Oh, I'm telling you; when as soon as you say you got the Holy Ghost, Satan's got every gun right on you, shooting you. Then you got the whole armor on, then take the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit of the Word, and take the--buckle on the--shod yourself with the Gospel, and take the old middle piece here, the breastplate, and pull up the cinch on it, and tighten yourself up a little bit, and get ready for it, 'cause it's a-coming. Don't you worry. Yes, sir. You're going to have plenty of trouble. But remember, "Greater is He that's in you, then he that's in the world."Questions And Answers - 61-1015M - William Branham
Greater is He that's in you
Then you're a witness
You know, I think, today, we bury too many live people. You bury people after they're dead. Is that right? Yes, sir. Listen, brother, a dead man won't argue with you. You can say anything to him you want to, call him all kinds of names, he won't say a word. Why? He's dead. And a man that's dead in Christ, you can offer him a drink, you can give him this, that, or the other, but he's dead. And he's hid in Christ, through God, sealed by the Holy Spirit. Amen. That's it. Now, then he can't do those things, because he--he just can't do it. It's against his nature. He becomes a new creature. You take an old hog, and wash him up, and scrub him up, and manicure his toe nails, and give it lipstick, and put it on all the nylons you want to; turn it loose, it'll go right to a wallow and wallow. The scrubbing don't do no good. It's still got the nature of a hog. And then you take a lamb and put him in a mud hole, he will squeal till you get him out. Why? He's the nature of a lamb. Now, the only way to keep the hog out of the mud is change his nature. That's right. That's the only way to make a Christian: Let his nature be changed, from a sinner to a saint. See? And there's only one remedy, that's the Holy Spirit. Then you're a witness. Amen.Witnesses - 53-0405E - William Branham
It's God has to give it to you
Now, if you'd walk up to Him, and He had on this suit that He gave me and He would say--you'd say, "Jesus, will You heal me?" You know what He would say to you? "Well, my child, I did that." He can't do it again. If you're redeemed out of the pawn shop, how can you be redeemed the second time? He brought you out. He was wounded for your transgressions and with His stripes you were healed. See what I mean? Your healing's already completed. Your salvation's completed. The only thing you have to do is just receive it. What does it make any difference who lays hands on you, what does this, that or the other? Everywhere you're at, just believe it. That's all. Receive it. It's God has to give it to you.Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham
Stay with the promise
Don't look at yourself. Look at your Lamb. God don't accept you; He accepted the Lamb. And the Lamb took your place. O God, can't you see it? Not you, you're not worthy. I'm not worthy. There's none of us worthy. But, see, is He worthy? God said so. He accepted Him. He said, "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. This is My Son. Hear ye Him," on the day of the adoption, "This is Him." Don't say, "Well, the doctor says I'll never be well." That's what the doctor said. Now, the man's a scientific man. He looks the way nature's running, and he sees you can never be well. That scientifically shows him that. Well, that's what he's looking at. If you look at the same thing, you'll never be well. But don't look at what he said. Don't look at what you're--how you're diminishing. But look at your Sacrifice. That's it. And remember you're Abraham's seed and heirs with him. Then if you are, stay with the promise. Accept Him as your Healer. Just stay right there.Jehovah Jireh - 61-0226 - William Branham
It's not imaginary thing
The Statue Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham
But, you know, the--the heathen, they prostrate themself before an idol, imaginary god. And in imaginary way they believe that that imaginary god speaks back to them. That's heathenism. That's Romanism. They bow before all kind of saints and everything else. And they have Saint Cecilia, a house god, and so many different things like that. They bow to that, and actually believe that in imaginary way. What a--what a type it is, of the true living God. But when we, not in imaginary way, but prostrate ourselves before a living God, a living virtue, a living knowledge, a living patience, a living godliness, a living Power coming from a living God, makes a living man a living image in the stature of God. What's he doing? The same things that Jesus did; walking the same way He walked, doing the same things He did. Because, it's not imaginary thing. There's a reality that proves.
