
That's the way we should think it too

If there's sin in your life, get it out. If there's condemnation, get it out. If there's doubt, get it out. Until you can see perfectly that it's God's will, it's God's plan, and you're included in that, then say, "Sickness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, get away from me." And remember, you might not feel any better for a week. But as soon as you said that word, something happened. God has to keep His Word. That sickness shakes, and he begins to turn loose. He will go if you'll just believe it. Don't doubt. Like Peter walking on the water, He said, "Why did you doubt? Oh, ye of little faith." Just because he was sinking, that had nothing to do with it. Christ had commanded him, and His Word was enough. That's the way we should think it too.

Why? - 59-0813 - William Branham


Live together, be a Christian

61-1. Let's study it. Let's add to our faith these things then, that we might come in the full statue of Christ, being joined together with godly love, fear of God, reverence in our heart to one another, deep respect to one another, brotherly and sisterly kindness, never vulgarity, nothing but just the purity of Holy Ghost living. See? Live together, be a Christian; walk with faith; let the virtue of God flow through you. Let the knowledge of God when it comes to right and wrong... When the devil presents something that's not exactly Scripture, walk away from it. That's right.

61-2. I can imagine them apostles never acted like us. They went around, probably men of few words till they got in the pulpit. They walked in, and they done what they was supposed to do, and walked out. Yes, sir. They had power. They had virtue. They had no arguments with men; they knowed where they stood. That's all. They knowed who they believed. They kept on walking in the Spirit doing only... Just as I said the other night, "One little nod. That's all God had to do, then nothing going to stop them." They didn't question, and study, and hum-haw, and weary like we do whether they should do this or that. They went ahead and done it anyhow. Just one little nod from God, that done it. That's just it. Why? How could they know it was a nod from God? They had all these virtues in here, all these qualifications. And the first little nod of God compared with every bit of this and with His Word; they knowed it was the Word of God and away they went. They didn't have to worry about nothing else. When God spoke, they went.

61-3. We speak--God speaks to us; and we'll say "Well, we'll start off. We'll see if we can live this Life." First thing you know, somebody upsets you. Why sure, that's the devil.
You ought to seen him trying to keep me away from this meeting this morning. You ought to have that one time. Oh, mercy, I have to fight every time I mention a meeting. And if I'm going to pray for sick, and somebody dying and not saved, there'll be thirty calls come in in ten minutes (if they can get that fast), to keep me from it. "Oh, Brother Branham, you got to do this." But there's a soul at stake. Yes.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham


Believe it

73. If there ever was a call to the Church to sanctify yourselves and get away from the things of the world, we're ready to cross over. Amen.
Are you ready tonight to throw aside, sanctify yourself from all your unbelief? You read in the newspapers; you hear ministers testifying of blind, deaf, and dumb. What's the matter? Don't you believe that's for you too? The same Gospel's been preached to you like was preached to them. Are you ready to sanctify yourself?
There's only one sin, and that sin is unbelief. Smoking cigarettes, drinking whiskey, and telling lies, and committing adultery, that's not sin. That's the attributes of sin. You do that because you are a sinner. That's what makes you do it. See? It's not sin itself; that's just what the results of sin.
Now, and the only sin there is is unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already," said Jesus, in Saint John 3. See?
You've got to... You--you--you don't believe. There's only two facilities: one of them is unbelief and the other one is faith. If you believe, you are. If you do not believe, you are not. That's the only thing.

74. Now, sanctify yourself and get away from every superstition, everything that would tell you... The devil say, "Well, if I get called upon the platform, I might get healed tonight."
Get that devil away from you. It doesn't matter whether you come up here or not. It's whether you get up there or not with faith. Amen. Have faith in God. Believe it.

Result Of Decision - 55-1008 - William Branham


Don't give up

10. Now, they went off in such a hurry, without even considering God. And when they found out the seven days was up, well, their water supply was cut off. They didn't have any water to drink. And there they was out there with their cattle, and with their animals, and their water supply was cut off. And looks like that it was just about the end for them.
Now, that's what we do. Sometimes we go off on a tantrum somewhere and not think about God, not pray over it, ask the Lord whether we should do it or not, and we find out that our supply of blessings is cut off. Then we wonder sometime, "Well, wonder why I can't have no more blessings." You don't watch, you let down in your prayer life. You say, "Well, I'm a Christian." Well, that's the more sign you should pray, more than ever. Read the Bible every day. Pray every day. Don't make any decisions too harshly or too quickly, without first considering God about it. Ask Him, "Shall I do this, Father?" Ask Him, "Is it Your will for me to do this?" Then see what the Holy Spirit will speak to you. He might not give you a vision, but He will speak in some way to you, to let you know, if you'll be sincere and ask Him.

11. Then we see that when the crisis come it showed just who was (down in their heart) was yet a believer. That was Jehoshaphat. He said, "Well, here we are, no water."
And the other king said, "I guess the Moabites has brought us out here, and now they're going to slay us all, out here." But Jehoshaphat, the believer... Now, he'd kinda come to himself; he said, "Isn't there a prophet somewhere that we could consult the Lord?" That's a pretty good idea, don't you think so? As a... Said, "Couldn't we consult the Lord about this matter, if we're in this jeopardy here, and--and we're going to die or be defeated? Shouldn't we consult the Lord?"

