Jesus knew, before these apostles could ever go out and be a correct witness, that they had to experience what they were witnessing about. Wouldn't that be nice today, if every seminary did the same thing, if every Christian did the same thing? Would just come to church and say, "Now, I'm accepting Jesus as my personal Saviour. I'm going to stay right here till I get the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and then I'm going out to be a witness." See? Things would be different, don't you think so? We wouldn't have that loose, scattered testimonies. People testify and say they're a Christian, and go out and live other lives. And the unbeliever comes in and sees that, he say, "Well, look at there. Is that the way they..." And the devil will always point them out too. You can just depend on that. He's a businessman. And don't underestimate his ability in his business realms, because he knows what it's all about.
Witnesses - 53-0405E - William Branham
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