The Statue Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham
He's the inexhaustible Fountain of Life
Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham
And every Word of God is a Seed. And if that Seed can be planted by the inexhaustible Fountain of Life, which is Christ, the believer has to drink beyond his imagination, drink and push out. Push out everything you have need of, 'cause it's in you when you receive Christ. And we are planted together in Christ. And He is the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. And don't never be afraid to ask big things. God wants you to ask big things. He don't want you to be little petty and juvenile. He wants you to ask big things that your joys may be full. Could you imagine a little fish about that big, way out yonder in the Atlantic Ocean, say, "I better drink just a little bit of this water, I might run out." Nonsense. Could you imagine a little mouse about that big down there in the great garners of Egypt, saying, "I just better eat two grains a day, 'cause I might run out before summertime again." Well, that's nonsense. If they had ten hundred thousand rats that size, they'd never eat it up. And they had billions times billions of tons of them fish, they'd never drink the water up. And how many times could we multiply; you could never exhaust God in His powers and His mercies to His children. He's the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. Just drink, and drink, and drink, and drink.
Hear Ye Him - 56-1215 - William Branham
Then He will do great things for you
Beginning Ending Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham
Daniel had burnt all the bridges behind him. He wasn't planning on going back anymore. He wasn't watching his back trail; he was looking... Forsaking those things which were in the past, he pressed on to the mark of the high calling. That's what we should be doing. That's what the Church should be doing. And as I notice then, God permitted Satan to give him a test. And, oh, they tested them by the fire. They tested him also by the lion's den. And every instance God brought them out more than victorious. "Many are the testings of the righteous: but God delivered them out of them all." How marvelous that is. How we appreciate that, trials, tribulations, tests, all working for the good. After while God can see then, and He can put His trust in you, and then He will do great things for you.
Beginning Ending Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham
Jesus is the Name
God's Chosen Place Of Worship - 65-0220 - William Branham
And now we find out that Jesus said, also, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then, the Name of the Father must be Jesus. That's right. The Name of the Father is Jesus, 'cause Jesus said so. "I carry My Father's Name. I come in My Father's Name, and you received Me not. Then, His Name was Jesus. And Gabriel called Him Jesus, the prophets called Him Jesus, and He was absolutely Jesus. Before His birth, even the holy prophet called His Name Emmanuel, which is, "God with us." Then, "God was manifested in the flesh, in order to take away the sin of the world," and, in doing so, He was given the Name of Jesus. So, Jesus is the Name. And the Name was placed in a Man; not a church, not a denomination, not a creed, but a Man! He chose to place His Name in Jesus Christ. Now we find out that then He becomes the place of God's worship, where you worship Him.
God's Chosen Place Of Worship - 65-0220 - William Branham
Just show that Token
Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
And in Him is no death. In Him is no sorrow. In Him is no weary. In Him is no sin. In Him is no sickness. In Him is no death. We are in Him! If Satan tries to hand you something, like sickness, just take your Token and apply It. Oh, my! Take your Token and apply It, that you are a purchased product of Jesus Christ. The Token stands that your fare is paid. He says, "When you die, you're lost." Say, "You're wrong. I have the purchased product. I am a purchased product. I have the Token." "What is the Token?" He knows what It is. Don't, don't fool with him. He knows what It is. Now, you might talk to some of these preachers, and they'd argue with you. Not Satan; he knows better. See? Oh, yeah. He come against it, two or three times, you know, and made a mistake, of temptation. Satan knows what you're talking about. Just show that Token, he'll fly. Yes. Cause, what is it? It's a sealed product. He can't break that open, and give something in there that's not right. Say, "Take your hands off! I'm sealed." Oh, my! A sealed product! Yes, sir! You are purchased. Hold the Token over your unmovable faith in His promise, watch him go.
Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
There it is
The Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham
Now, how do you get saved? Let's take it in a childlike form where every believer, no matter if you're--what church you belong to. And your pastor, if he's a right man, he will tell you that--that you can only be saved through faith, not through works, through faith. Now, you believe that He saved you. Now, first thing, that comes from the heart. You believe it. Then you walk up and confess it. Say, "I accept Jesus as my personal Saviour. I believe He saved me." There's not a physical thing in the world that you could prove that you're saved. Your eyes are the same color, got the same shirt on you had on. Go outside and the old gang says, "They ain't nothing to that." But you believe there's something to it, don't you. Now, how... What if you say, "Well I'm going to see how it works out." It'll never work out until you keep your testimony going. You believe you're saved. You act like you're saved. You say you're saved. And you associate with those that are saved, and it works salvation. Is that right? And the same thing will take place by Divine healing. You believe you're healed. You act like He healed you. You say you're healed. And He's a High Priest of your confession to make good anything that you confess that He's done before--fore the Father. There it is.