12. Well, if a nation or an army should consult the Lord in a time of trouble, what about when a cancer has got you in a corner? when TB's got you in a corner? When afflictions got you in a corner, don't give up; let's consult the Lord about it and see what He'd have to say. See?
Maybe you'd say, "Well, I have... I'm a drunkard. I'm a harlot. I'm... I've--I've cursed all my life." Don't give up. Let's consult the Lord about it now, and see what He'd say about it.
Say, "Well, Brother Branham, I've tried for six years to be borned again of the Spirit of God, to receive the Holy Spirit. He's never yet come to me." Well, let's try again tonight, and see what the Lord will say, for He's always willing if we'll just get everything out of the way.

Prophet Elisha - 54-0723 - William Branham


That's all the medicine he needed

22. We found out they needed healing. Well now, they had a doctor with them, which was Moses. And... Say, you know Moses really was a real doctor. Think he had around two million people out there with him. How many babies was born every twenty four hours? How many people was hurt, and sick, and had bad colds, and so forth?
You know, I--I really believe that a lot of these... If there's some doctors here tonight, we ought to look in Doctor Moses' medicine cabinet and find out just exactly what kind of a remedy he had. Don't you think that? He kept two million people on the go, and there wasn't a feeble one among them when they come out of it, forty years long. Say, doctor, you ought to look in his medicine kit and find out what he had. Let's do it. Would you like to look into it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] All right, we'll just look over and see what Moses had.
Here it is. Moses opens up his medicine kit, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee." That's all he had. Amen. That's all he needed. "I'm the Lord that healeth all of thy diseases." That's all the medicine he needed, and he practiced that too

The Results Of Decision - 55-1008 - William Branham


He knows right where you are

39. One night after being preaching a long time He sent His disciples away, and they got in a ship and went out without Him. And look like that... When He did, then he's out into the sea, the little ship was, and the little old storm come up; and the devil said, "I've got them away from Him now. I've got these holy-rollers away from their Master. I'll see how much message they'll take to all the world. I'll drowned everyone of them out here."
So there come up a great storm. The devil begin to snort his breath, and the storm came up, and the little ship begin to bounce up-and-down like this. The sails broke; the oars broke; the ship filled with water; and it was the darkest time. No doubt they were holding one another around the waist and crying. They thought, "Oh, where has He gone? What has happened to Him? Why didn't we wait and take Him with us? Why didn't we have Him in the boat?"

40. And many times you might think the same thing. My friend, you might have went off without Him, but remember, He's still watching you. He knows right where you are. There may be trouble in your home; there may be trouble in your soul; there may be trouble in your body; whatever it is, don't you worry, He's got His eyes on you; He's watching you.
He climbed up on top of a mountain; He was looking out there and He seen every trick that devil was playing. Hallelujah. He not only climbed, but He climbed the ramparts of Calvary, not only to Calvary, but the ramparts of glory. And He sets tonight at the Majesty. He looks down on earth. There's not even a--a ripple can come on the water without He--it's by His permission. The sea can't move; a leaf can't move; a bird can't fly.

41. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. He's above all principalities and powers. The earth made Him the lowest name that could be brought. God give Him the highest Name could be given. The earth put Him as low as they could get Him in a sinners grave. But God raised Him in the highest; why, He's so high till He has to look down to see heaven. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. He watches you. He knows every thought that's in your mind. He knows every action you make. He knows everything about you. That's right.

42. You say, "But I backslid, Brother Branham." That don't make a bit of difference. He knows just exactly what you backslid over. He knows just exactly where you're at. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I went off without Him too. I had an opportunity one time to speak. I had an opportunity one time to--to be a Christian. I had an opportunity. The preacher made the call; I ought to went. I tried it once; I failed. I did this, that."
No matter what you done, He's still got His eye on you. Those disciples went off without Him, and the darkest hour when that devil got them away from there, away from His Presence, he begin to storm on them. Maybe that's what he's doing to you tonight. He might give you cancer; he might give you this; he might give you that. He might give you a broken home; he might give you a tore up car. He might give you worries; he might give you headaches. I don't know what he will do, but there's one thing I do know, that God's still got His eye on you.

Then Jesus came - 57-0407E - William Branham


And it does it

130. Sovereign grace is from a sovereign One. Sovereign grace from a sovereign One. Sovereign, what can it do? Sovereign can do whatever it wants to. Listen to this now. Sovereign grace can only be given by One that's Sovereign. And God is Sovereign, so He can give sovereign grace. Therefore, being sovereign, grace don't have to ask anybody; it don't has to... It does what it wants to. Isn't that wonderful? It don't has to ask, "Can I do this? Or, shall I do this? Can I? Must I? Will I?" Doesn't do it. It does it itself. Grace is sovereign; therefore, He can save the vilest. He can save the worst. He can save the impurest. He can save the immoralest. He can heal the sickest. Hallelujah.

