
I come down to take over

The earth knew it was Him. It shook with a great earthquake when He died. The moon and sun hid their face. The very Creator of them was dying on Calvary. The sun went out in the middle of the day. I seen Him go right on down to the doors of hell. Oh, I feel religious tonight. Look brother... I seen... I know what I'm talking about. I'm not lost in the fog. No, sir. I know right where I'm standing. Yes, sir. And He descended right on down into the lower regions of hell, knocked on the door. [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.] Satan comes, said, "Who's there?" Said, "Open up." "Who are you? "Open up." Satan opens up says, "Oh, so you finally arrived, did you? " Said, "I thought I had you when I killed Abel. When I throwed Daniel in the lions den, I thought I got you. I thought I got you when I put the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. When I beheaded John the Baptist, I thought I had you, but now, I got you. You're here. You arrived, did you? "Satan," said Jesus, "give Me the key of death and hell. You don't possess them." "Oh, yes I do. I possess them, because back yonder in the garden of Eden, Adam sinned. But He said, "I'm the virgin born Son of God." I come down from the Father's bosom. I've just died yonder on Calvary, and My Blood's still dripping from the cross. I come down to take over." That's right. You ain't scaring nobody from this on. You was a bluff one time. You had Him, but you haven't got Him any more. I'm the possessor. That's right. I'll give My church the keys to the Kingdom. Reached over on his side, pulled the keys off of him, smacked him in the face, and sent him back, and shut the door so hard it shook the pegs of hell in his eyes. Hallelujah.
Show Us The Father - 54-0811 - William Branham

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