The Manifestation Of The Spirit - 51-0717 - William Branham
Fear not, fear not
God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham
Certainly, all fear is done gone. Jesus constantly, "Fear not, fear not. I am He that was dead, and alive forevermore. Fear not, fear not I am with thee always even to the end of the world. Fear not." And the Christian keeps sitting back, "Oh, I just wonder." Oh, my, turn loose. Amen. Get all the things away from you; say, "Mr. Satan you are defeated. Jesus Christ stripped you of every power you had when He died at Calvary. and you're nothing but a bluff. And you can't bluff me. (Amen.) I'm made out of that stuff that don't bluff. That's what come from Calvary. Hallelujah. Don't bluff it, go receive it. "So just step aside, I'm moving on for Christ." Amen. You can see the red light go over the hill where he left. Amen. That's right. God will take care of His Own, and all things work together for good to them that love Him. He moves on.
God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham
That's a man that's born again
If you see a brother in the church, that's got something against the other brother, don't say something to stir that thing up, but say something that'll bring them together. Provoke one another unto good works and to love, is what we must do. What is that? That's a man that's born again.
If you, my brother, tonight, don't feel that way when you see your brothers falling out, and sharp words between one another, if you don't feel like bringing them together, it's your time to go to the altar. That's right. There's something happened in your life. There is something you've been deceived in. You haven't the experience that God wants you to have.
For Jesus, when He was reviled, He reviled not again. And was spoken evil of, He spoke not back again. And when He... When they done evil to Him, He turned and did good to them. When they persecuted Him and nailed Him to the cross, He looked down and said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing."
If that kind of Spirit's not in you, the Holy Ghost has never entered you yet, for that was the same Spirit was on Christ Jesus. The Bible said, "Let It be in you." Christ is in His Church.
Go testifying of things you don't even see
God In His People - 50-0227 - William Branham
There's a fountain open, flowing freely everywhere. Just drink till you just can't drink no more. The tree, if it just drink to what it was allotment, why, it would just always, still in the drought. That's what's the matter with the Christians. They don't drink enough. You want to drink till you just spread out and let somebody else see it. See? Push out. Get a testimony. Commit it to God. Believe it. Step out on it. Claim God's promise. Just commit--commit it to God. Believe it. "Commit thy ways unto the Lord." He will bring it to pass whatever you want. But He can't do it until... as long as you're holding it. Say, "Now, I will see if I'm any better, and see if this will work." You commit it to Him; forget about the rest of it. Go testifying of things you don't even see. You believe it. It's not what you see; it's what you believe. It's not what you feel. He never did say, "Did you feel it?" He said, "Did you believe it?"
God In His People - 50-0227 - William Branham
The blood was the token
Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
To the world, It's a bunch of foolishness. But, to God, It's the only way. The only thing that He requires is that Token. It must be there. And you cannot have the Token until the fare is paid, then you are a possessor of the Token which gives you the--the privilege of a free pass. "I'll see the Blood, I'll pass over you." What a time, that, what a privilege, to know that you pack, within you, the Pass. "When I see the Blood, I'll pass over you." It's the only thing that He'll recognize. It's nothing else that can take Its place; no substitute, no denomination, no nothing else. It takes That. God said, "That alone will I see." No matter how righteous they was, how good they was, how much education they had, how they dressed, the token was the only thing. "When I see the token, I'll pass over you." The blood was a token that the--the requirement of Jehovah had been met, that it had been done. The blood stood for the token. The blood was the token. See?