131. He can save a wretch like me. And He did. What is it? Grace. William Branham, a drunkard's son: that don't make any difference; the grace of God saved me.
"Me, I'm a woman's daughter that was no good." Don't make any difference, the grace of God saved you. It's sovereign, has to ask nobody nothing. Amen. I'm so glad of that. Hallelujah.
Can take the vilest sinner and make him white as snow, don't have to ask anybody about it. Oh, it can do it because it's sovereign.
Listen, quickly now. That was proved at the cross, when there was a vilest thief; he deserved to die. God had never come across his mind. He never thought nothing of it. There on the cross when, through those bloody lips, in between the groans there came a sound, "Lord, be merciful to me."
And there came another One back through Blood, tears, agony; grace took ahold and said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Grace did that. How could that thief help himself? No more than Adam could help hisself, no more than Eve could help herself, no more than you can help yourself, no more than I can help myself, when no more we could jerk ourselves up the Milky White Way with our bootstraps. We couldn't do it. But the grace of God can do something about it, and it does it. The grace of God, the sovereignty of the grace of God come to that dying thief, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Oh, think of it. That's wonderful.

Message Of Grace - 61-0827 - William Branham


This is perfect love

19-5. And I woke up; I thought, "I'm dreaming so much. I wonder why." And I looked down and she was laying by me. And I raised up on my pillow, as many of you people have done, put my head upon the--the headboard of the bed, and put my hands behind me. I was laying there like this, and I said, "Well, I just wonder what it will be the other side. I am already fifty, and I haven't done nothing yet. If I could only do something to help the Lord. For I know I won't be mortal. Half of my time is gone, at least, or more than half. If I live to be as old as my people, still half my time is gone. And I looked around and I was laying there fixing to get up. It was about seven o'clock. I said, "I believe I'll go down to church this morning if I am hoarse. I'd like to hear Brother Neville preach." So I--I said, "Are you awake, honey?" And she was sleeping very soundly.
And I don't want you to miss this. It has changed me. I can't be the same Brother Branham that I was.

20-2. And I looked, and I heard something kept saying, "You're just starting. Press the battle. Just keep pressing."
I shook my head a minute and then I thought, "Well, I probably just thinking like this, you know, a person can get some imaginations." and I said, "I just probably imagined that."
It said, "Press the battle. Keep going. Keep going."
And I said, "Maybe I said it."
And I put my lips within my teeth, and put my hand over my mouth, and there it come again; said, "Just keep pressing. If you only knew what was at the end of the road." And seemed like I could hear Graham Snelling, or somebody that sing that song like this; they sings it here, Anna Mae and all of you all:

I am homesick and blue, and I want to see Jesus;
I would like to hear those sweet harbor bells chime;
It would brighten my path and would vanish all fears;
Lord, let me look past the curtain of time.

You've heard it sang here at the church.
And I heard something say, "Would you like to see just beyond the curtain?"
I said, "It would help me so much." And I looked, and in just a moment, I--one breath, I'd come into a little place that's slanted. I looked back, and there I was laying on the bed. And I said, "This is a strange thing."

20-4. Now, I would not want you to repeat this. This is before my church, or my sheep that I am pastoring. Whether it was I was in this body or out, whether it was a translation... It wasn't like any vision I ever had. I could look there, and I could look here. And when I hit that little place, I never seen so many people come running, screaming, "Oh, our precious brother." And I looked, and young women, maybe in their early twenties (eighteen to twenty), they were throwing their arms around me and screaming, "Our precious brother."
Here come young men in the brilliance of young manhood, and their eyes glistening and looking like stars on a darkened night, their teeth as white as pearl, and they were screaming, and grabbing me, and screaming, "Oh, our precious brother." And I stopped and I looked, and I was young. I looked back at my old body laying there with my hands behind my head. I said, "I don't understand this." And these young women throwing their arms around me...

21-2. Now, I do realize this is a mixed audience, and I say this with the sweetness and with the mellowness of the Spirit. Men cannot put your arm around women without a human sensation. But it wasn't there. There was no yesterday nor tomorrow. They didn't get tired. They were... I never seen such pretty women in all my life. They had hair way down to their waistline, long skirts to their feet, and they were just a hugging me. It wasn't a hug like even my own sister setting there would hug me. They were not kissing me, and I was not kissing them. It was something that I--I have not got the--the vocabulary; I haven't got the words to say. Perfection wouldn't touch it. Superb wouldn't even touch it nowhere. It was something that I never... You just have to be there.

21-3. And I looked this a way and that way, and they were coming by the thousands. And I said, "Now, I don't understand this." I said, "Why, they..."
And here come Hope; that was my first wife. She run and never said, "My husband." She said, "My precious brother." And when she hugged me, there was another woman standing there that'd hugged me, and then Hope hugged this woman, and each one...
And I thought, "Oh, wh--this has to be something different; it--it can't be. There's something..." I thought, "Oh, would I ever want to go back to that old carcass again?" I looked around there and I thought, "What is this?" And I looked real good, and I--I said, "I--I can't understand this." But Hope seemed to be like a--oh a guest of honor. She was no different but just like a guest of honor.

