do nothing until first we confess that He's done it.
There's no healing in man; there's no healing in medicine. Proved that to you the other night. There's no healing in medicine; medicine don't claim to heal. It's a remedy, keeps clean while God heals. Medicine don't build tissue; medicine can't mend a bone. Medicine can't heal up a sore or a cut. Certainly not, it just keeps it clean while God heals it. God does the healing. And medicine just keeps it clean. A doctor will tell you the same.
He said, "I'm the Lord Who heals all of your diseases." Every disease is healed by God. Medicine just keeps clean, while God does the healing. Now, remedies keep you quiet and so forth. Aspirin, quietens your nerves, and so forth, while God does the healing.

The Results Of Decision - 55-1008 - William Branham