Token - 63-0901M - William Branham
The best flower you could give them, is obey them
Here We Have No Continuin City - 50-0200 - William Branham
And young people, remember. If you're fortunate enough today to have a daddy and a mother living, love them, honor them. The hour will come when you'll think they're the greatest people in the world, if you don't now. And don't never, little fellows, don't never give this slandering word, "old man," and "old woman." That's not the old man and old woman. That's daddy and mother. And some of these days when they go out of the room, in the casket, of flowers, you hear them lowered down in the ground, the pastor say, "Ashes to ashes and dust..." It won't be the "old man" then. There won't be the "old woman," it'll be, "Mother." You'll be wringing your hands and crying. That's right. Now, while she's a living, give her her flowers now, and give dad his flowers. That's right. Now, and the best flower you could give them, is obey them. And that's the first promise in the Bible, the first commandment with promise, "Honor thy father and mother: which may lengthen the days upon the earth that the LORD giveth thee."
Here We Have No Continuin City - 50-0200 - William Branham
What would be your reply?
Conference - 60-1125 - William Branham
Let's just think. I can see Gabriel come down, His great sword standing by His side. I can see Woodworm. I can see the other great Angels lighting on the rocks around. What was it? A conference table being set. Then that Holy Spirit of God, as we see on the picture of Gethsemane, that Light, which God is Light, El Elohim, the self-existing One, when He came down into His Presence. "Do you want to go through with this, Son?" What? The Angels are listening. "What's going to be the result? The whole world lays upon Your shoulder. Do You want to pay the price, or what do You want to do? You can come right on now without death. There lays Calvary before you. There they'll spit in Your face, and they'll take You to Calvary, all these things. You'll die in agony with the crown of thorns on Your head, and Your Blood will drain out. Are You willing?" Let's see what the conference. What the echo's going to be? All Angels are standing around wondering what takes place now. The decision's made. What is it? "Not My will but Thine be done." Oh the Angels unfolded their blessings and begin to minister to Him then, preparing Him for that great hour. A conference was set. A decision was made. I'm so glad of that decision. How can my little petty decisions whether I'll serve Him or not. Sinner friend, how would your--how would your decision be tonight, God, knocking at your heart when such a decision was made for you? What's your answer to His ply? "Come unto Me all ye that labor and heavy laden, I'll give you rest." What would be your reply in that decision? What would be your reply? God's holding a conference with you right now.
Conference - 60-1125 - William Branham
After you are converted, strengthen your brother
Israel And The Church 1 - 53-0325 - William Branham
He received the promise before he was circumcised. Romans 4 will tell you. He received the promise before he was circumcised. Then he was give circumcision as a seal of his obedience of faith. Now, when we say... That's why Billy Graham, Charles Fuller, and Billings and all them, why they're talking about, them Baptist brethren. I told many of them so, Rufus Mosley and the whole bunch. I said... He said, "Well, we had twenty thousand converts in two weeks. They couldn't find twenty people." I said, "Well, they wasn't converted." "Oh," he said, "they accepted Christ as personal Saviour." I said, "Still, they're not converted." That's right. You're not converted until... "To convert" means "to be changed." And look, Paul... Peter had believed on the Lord; he'd been baptized, been given power to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead; and Jesus told him, the night before the crucifixion, "After you are converted, strengthen your brother." That right? Been both saved and sanctified, and hadn't been converted. That's Scripture.
Israel And The Church 1 - 53-0325 - William Branham
Sons of God, born to be free
As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest - 61-0122 - William Branham
You know, he's a heavenly bird. He got back in the cage like that. Here he come across the cage just as hard as he could, flapping them big wings, and banged his head right into that cage again, knocking him backwards on the floor, and the blood running out of his wings where he tried to beat them against that cage to get out. It hit him so hard that time, till he laid there. And his weary eyes looked up to the sky. I thought, "O, God, isn't that pitiful." Then something struck in my heart. I thought, "No, that's not the most pitiful thing I ever seen, an animal in a cage. The most pitiful thing I ever seen is a man born to be a son of God (Hallelujah.), pinned down by some organization, or some creed that tells them, "The days of miracles is past, and there's no such a thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost." When he lays in those old denominational creeds and looks around like that... He was born to be a son of God. Creeds put him in a cage. God wants him out. Amen. Oh, he was born... That was the work of a man put that eagle in there. It's a work of a man that puts you in them creeds and denominations. They're all of the devil. Yes, sir. Creed a man down: "Days of miracles is past; no such thing as joy of the Holy Ghost; no such a thing as shouting; no such a thing as speaking in tongues; no Divine healing." Oh, my. It's pitiful: sons of God, born to be free, then caged down.