21-4. And I heard a voice then that spoke to me that was in the room, said, "This is what you preached was the Holy Ghost. This is perfect love. And nothing can enter here without it." I am more determined than ever in my life that it takes perfect love to enter there. There was no jealousy. There was no tiredness. There was no death. Sickness could never in there. Mortality could never make you old, and the--they could not cry. It was just one joy, "Oh, my precious brother."
And they took me up and set me up on a great big high place. And I thought, "I am not dreaming. I'm looking back at my--my body laying down there on the bed." And they set me up there, and I said, "Oh, I shouldn't set up here."
And here come women and men from both sides just in the bloom of youth, screaming. And one woman was standing there, and she screamed, "Oh, my precious brother. Oh, we are so happy to see you here."
I said, "I don't understand this."
And then that voice that was speaking from above me, said, "You know it is written in the Bible that the prophets were gathered with their people."
And I said, "Yes, I remember that in the Scriptures."
Said, "Why, this is when you will gather with your people."
I said, "Then they'll be real, and I can feel them."
"Oh, yes."
I said, "But I... There's millions. There's not that many Branhams."
And that voice said, "They're not Branhams; them's your converts. That's the ones that you've led to the Lord." And said, "Some of them women there that you think are so beautiful were better than ninety years old when you led them to the Lord. No wonder they're screaming, 'Our precious brother.'"
And they screamed all at once, "If you hadn't have went, we wouldn't be here."

22-4. I looked around and I thought, "Well, I don't get it." I said, "Oh, where is Jesus? I want to see Him so bad."
They said, "Now, He's just a little higher, right up that way." Said, "Someday He will come to you." You see? Said, "You were sent for a leader. And God will come, and when He does, He'll judge you according to what you taught them, first; whether they go in or not. We'll go in according to your teaching."
I said, "Oh, I'm so glad. Did Paul, does he have to stand like this? Does Peter have to stand like this?"
I said, "Then I've preached every word that they preached. I never divvied from it one side to the other. Where they baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, I did too. Where they taught the baptism of the Holy Ghost, I did too. Whatever they taught, I did too."
And them people screamed and said, "We know that, and we know we're going with you someday back to earth." Said, "Jesus will come, and you'll be judged according to the Word that you preached us. And then, if you are accepted at that time, which you will be," and said, "then you will present us to Him as your trophies of your ministry." Said, "You will guide us to Him, and all together we'll go back to the earth to live forever."
I said, "Do I have to return back now?"
"Yes, but keep pressing on."

23-3. I looked, and I could see the people, just as far as I could see, still coming, wanting to hug me, screaming, "Our precious brother."
Just then a voice said, "All that you ever loved, and all that ever loved you, God has given you here." And I looked and here come my old dog come walking up. Here come my horse and laid his head up over my shoulder and nickered.
Said, "All that you ever loved and all that ever loved you, God has given them into your hands through your ministry."
And I felt myself move from that beautiful place. And I looked around. I said, "Are you awake, honey?" She was still asleep and I thought, "O God, oh, help me, O God. Never let me compromise with one word. Let me stay right straight on that Word and preach It. I don't care what comes or goes, what anybody does, how many Sauls of--sons of Kish rise, how many this, that, or the other, let me, Lord, press to that place.

23-6. All fear of death... I say this with my Bible before me this morning. I've got a little boy there four years old, to be raised. I've got a nine year old girl and a teen-ager that I'm thankful for, that's turned the way of the Lord. God, let me live to bring them up in the admonition of God. Above that, the whole world seems to scream to me. Ninety year old women and men and all kinds, "If you hadn't have went, we wouldn't been here." And, God, let me press the battle. But if it comes to dying, I am no more... It would be a joy; it would be a pleasure to enter from this corruption and disgrace.
If I could make up yonder, one hundred billion miles high, a square block, and that's perfect love. Each step this way, it narrows until we get down to where we are now. It would be just merely a shadow of corruption. That little something that we can sense and feel that there's something somewhere, we don't know what it is.
Oh, my precious friend, my beloved, my darlings of the Gospel, my begotten children unto God, listen to me, your pastor. You... I wish there was some way I could explain it to you. There's no words. I couldn't find it. It's not found anywhere. But just beyond this last breath is the most glorious thing that you ever... There is no way to explain it. There's no way; I just can't do it. But whatever you do, friends, lay aside everything else till you get perfect love. Get to a spot that you can love everybody, every enemy, everything else. That one visit there to me has made me a different man. I can never, never, never be the same Brother Branham that I was.

24-2. Whether the planes are rocking, whether lightning's a-flashing, whether the spies has a gun on me, whatever it is, it doesn't matter. I'm going to press the battle by the grace of God while I preach the Gospel to every creature and every person that I can, persuading them to that beautiful land yonder. It may seem hard; it may take a lot of strength.
I don't know how much longer. We don't know. Physically speaking the--from my examination the other day, said, "You've got twenty-five years of hard, good life. You're solid." That helped me. But, oh, that wasn't it. That isn't it. It's something within here. This corruption has got to put on incorruption; this mortal's got to put on immortality.

24-4. Sons of Kish may rise. I have... All the good things they do, I have nothing evil to say against it: giving to the poor and to charity. And you remember, why, Samuel told Saul, "You'll also prophesy." And many of those men are great mighty preachers, can preach the Word like archangels, but still it wasn't God's will. God was to be their King. And brother, sister, you let the Holy Spirit lead you. Let us bow our heads just a moment.

I'm so homesick and blue, and I want to see Jesus,
I would like to hear those sweet harbor bells chime.
It would brighten my path and would vanish all fear;
Lord, let us look a-past the curtain of time.
Lord, let me look a-past the curtain of sorrows and fear;
Let me view that sunny bright clime.
It would strengthen our faith and would vanish all fear;
Lord, let them look a-past the curtain of time.

