
This is my prayer

105. I know I've got probably as far as they're going to let me go. They're touching my sides and I know that's for me to leave. I want you to do something. I want you to close your eyes. I want you to pray this prayer behind me. I'll just repeat it; you pray it.

106. Our Father, [Congregations repeats after Brother Branham--Ed.] Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Almighty God, Creator of heavens and earth, Author of Everlasting Life, and Giver of every good gift, I, Your servant, stand in need. I need Thee, Lord. Thou knowest my need. I'm aware that Jesus has raised from the dead and He's here in this building tonight to give to me, by His suffering, and His Presence, everything that I have need of. Thou God, knows what I have need of, and I now claim it as my personal property. In Jesus' Name I will confess it; I will believe it from henceforth, in Christ's Name.

107. That's your prayer. Now, keep your heads bowed. Keep closed in. Quietly, the organist, "Only Believe." Quietly. Close your eyes. Who would you think that is standing by you? Who is that Who knows you?
Yes, the little lady there with the TB, it's over, sister. Your faith makes you well.
That man setting there, getting up at nights with that prostate trouble, setting there, sir, with white shirt on, yes, it's over, sir. See you walking back and forth to the bathroom. Go home tonight and rest in peace.
Keep shut in with God, He's there...?... touching my side, saying I must go now. That's your prayer. Now, I'm going to pray for you. This is my prayer. You believe.

108. O God, what an evil thing Satan is. He binds the helpless. He comes in by force. He puts the children of God into corners. But tonight He's exposed. Tonight we realize that he's just a bluff. He has no legal rights. Christ stripped him of everything he had at Calvary. Everything, even fear, everything was paid for at Calvary. And Satan, you don't have any legal rights over God's children. They're God's heritage. You can't hold them any longer. Come out of here. I adjure thee by Jesus Christ, God's own Son, Come out, Satan, in the Name of Jesus, God's Son leave this group of people.

Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham

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