As The Eagle Stirs Her Nest - 61-0122 - William Branham
The message of God will be exactly to the elected Church
Balm In Gilead - 61-0218 - William Branham
But remember, brother, that message is supposed to shake the nation or shake the church. Don't you look for some great something to come down on corridors. The message of God will be exactly to the elected Church. These signs and wonders will never be done before the world; they're not supposed to be. President of the Four Rose Whiskey Company, his wife was... She's a--a Missionary Alliance. And she was in one of the meetings; she called Brother Bosworth, which was a Missionary Alliance, and said, "The thing of it is, you're not letting that gift get started out." Said, "What I seen last night would be done in the capitals and so forth, of the nation, why," said, "it would convert--bring the whole world to Christianity." But you see, it's not sent to capitals of nations. See? It's sent to the elected Church. You see, you're not... "Oh," they say, "put your name on great big signs, and hit the big nerve centers; get on television." It wasn't meant for that. I was just sent to you, the church, and that's it. Now, you believe it with all your heart.
Balm In Gilead - 61-0218 - William Branham
Forfeit your rights
The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God 1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
And remember, here it is, believer. Abel died on the same rock with his lamb. Every believer has to do the same thing: die on the rock with your lamb. A lamb don't have but one thing, and that's wool. And he has to forfeit all he's got. He don't kick up a fuss about it. You take the little fellow and throw him up there, like I said, the lamb dumb before its shearers. He gets sheared off. He don't fuss about it. Only thing he's got, he forfeits it willing. And we say we're Christians. Somebody wrote me a little letter the other day and--little note, and funny isn't it, I got it down there, said, "I got a right; I'm a American citizen; I wear any kind of clothes I want to." Go right ahead, it's all right. That shows you're a goat. That's right. You just go ahead and wear them if you wish. But remember, if you're a lamb, you have got a right to it, but you forfeit your rights for Christ. I got a right to get drunk tonight too; I'm American citizen. I got a right to smoke cigarettes; I'm American citizen. You have too, but we forfeit our rights. Be shaved off of those things. Act like gentlemen, like ladies, dress like it, and act like it and live like it. Forfeit your rights.
The Mark Of The Beast And The Seal Of God 1 - 61-0216 - William Branham
He loved us so much that He died for us
Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming – 59-0403 – William Branham
12. Jesus prayed that prayer that we might love one another as He loved us--as He loved us! And He loved us so much that He died for us. No one could love like that unless they--with the natural love, because it would not hold out. It won't express itself. It'll do as long as there's friendship connected with it. But when the friendships turn, then people begin to say, "Well, he did so-and-so. She did so-and-so. They backslid, they..." Real godly love goes after that backslider till it finds him. Godly love goes and stoops to the lowest of hell to pick up a man or a woman that's fallen.
That's what we're lacking today. We have a fine cultured church, educated, fine dressed, fine buildings, nice choirs, beautiful music, some of the best the world's ever had. But we are dying for some of that godly love.
13. Jesus expressed it well when He found the prostitute, drug before Him guilty of an adultery. And they drug her before Him, and said, "Now, the law requires for her to die. What do You say do about it?"
I tell you, He showed Himself what He was when He turned with these words, "Neither do I condemn thee. Go and sin no more." What more love could be than to take a wayward person like that, and see Who He was, and freely forgive the woman of her wrong.
He expressed it again greatly when He was dying at Calvary in His last words at the cross, and His enemies' spit was hanging on His face, He cried, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."
No one could love like Him. You can't manufacture that kind of a love. It's a--the gift of God that comes by the Holy Spirit, the only way you'll ever be able to have that love. "Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels and have not that kind of a love, I am nothing. Though I have faith to move mountains..." The Bible said...