25-1. I am sure, Lord, if this little church this morning could just look a-past the curtain: not an affliction among them, nor never could be, not a sickness, nothing but perfection, and it's just one breath between here and there, from old age to youth, from time to eternity, from a weary of tomorrow and a sorrow of yesterday till a present time of eternity in perfection.
I pray, God, that You will bless every person here. If there be those here, Lord, who does not know You in that way of love... And truly, Father, nothing could enter that holy place without that type of love, the new birth to be borned again. The Holy Spirit, God is love. And we know that that is true. No matter if we move mountains by our faith, if we did great things, still without that there we could never climb that great ladder yonder. But with that, it'll lift us beyond this earthly cares.
I pray, Father, that You will bless the people here, and may that every person that has heard me this morning tell this truth, that You be my Witness, Lord, as Samuel of old, "Have I ever told them anything in Your Name but what was true?" They're the judges. And I tell them now, Lord, that You taken me to that land. And Thou knowest that it's true.
And now, Father, if there be some that doesn't know You, may this be the hour that they say, "Lord, place within me the will to be Thy will." Grant it, Father.

The Rejected King - 60-0515M - William Branham


But He knows

Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why, when I was just a young minister, and first started out, did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting. He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must--when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See, see? There's where men are beat out. Men are beat out in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Symphony with--of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on. God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows.

Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham


But I know beyond a shadow of doubt that it's there

9. We're here in service of the Lord this morning, knowing that--that--that we believe God, that we believe that He'll make everything just exactly right. Regardless of what it is and how it works out, we know it's got to work for good. He promised that. It's just got to be that way. Sometimes we can't understand that, gets very complicated at times, but yet we know that it's the truth, 'cause the Bible says it's the truth. And the Bible to us is God in letter form.
Now, we got to place our faith somewhere. And if--if I--any of us in life tried to make a success in life and become many times a multimillionaire... But what are we going to do with that? We got to come down at the end of the road and what--what good is it to us then? See? And money is a--a scrip; it's an exchange; but you can't exchange it for Life. Only God has Life.

11. So we--we realize that we're here in a negative form. And as long as there is a negative, there has to be a positive. There cannot be a negative without a positive (See?), because it's because of the positive that makes the negative. Like you had a negative picture of some object. There has to be an object somewhere or it--to strike--the light strike that lens or there wouldn't be any--any negative. So when we see that our life here is in the negative and knowing that we're in the image of some life somewhere, then we know that there is a positive somewhere that the light has struck, and it's reflected something here on earth. And we are only that reflection. The genuine object is somewhere. If that isn't, I'm the worst deceived man in the world; I've spent my life in vain. But I know beyond a shadow of doubt that it's there. That's why we're here.

12. When I see you people come across the country on a few moments notice, and sometime presuming, then it makes me feel real little when I come into a meeting like this, to think that I know people here has traveled for hundreds of miles just to be here for a few minutes of service, just to set here.
Some woman just made a remark, come in the other day and said, "Show me where the man has walked, and let me walk behind him upon the ground," said, "I'll get well." Now, the people believes you like that, and you're a representative of Christ, then what should we do? We should be very careful, because you're not only destroying yourself with wrong, you're destroying others who are following you.
So I know no denomination or other to take you to. There's only one thing I have my faith in (if you believe me, follow what I tell you, because I believe the Bible), that's the Word of God. Other things fail. I'm... He is Life. He is the Word.

The Masterpiece - 64-0705 - William Branham


You can't do nothing but act the same way you believe

Grace is what God does for you; works is what you do for God. See? It's grace that brings you to God; it's the works that--that you do for God. See? Now, as Abraham was justified by faith, because he believed in God. Paul justified him by faith; James turns over and justifies him by works. But Paul was speaking what God saw, and James was speaking what man saw. If you say you are a believer, and then act contrary to what you say, then you're not a believer. See? If you tell God, "Yes, I now solemnly believe." Brother, you can't do nothing but act the same way you believe. That's right.

The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham


I've anchored my soul there

God has to judge the world by something. If He judges it by the church, which one of it is He going to judge by? Why, there's no such a thing as could be judged. Then there's only one Thing that's left, His Word; It's eternal; It can't be added to or taken away. I’ve anchored my soul there, with the simplicity of laying my hands upon my Sacrifice, confessing that I'm no good at all. There's nothing in me. O Lord God, send that Messiah upon me and change my being to what I was and make me in Your own fashion, the way You'd have me to be. No matter how much you could burn a body, how much you could destroy a person, how much you can talk against them, or whatever he says, someday He'll raise us up again. And there is a Kingdom that we receive that cannot be moved.

The Falling Apart Of The World - 62-1216 - William Branham


We want to take what He said

Now, the Word of God is like a chain, you're passing across hell with It; and its chain is only its best at its weakest link, and God wants us to keep every Word of It. Now, that was the first of the Bible; just to break one Word, plunged the human race into a darkness of death. Jesus came in the middle of the Bible, and He said that, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not just part of the Words, or ninety-nine out of a hundred; but every Word, just like Eve and Adam was. And in the last of the Bible, Revelations 22:18, He said that, "Whosoever shall take a Word out of This, or add one Word to It..." So why do we need to inject in Here somebody's ideas of things, when this is God's own Idea about it? We want to take what He said.

