Now, they got a man whirling around in space. They all holler about that you know: "We got a man in space." Why, that's nothing. We Christians have had one in space for two thousand years. That's right. They're...?... hollering about that. That's nothing new. That's old to us; we knowed that all along. So, see? See, that's just how far ahead we are. They just don't realize it. Yes, building great big roads and super things like that and trying to make the earth a better place and so forth; they don't realize that the meek's going to inherit it. So there--there you are. So just--just... See, God's got it all figured out for us. That's only thing we have to do, is just hold onto Him and just go right on. See? That's, all believing. That's all He asked us to do. He will take us right through.
Putting On The Whole Armor Of God - 62-0607 - William Branham
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