14. I was speaking here a few days ago upon this Scripture, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it."
And a young man who was riding with me in a car, said, "How many would you say would be saved in this generation?"
I said, "Eight or ten."
"Oh," he said, "Don't say that, brother."
I'll say, "I'll lengthen it to fifty, and that's as many as I can go."
He said, "Fifty people?"
I said, "Jesus said when He was on earth, 'As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.' Days of Noah, there was eight souls saved." Now, remember a generation fades out each day, ends that generation. Take fifty a day for six thousand years and see what you've got.
And he said, "Well then, Brother Branham, I'd like to ask you this question. All the people that's claim to have the Holy Sprit, and so forth, won't they come in the resurrection?"
I said, "If they had the Holy Sprit. But what we been putting too much emphasis on, is on other things instead of the real thing, the love of God."
15. Paul said, "All these things could happen... I could have all wisdom, all knowledge, and yet have not love, it profit me nothing. I could speak with tongues like men and Angels, and still not have it." And we put so much emphasis upon these things, upon great healing revivals, and miracles being worked.
Did not Jesus say, "Many will come to me in that day, and say, 'Lord, Lord, have I not cast out devils in Your Name? In Your Name, haven't I done many mighty works?' I will say unto them, 'Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity, I did not even know you.'"
What a disappointment that will be. But look what a surprise it'll be when He said, those who didn't even think they deserved to be there... "When were You hungry and we fed You? When where You naked and we gave You clothes? We didn't know when You did this."
He said, "Insomuch as you've done it unto these, you've done it unto Me."
Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming – 59-0403 – William Branham
Still standing with a testimony
Time-Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham
And Jesus Christ came from heaven to glory, from glory down here to build a Church. And the material that He's putting in it is time-tested material. You might come to the altar and make a confession, but when He finds blow holes and everything else in to where the world's blown the maggots in you, and so forth, you cannot stand; He just pitches you to one side. God wants a time-tested church, not somebody's a Christian today and a backslider tomorrow, and is in-and-out, up-and-down; He can't place you nowhere. But He's got a church that's tested, went through the trials, through losses, through sickness, through sorrow, through death, and still standing with a testimony. That's the man. Yes, that's the man He's looking for. I don't care if you're a pauper; I don't care if you're a beggar. I don't care if you're a ragpicker. Whatever you are, God puts the test to you. He's looking for time-tested material. I believe one of these days when that great church... When science says, "How can it lose? Gravitation will hold you to the earth..." Now, I feel religious. Let me tell you, that time-tested church will come into existence someday. There may be half of them sleeping in the dust of the earth. I don't know where they're at; but God's got His material all tested. One day He's coming to take the forefront ("Follow Me!"), right through atmospheres, and stratospheres, and spheres, and spheres, into the Presence of Almighty God, He will go with a time-tested church.
Time-Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham
God can't lie
The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way - 62-0120 - William Branham
He knows your needs. He knows how to bring it to you. But the trouble of it is, because it don't come the way you think it ought to come, then you're all discouraged, and you hand it back to Him. Let's ask Him, and believe that He will send it just the way He wants to send it. And accept it upon the basis. That's right. See? If you ask Him, don't make Him a liar. He can't lie. He promised, "Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it." Now, God can't lie. Ask Him and it shall be done. "Seek, ye shall find; knock, it'll be opened." We believe that. Certainly we do.
The Unchangeable God Working In An Unexpectable Way - 62-0120 - William Branham
He that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly
Blind Bartimaeus - 57-0301 - William Branham
You know there's something about getting alone to yourself. Many people never pray until they come to church. Many people thinks that the only place to pray is at church, but the Bible said for men to pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands. And then when we get by ourself, we'll usually pray different than what we would if we pray it in church. It's the secret prayer that Jesus spoke of, saying, "Enter ye into a secret closet, and close the door, and when you have did so, pray to your Father Who sees in secret; and He that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." And when we're praying like that, there seems to be something to the prayer that takes all the hypocrisy out of it. It seems like that we get in a better connection with God, to get alone. And there's been many times in my life, as perhaps in your life, that you just have to get alone once in a while with Jesus.