Broken Cisterns - 65-0123 - William Branham


Love the unlovable

Let's--let's show what we're made out of. If... Let's get something down in here to show love and respects. And respect the next man and--and love him, whether he's right or wrong. If you can just love those who love you, why, the sinners do the same thing. But we're different. When Christ has come into our heart, we love those who do not love us. Love the unlovable. And we were unlovable one time too, you know. And Christ loved us until we came to Him. And then if we be of Christ and Christ is in us, we have that same Spirit of fellowship, and cooperation, and helping to try to move the great load, and make life a little easier for our fellow man.

The Uncertain Sound - 61-0429E - William Branham


Where you have doubts, it brings faith

Jesus would not permit His disciples to preach the Gospel until they received the Holy Ghost, yet they had been honored to walk with Him three and a half years. Though they were holy men, accepted in His sight, but He would not let them go preach until they waited up there and got all the differences out of them, and then the Holy Spirit came. What the world needs today is that same filling. When the dumping-out comes, it needs a filling. What does that filling do when it come in? Where you have doubts, it brings faith; where you have indifference, it brings love; where you had hatred it brings fellowship; and then when the church of the living God, someday will be united under one great Head, and that will be the--the Head of God.

The Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham


Everything's different

Oh, how different it is when Christ comes, how you can look back and think, "How did I ever stay away from it? How did I ever reject it?" Everything's different. You have no enemies; they all look sweet. You can forgive everything that's ever been done. The bitterest of enemy, you could pray for him on the street, put your arm around him and lift him up; no matter what creed, what denomination he belongs to, he's a creature who Christ died for. That's what God wants you filled with. That's the filling. That's the Kingdom. That's what we're one in. We're one then, not to--not to further a denomination, not to further a cult, or--or some creed. We're one to further the Kingdom of God. Then we take His Blueprint, and every time the blessed Bible says anything, the Holy Spirit in you cries out, "It's so; It's My Word."

The Unity Of One God In The One Church - 58-1221E - William Branham


You become a new creation in Christ

And God sets on the throne of your heart in His control room, controlling your emotions, and controlling your powers, controlling your conceptions, and making you one with Him in fellowship and in love. And God fills you with love. He fills you with power. He fills you with the Spirit. He fills you with His own Divine Nature, and He changes your carnal nature into His Nature. Then, in this, you become a new creation in Christ.

The Unity Of One God In The One Church - 58-1221E - William Branham

Who are those people?

There is so many people today who says that the Holy Spirit is not real today. While tens of thousands of them, and millions, are saying it's not so, there's that many enjoying the blessings of It. Mostly are poor people, people who's been dejected and rejected by the world, people who's been throwed out of churches because that they believed God to be God; but they have been filled with His Spirit. They are one in purpose; they're one in heart. Who are those people? Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterian, Catholic, Jehovah Witness, orthodox Jew, all together, they become one. Not one to a creed, not one to a denomination, that's the working of the devil through intellectual conceptions, but the working of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God in you.

The Unity Of One God In The One Church - 58-1221E - William Branham


There's some people that just can have a penny's worth of it

You pull out a bunch of change. There's pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half a dollars, dollar, all in coins. Now, that's what the world is in God's hand. There's some people that just can have a penny's worth of it, and God can only use them in a penny way. That's all they can buy. Don't reject them. If they can't believe the real Truth, don't turn them down, don't kick them out and say they're not in it, because God uses pennies sometime. Lot was a just a penny, Abraham was a silver dollar, so it taken a hundred Lots to make an Abraham. And so will it take... A hundred carnal believers will never stand in the presence of a genuine Christian that's separated from the carnal things of the world, living in Christ Jesus, where the Word can flow through him. He can only take a penny's worth; that's all he's got.

God's Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief - 64-0121 - William Branham


I believe it's time for it now

Today there's a Bride Tree; It started back there at the beginning, way back at the day of Pentecost. Listen, you people who belong to church! The Church never started at Nicaea, Rome. It started in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, started the Church. Then what did they do? Just kept organizing; and God keeps cutting off the branches. Then they organized the Lutheran, and cut off the branches. Wesley; cut off the branches. Pentecost; cut off the branches. Until it's come... But God's going to have a Bride Tree. "All that the cankerworm eat and the caterpillar eat, I will restore," saith the Lord. Malachi 4 tells us we'd be brought back to the original faith like it was on the day of Pentecost, the faith of the fathers. We believe that it will come. I believe it's time for it now.

Turn On The Light - 64-0125 - William Branham


He's closer than your right arm

I was praising my God, Who I could see in His universe, hear Him in His animals, seeing Him in His sunset, watch Him in His rainbow. I thought, "Everything here is God."

He's closer than your right arm. You just fail to see Him. How can a flower grow without God? All the science in the world cannot make one blade of that fern. They can make something look like it, but they can't make that because it's got life in it. God is the only Life there is.
Who could look in the face of a--a lily and say there's no God and still claim to be sane. He could not have his right mind. With all of our science, we could never build a lily. Make me a tree, somebody. You can't do it. Make me a blade of grass. You can't do it. That's God, God in His flowers, God in His sun, God in His universe, God in His animals, God in His creation. There's something about it.

