
God always answers prayer

9. When you got saved, God gave you a checkbook, as it was; and at the bottom of every check it's got Jesus' Name signed in it. And everything that Jesus died for becomes your personal property. It's yours; it's already paid for. There's nothing you have to do to get it. Just don't be afraid of the endorsement. If Christ, when He died at Calvary, He finished everything that was in the redemptive plan. Everything was completed. When He died at Calvary, He raised His hands which was tacked to the cross, and said, "It's finished." What's finished? All's been finished. Everything that Satan done to the human race, the price was paid for, and we are completely redeemed tonight in Christ from all of our--ever what happened.
And no one can preach salvation without preaching Divine healing. See? You can't preach redemption of the soul without preaching redemption of the body. See, when you can't deal with sin in any measure, 'less you deal with sickness and every attribute. Sickness is the results of sin. Sickness is an attribute of sin.

10. I was preaching here not long ago in a Methodist church, and I was saying, "Smoking cigarettes is not a sin. Committing adultery is not a sin. Getting drunk is not a sin. Taking the Lord's Name is not in sin."
Some blessed little old saint setting in front with one of these high collar dresses on, she just forgot where she was at; it got her so bad, because she'd just been--had one school of thought. She said, "Then pray tell me what sin is."
I said, "Sin is unbelief." You know, smoking's not a sin. Committing adultery's not a sin. That's because you're not a believer is the reason you do that. It's the results from unbelief. "He that heareth My Words, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall never come into condemnation; but is passed from death to Life."

11. "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity: chastisement of our peace upon Him; with His stripes we were healed." Everything's in past tense. There's no negative at all in Christianity; it's all positive, done paid for. It's finished. Amen. That would make Methodist almost shout again, wouldn't it? Think of it. It's all completed, all finished. Our only thought, is not many things... God cannot do nothing else; it's already completed. Christ stood right here tonight, you'd say, "Christ, heal me."
He'd say, "I've already done it."
Say, "Save me, Lord Jesus."
"I've already done it." When He died at Calvary, every sin that was ever committed or ever would be committed was forgiven right there on the basis of the shed Blood. But it'll never do you no good till you accept it. Got to be your personal property, and that's your personal faith in a finished work that Christ has already done for you.

12. So salvation isn't doing a lot of good works. Grace is what brings us to God. God saves us by grace. And no man never sought God at any time. The Bible says he didn't. You say, "Why, I sought God all night." No, you never. God sought you. Man's very nature in the garden of Eden proved it. Instead of Adam running up and down the garden saying, "O Father, where art thou," it was God hunting Adam saying, "Adam, where art thou?" See? We turn the picture around. Here, this will settle it for you if there's a question in your mind. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him first." That settles it if He said it. All right.
We're not on that subject, we're just backgrounding a little. Get the fear away. Don't be scared that God's not going to answer prayer. God always answers prayer. The work's already finished. He's obligated; He must do it; He's got to do it to keep His Word. Notice. Now, it's a finished work.

Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham

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