54. This is the way heaven will be, there'll be Germans, Finns, Italians, and even the Irish will be there. Amen. I said, "I know there's one there; they call him Michael." All right. God is here tonight, do you believe it? He's in His mercy, and He's here to heal the sick and afflicted.
All right, it's time for us to call the prayer line now. And may God be with you. Brother Bobby, if you'll play tonight for me, my favorite song, "Abide With Me." Some morning, life is all over, this mortal life; the sun will be set for its last time. This old earth will be blowed into bits. Maybe five hundred years from tonight there'll be a... Let's draw our picture now, mentally.
55. Five hundred years from tonight, just imagine, I hear the winds howling; I look at the earth; it's out of its orbit. The atomic bombs has throwed her from her orbit; yonder she lays into the sun. She's whirling fast; the winds are blowing. There's not a living thing on earth. The sands are blowing across, howling. Many times, and thousands times fahrenheit of heat laying against her. No more water, but fire this time.
What do I see sticking up there in the sand, oh, it's a tombstone. Somebody's name's on it. They may be setting in the meeting tonight. Where's your soul then, friend? If you're not right with God.
Then let's draw a little farther out. I see God bring it back into its orbit again. She's rehabited. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. I see a beautiful dawn, a tropic like an orient, big palm trees, and beautiful birds a singing. I come, look, walking down through the garden yonder, the white doves a flying from tree to tree. What's approaching? The One that's going to set on David's throne, and His white robe moving along. Oh, I want to stand along this side there, don't you? Be just possible that the tears comes down my cheeks while He passes by and look at Him, I say, "There's the lovely One that redeemed me."
56. When the great supper's set, there we all get setted--seated around the table, the wedding supper. I'll look across the table; I say, "I recognize him; he's from Finland. I recognize him; he was of the Erie meeting." I reach across the table and take you by the hand; we just have to shed a few tears, won't we?
Then the first thing you know, the King will walk out in all of His beauty; He will take His hands and wipe all tears from our eyes, put His arm around and say, "Don't cry now; it's all over. Won't have any more healing services here, no more hot nights, no more tears, no more wheelchairs, crutches; it'll all be over. Enter ye into the joys of the Lord." I want to be there, don't you?
The Second Miracle - 51-0729 - William Branham
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