Show Us The Father - 61-0521 - William Branham


There's no failing in it

Anything happens, if I fall along the road or something happens to me, there's a great host of Angels standing there to pick me up. "Come on, we're marching on up towards Zion, on to that beautiful city above."

Can't fail, there's no failing in it. It don't rest upon what I do; it's rest upon what He did. Amen. It's already finished. The believer once anchored in Christ Jesus, coming through the door back there, put on this highway, you can't get any way but straight up to God with it, Angels to take care of you. God made a way of this.
When He seen in the beginning, in our first parent's fall, He seen the covenant He made with Adam; He tried to hook the ladder into him, and it failed. Then there's nothing else He could hook it to, but to bring down His own Son and hook it to Him. So it can't fail now. So what we worried about? What we stewing about? Why we go along, great big long face? Let's look up and grin. Look up, and not only grin, but laugh, not only laugh, but raise up holy hands everywhere, giving praise and glory to God, for His promises is yea and amen, not yes and no, not yes and no, but yes. There's no no in it. Yes.

Our foundation stands sure. Foundation of God... God laid in Zion the cornerstone. There we are, can't slip, can't slide, can't move. Then we come into the door, through Christ, put on here. Oh, we may have our ups-and-downs along; that's true enough, sicknesses and troubles. But remember, there's a great company of Angels all along the road, bear thee up any time. Taking you on up when you fall. Oh, yes, He's there. He promised it. And He had to make a way of it.
So the only way He could make was the Cornerstone, the precious Stone, the tried Stone, the Elect. And "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower: the righteous run in at it and are safe." That's right. Safe, nothing can bother you any more. You're in the Rock. It's not whether you hold now; it's whether the Rock holds. And the Rock's done held, so then you're--you are safe. Nothing can harm you, nothing can come to you unless God permits it.

Infallibility Of God's Word - 56-0404 - William Branham

Just let loose and let God

27. Here not long ago... I don't tell this for a joke; pulpit's no place for a joke, but for a point. A little woman had a son; she sent him away to... He had a call to be a ministry--in the ministry. So she sent him away to school.
The old mother, while he's gone, taken pneumonia and almost died. Sent for the son to stand by, 'cause they might call her. The doctor give her up.
A little old lady went to a mission down there; she heard about it. The Lord led her up there, and come to, and said, "Say, sister," said, "our pastor prays for the sick, won't you let him come up and pray for you?"
She said, "Why, yes dear, I'd be glad." So he come up, and laid hands on her, and prayed for her, read Mark 16. Put his hands upon her, prayed for her; the old woman was well the next morning. So she sent back, told her son that she was all right, wouldn't have to come home.
So then, about a year later he come home on a visit. He said, "Mother, I want to ask you to you?" said, "What happened?" Said, "You know, you sent for me to stand by; you wanted me to come home; you were dying with pneumonia. And the next morning here come a--a letter, or telegram, that I didn't have to come, that you were well." Said, "What kind of medicine did the doctor give you, that changed it all at once?"
She said, "Well, son, I want to tell you." She said, "There's some people down here in the town, down in the low part...?... down there in the slums, that's got a little mission." And said, "A lady come up here and told me her pastor prayed for the sick." Said, "Honey, he come up here and read to me out of the Bible, that there's people that's supposed to lay hands on the people when they were sick. And you know, the Lord healed me."
He said, "Oh, mother." Said, "Such as that, why," said, "those people are illiterate." Said, "They don't know no better. Why," said, "He was reading Mark 16?"
Said, "Yes."
"Why," said, "we learned in the seminary that Mark 16, from the 9th verse on is not inspired." Said, "Those people are illiterate; they just don't know no better. They don't know the Word like we learned in the seminary."
The little mother said, "Well, glory to God."
He said, "Mother, what did... You're acting like them." Said, "What's the matter with you?"
Said, "I was just thinking: If God can heal me with uninspired Word, what could He do with that really is inspired?" So--so those basis... So that's about of the way it is. We...

28. Take you out there and put the embalming fluid in you and take all of the God that's ever in you out, and learn your theology. Why, you can't know God by knowledge. It's impossible. You've got... By grace saved and that through faith. Just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the way you know Him, not by all of your shrewd words; that takes you away from God. More you know, more you study and try to find out about it, the less you know. Quit studying and figuring it out; just let loose and believe.
I used to preach over in the Baptist church a little sermon; I called it, "Let Loose And Let God." That's right. Just let loose and let God; as long as you got yourself into it, there ain't no way. You know who the biggest enemy I got's William Branham. He's always in God's way. If I can just get him out of the way, then God can go to work. That's your worst enemy is yourself. Just get yourself out of the way, and then God can go to work.
Now, be careful of your associates when you get out there, and get among the people, and this one begins to tell you this, and this one, that. Then you get yourself all mixed up; you don't know what you do believe.

Separation From Unbelief - 55-0228 - William Branham


Then you're just about ready to come to God

And God is so unusual. He does things in such an unusual way, so contrary to science, so contrary to education, so contrary to, sometimes, man's theology, just contrary to that. God does that just to show He's God. And to do that He has to take somebody that knows none of these things, so that He can work through that person.

When Jesus come, why didn't He take Caiaphas, the priest that was trained and ready for the job? He went down and got men that couldn't even sign their name. Ignorant and unlearned, the Bible said they were. 'Cause God takes nothing to make something out of it. See?
And whenever you get to a place that you feel that you're nothing, then you're just about ready to come to God. When--when you get to a place that you know nothing, but you want to know something, then He'll reveal Himself to you.

