24. We find out many times that people rely on their symptoms, if they're prayed for. I was going to find the report from Brother Joseph, see how many went away last night with really... after a full week of Gospel teaching how to be healed, that went away and say, "Well, still got it." See? And you'll probably always have it (See?), if you feel that way.
Faith don't see that thing. Faith sees what God says. Faith don't see any symptoms at all. Faith refuses to see symptoms. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, if they are there, shouldn't we say they're there?" "No. No, sir."
25. You say, "He's the Lord that..." confess, "He's the High Priest of our confession," Hebrews 3, and any of you brethren know that "confess" and "profess" there is the same word. So He's the High Priest of our confession. He can't do nothing until first we confess that He's done it.
There's no healing in man; there's no healing in medicine. Proved that to you the other night. There's no healing in medicine; medicine don't claim to heal. It's a remedy, keeps clean while God heals. Medicine don't build tissue; medicine can't mend a bone. Medicine can't heal up a sore or a cut. Certainly not, it just keeps it clean while God heals it. God does the healing. And medicine just keeps it clean. A doctor will tell you the same.
He said, "I'm the Lord Who heals all of your diseases." Every disease is healed by God. Medicine just keeps clean, while God does the healing. Now, remedies keep you quiet and so forth. Aspirin, quietens your nerves, and so forth, while God does the healing.
The Results Of Decision - 55-1008 - William Branham
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