
The Lord Thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest

I'm going to ask you to be reverent, be quiet, not stir around. I don't care for your praising God, of course... you can. That's been one thing that's worried me; why is it people in America, they can see the Lord working and set dead still and never move and set like they was a bump on a pickle. I--I can't understand that, looks to me like... It thrills my soul till I... Oh, it looks to me like I could scream to the top of my voice, "Jesus lives." Why, I'm a mortal; I'm here in the world. What am I? Where'd I come from? Where am I going? And Jesus come and said, "I'll be your Compass; I'll be your Guide." He's raised from the dead, don't worry. "When old age...?... don't worry about that. When sickness strikes, don't worry, I'm here. Be not dismayed; neither be thou afraid, for the Lord Thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest." Amen.
Faith In Action - 55-1003 - William Branham

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