Voice Of The Sign - 64-0214 - William Branham

Don't take any reasonings at all

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And that Word was made flesh. God's thoughts was expressed in a human body, made flesh and dwelled among us. There you are. Now, if you have Eternal Life today, you are in God. By God's being in you, you are God's expressed thought. Whew! Then don't listen to any reasonings, lest your crown be taken and give to another. Don't take any reasonings at all. Just believe what God said is the Truth and stay with It. Reasonings through wisdom tries to make the Word say something It doesn't say.

Wisdom Versus Faith - 62-0401 - William Branham


The Cloud Land

In Germany once I saw a picture, and it always stuck with me. A German painter has painted the--a picture that's--that's called "The Cloud Land." And when you see it off at a distance, it's the horriblest looking gloom you ever seen, just clouds matted together when you're looking at it from a long distance. But when you get real close to it, it changes; it's angels' wings beating together, singing hallelujahs to the Lord. So that's what gloom is sometime. If you look at it at a long distance, it looks gloomy and dark; but take God at His Word and be certain that He's God, and move up close to it; you'll find out it's just angels' wings a-beating together.

Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham


There's nothing happens just accidentally

God sets a time and has a purpose for everything that He does. There's nothing happens just accidentally to those who love the Lord and are called according to His calling. See, we are predestinated. And everything works just right for that; because He cannot lie, and He said that was so, that everything has its time, its season, and it has its way; and God is behind every move. And sometimes you think that everything's going wrong. It's up to us. Those things are put upon us, trials and wonderings; it's testing to see how we will react on a action.

The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word - 62-1223 - William Branham


Faith don't have any hindrance

39. That's the reason Jesus could discern what was in the people's thinking, because He was the Word. And "if the Word abides in you..." And then it isn't you; it's the Word that goes out and discerns. And there's only one thing that can handle that, that Word. It isn't an education. I'll assure you of that. Faith is the only thing that can yield that sword of faith. As I said the other night, faith in God's Word will cut a hole through any difficult. But you got to believe it.
She had many hindrances. She did herself, but her faith didn't have any hindrances. No. Faith don't have any hindrance. Faith just believes it. It don't have a hindrance at all. You're already past the sound barrier, as the lady was talking of. Faith don't have a hindrance. You might have it, but your faith doesn't have it. Your faith has no hindrances at all.

40. She might... They might have said to her, "You are Greek. You shouldn't go over there. That's a Jew. That's a Jew that they're claiming all these things about. You're a Greek." But, you see, they was trying to have a race barrier there; but faith don't know a race barrier, doesn't know it at all. No, 'cause she might have thought this, "If He is who I believe He is, He's God. And if He's God, He's the Creator of every creature. If He's God at all, He's God of the whole creation. And if He isn't God of the whole creation, then He isn't God." That's a good way to look at it.

41. Well, no matter if she was a Greek, she was still persistent. She had perseverance. Then somebody might've come up with this old proverb, you know (They still have it today.): "The days of miracles is past. There is no such a thing." But no matter how many hollered at her, "The days of miracles is past," she still was persistent. That might have been for them who believed it, but not for her. Something had already happened inside that let her know that it wasn't past.
And until you get past that barrier, you'll never do no good. You've got to come a-past that barrier: "God was, but isn't now." He's still God if He ever was God. If He isn't the same God today, He never was God. See? That's it. It's man lost his faith, not God lost His power, God went back on His promise. It's man went back on the promise to believe.

Perseverance - 62-0608 - William Branham


Something that's real

Someone said, "Just let your mind go blank now. Just look right straight up towards the skies. Let your mind go blank; you'll get an experience." And no doubt but what you do. That's right. But you get an experience, but what an experience. You see, when you do that, you just open your soul to Satan. He'll give you something; that's true. But I think a person coming to Christ should come with all the intelligence they've got, and quoting in their mind when they come to Him every promise in the Scripture. Keep your mind alert, when you come to Christ. Don't let it go blank. The devil will make you do anything. See? They'll give you a sensation. He can do that too. But you want an experience, something that the Bible teaches, something that's real.

Presuming - 62-0117 - William Branham


I want more faith

Oh, how we need faith. I love Him. I want more faith. My desire in this life, and for this new year coming, is more faith in God. God, take away any doubt that's in my mind, if there should ever arise one. Satan fights at me; he fights at you; he tries to shoot his arrows. But may I have that shield of faith always before me to withstand the wiles of the devil, to--to knock off his fiery darts, is my sincere prayer.

A Super Sense - 59-1227E - William Branham


For you're filled

I always felt sorry for an incubator chicken. A chicken that was born in an incubator chirps, and ain't got no mammy to go to. That puts me in mind of a seminary preacher that don't know no more about the Word of God than what the seminary said: Chirping and no mammy to go to. But when you are really born under the wings of His grace and power, you'll agree with every word He said is the truth. And when God moves in the supernatural, your heart will hunger right to it. You won't get off on the side and say, "Mental telepathy, a devil, Beelzebub. I don't believe that. My church doesn't teach it." You'll say, "God be praised forever." For you're filled.

The Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham