
It's an individual affair

The Bible said no man can say Jesus is the Christ, only by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost has to witness it to you: must be a personal experience. I hope you see that. No matter how much you go to church, how well your name is engraved on its stained windows, or whatmore, or on its book, it'll never mean nothing to you, until you are a witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ by the infilling of the power of the Holy Spirit. You are taking somebody else's word. Why, I'd say... "Well, Brother Branham, I know that Jesus is the Christ, 'cause the Bible said so." The Bible is right, but what do you know about it? See? It's an individual affair with every individual. It must be a personal witness that every person must have in order to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, is when His Spirit bears record with your spirit, in an experience of the new birth, borned again and you cry, "Abba, Father."

Witnesses - 54-0303 - William Branham

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