28. When a man or a woman, I don't care how many vows you make, or how many new pages you turn, until you meet God you can't be changed. But when you once meet God, then you're changed forever.
Didn't only change Moses, it changed Israel. It changed Egypt. It changed the world at that time, because one man met God, and took Him at His Word.
What we need today is somebody to meet God face to face and talk to Him. The situation... When men meet God, things are changed. Certainly. That's the only way that we can have things. And from that time on, Moses the coward, Moses the one that was running, had been changed. And from that time, he become the servant of the Lord. It always works that way. When a man meets God, things are changed.
From That Time - 59-1231 - William Branham
Amen, it sure does :)
Amen, definitely! :-D
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