Blind Bartimaeus - 57-0301 - William Branham
You can be free if you desire to be free
The Mark Of The Beast - 56-0715 - William Branham
And today, when a man hears the good news, Christ died in your stead, nothing that you can do about it, Christ paid the price, the Gospel sound, you can drop every cigarette, every chew tobacco, every whiskey bottle, every--every thing that's binding you and say, "I am free. This is the good news. Christ has made me free." You're a free people. You don't have to go any longer. You don't have to serve the devil any longer. You can be free if you desire to be free. Now, you don't have to drink; you don't have to run around; you don't have to mistreat your wife; you don't have to curse; you don't have to lie; you don't have to steal; you don't have to be weary. Why, you've got the resources up yonder that's never been tapped of the bountiful blessings of God that the world knows nothing about. You say, "I must have a little pleasure." Why, brother, if you ever hear the good news of the trumpet, the worldly pleasures seem so little they're sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. You don't need it no more.
The Mark Of The Beast - 56-0715 - William Branham
God can forgive and forget it
In His Presence - 62-0909 - William Branham
If we have confessed that He is, we been in His Presence, and we have confessed our sins, they are blotted out the book of His memory. There's nobody but God could do that. Now, you can do anything to me, I'll forgive you, but I'll remember it. If I'd do anything to you, you'd forgive me, but you'll remember it. But God can forgive and forget it. Think of that, "don't even remember it!" Amen. That makes me feel good. When it's not even remembered anymore, nothing can do it but God. Nothing but God can do that. He said He would blot it out of His book of memory. I can't do it, you can't do it, because we've only got these little finite senses. But He's infinite, God, He can absolutely forget that it ever was done. Amen.
In His Presence - 62-0909 - William Branham
You must take It to someone else
In His Presence - 62-0909E - William Branham
Any man that comes into the Presence of God is responsible before God, from that minute on, to tell somebody else. Look at Abraham, look at Moses, look at Peter, look at Paul. The moment they come into the Presence of God, recognized themselves "sinners," and sealed their testimony with their life. Look at the little lady, she couldn't stay no longer, she went to the city and told the men, "Come, see the Man that told me the things I've done. Isn't this the Messiah?" They could not deny It, because It was Scriptural. Certainly. Yes, they've got to do it, a man, when we got a responsibility of telling others as Moses did, as Peter did, as Paul did. After these things, you've seen It and come into His Presence, you're responsible for the Message to get to somebody else. You just cannot sit still with It. You must take It to someone else.
In His Presence - 62-0909E - William Branham
God swore under obligation He'd take care of that prayer
Believing God - 52-0224 - William Branham
150. And I know this, that some of us has more faith than others, and those who have abundance of faith are supposed to pray for those. But if you don't live the right kind of life, you better leave away from it; the devil will laugh at your prayer. But when you live right, and do right, and act right, and have faith in God, Satan will tremble when you speak, 'cause God swore under obligation He'd take care of that prayer. That's true.
Believing God - 52-0224 - William Branham
That's the way to be a real Christian
Thirsting For Life - 60-0304 - William Branham
52. So is it. I've watched many times, the wolf after the--the deer. And if he can catch a little deer out to itself, that's the one they work on. There's a lesson. If he can catch a deer away from the herd, then he--that that's what the devil wants to do. So to you, young ladies, he wants you to go out with a boy that's not a Christian. To you, young men, he wants you to go out with some little painted Jezebel that's--that's not a Christian. That's where he wants to break you up. That's where he wants to--he wants to sock his teeth into you.
And this little deer will get out to itself, away from the herd. That's the one the wolf works on. And to you, old man or woman, when you separate yourself from believers... People say, "I can stay at home, be just as good a Christian as I can at church." You can't.
The Bible said, "Not forsake our assemble ourselves together, and that much more as we see the time coming."
If you're a Christian, you long to go where other Christians are, and fellowship with other Christians. So you cannot stay away from church and live the same life. You--you can't do it, because it's like, "I--I--I--I'm hungry, but I'll never go to a table. I just... I'll never eat. I just--I ain't going to do it." See? You've got to go and feed on the Word of God, and fellowship one with another.
