
After you are converted, strengthen your brother

He received the promise before he was circumcised. Romans 4 will tell you. He received the promise before he was circumcised. Then he was give circumcision as a seal of his obedience of faith. Now, when we say... That's why Billy Graham, Charles Fuller, and Billings and all them, why they're talking about, them Baptist brethren. I told many of them so, Rufus Mosley and the whole bunch. I said... He said, "Well, we had twenty thousand converts in two weeks. They couldn't find twenty people." I said, "Well, they wasn't converted." "Oh," he said, "they accepted Christ as personal Saviour." I said, "Still, they're not converted." That's right. You're not converted until... "To convert" means "to be changed." And look, Paul... Peter had believed on the Lord; he'd been baptized, been given power to heal the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead; and Jesus told him, the night before the crucifixion, "After you are converted, strengthen your brother." That right? Been both saved and sanctified, and hadn't been converted. That's Scripture.

Israel And The Church 1 - 53-0325 - William Branham

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