
God can forgive and forget it

If we have confessed that He is, we been in His Presence, and we have confessed our sins, they are blotted out the book of His memory. There's nobody but God could do that. Now, you can do anything to me, I'll forgive you, but I'll remember it. If I'd do anything to you, you'd forgive me, but you'll remember it. But God can forgive and forget it. Think of that, "don't even remember it!" Amen. That makes me feel good. When it's not even remembered anymore, nothing can do it but God. Nothing but God can do that. He said He would blot it out of His book of memory. I can't do it, you can't do it, because we've only got these little finite senses. But He's infinite, God, He can absolutely forget that it ever was done. Amen.

In His Presence - 62-0909 - William Branham

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