We need one amother--another more now than we ever did need each other, is now. When you get yourself singled out from the rest of them making yourself just a little different, you don't want to associate with them because they believe this, and don't want to associate with that, you're getting on dangerous ground, right then, keeping away from church. Find the one of your choice, and remain there, and be a Christian brother to all of them. That's the way to be a real Christian. Then we've got fellowship, protection; people love you and pray for you.
That's the success of my meetings, is because real godly people pray for me. That's it. That's the reason success in my meetings. When I come in and introduce these things about the visions and things, there's a many old mother and dad, sister and brother, setting out there that believe that with all their heart. The Holy Spirit drops right down on them then. If they didn't do that, I have no way of doing it. No matter how great it would be for myself, it has to be for you the same. We have to do a unit, two of us together, to make the contact with God: you, as a believer, and myself, as a believer.
Thirsting For Life - 60-0304 - William Branham
I want to be there, don't you?
The Second Miracle - 51-0729 - William Branham
54. This is the way heaven will be, there'll be Germans, Finns, Italians, and even the Irish will be there. Amen. I said, "I know there's one there; they call him Michael." All right. God is here tonight, do you believe it? He's in His mercy, and He's here to heal the sick and afflicted.
All right, it's time for us to call the prayer line now. And may God be with you. Brother Bobby, if you'll play tonight for me, my favorite song, "Abide With Me." Some morning, life is all over, this mortal life; the sun will be set for its last time. This old earth will be blowed into bits. Maybe five hundred years from tonight there'll be a... Let's draw our picture now, mentally.
55. Five hundred years from tonight, just imagine, I hear the winds howling; I look at the earth; it's out of its orbit. The atomic bombs has throwed her from her orbit; yonder she lays into the sun. She's whirling fast; the winds are blowing. There's not a living thing on earth. The sands are blowing across, howling. Many times, and thousands times fahrenheit of heat laying against her. No more water, but fire this time.
What do I see sticking up there in the sand, oh, it's a tombstone. Somebody's name's on it. They may be setting in the meeting tonight. Where's your soul then, friend? If you're not right with God.
Then let's draw a little farther out. I see God bring it back into its orbit again. She's rehabited. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. I see a beautiful dawn, a tropic like an orient, big palm trees, and beautiful birds a singing. I come, look, walking down through the garden yonder, the white doves a flying from tree to tree. What's approaching? The One that's going to set on David's throne, and His white robe moving along. Oh, I want to stand along this side there, don't you? Be just possible that the tears comes down my cheeks while He passes by and look at Him, I say, "There's the lovely One that redeemed me."
56. When the great supper's set, there we all get setted--seated around the table, the wedding supper. I'll look across the table; I say, "I recognize him; he's from Finland. I recognize him; he was of the Erie meeting." I reach across the table and take you by the hand; we just have to shed a few tears, won't we?
Then the first thing you know, the King will walk out in all of His beauty; He will take His hands and wipe all tears from our eyes, put His arm around and say, "Don't cry now; it's all over. Won't have any more healing services here, no more hot nights, no more tears, no more wheelchairs, crutches; it'll all be over. Enter ye into the joys of the Lord." I want to be there, don't you?
The Second Miracle - 51-0729 - William Branham
Let Him be first
Hebrews chapter Two 2 - 57-0825E - William Branham
I want you to take It to record. The Bible said, "If there arise one among you, and he says such-and-such, and it doesn't come to pass, don't hear it, for I haven't spoken. But if he speaks in My Name, and what he says comes to pass, then hear It." Amen. "For I am with that prophet, or preacher, whatever it may be. If what he says comes to pass, then hear him." Now, friends, let's hear Him, the Holy Spirit speaking in our midst, showing divers miracles, and signs, and wonders. Let's just not pass over It as just common happenings. Let's remember that It's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; confirming His Word. We must do it. Oh, please do it. Take heed. Let every other thing be secondary, even your home, your husband, your wife, your children. Whatever it may be, put it second. Place God first. You say, "Brother Branham, over my children?" Over anything. Place God first. Let Him be first.
Hebrews chapter Two 2 - 57-0825E - William Branham
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