
It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works

Brother, sister, I say this humbly and for not to be a pulling or trying to get sympathy. The clothes that I have is clothes people give me. The suit I got on, Brother Moore was with me, and I got it four years ago in Sweden. Pair of shoes, my wife bought it for me. I got another suit over there was give to me in Florida. Another one I got in Finland; two I got in Germany, or not Germany, but Africa. That's where the clothes comes from. It's what people give me. Some of them's hand me down. That's true. I got a suit from California about five years ago and been wearing it ever since. And it--it's about six, seven years old when I got it. But what is it? It's good enough. He didn't even have but one garment and borrowed somebody's grave to be laid in. I could've been pretty well off if I'd took all the money people had offered me, but I want to be just as poor as those who come to be prayed for. We're fellow citizens of the kingdom of God. I'm not saying that just to be saying. I'm saying it because I want you to know, friends, that the kingdom of God does not consist of riches in this earth, fine clothes. It's a submitted heart to God, is where God works.

Thy Faith Has Saved Thee - 54-0411 - William Branham

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