
Live together, be a Christian

61-1. Let's study it. Let's add to our faith these things then, that we might come in the full statue of Christ, being joined together with godly love, fear of God, reverence in our heart to one another, deep respect to one another, brotherly and sisterly kindness, never vulgarity, nothing but just the purity of Holy Ghost living. See? Live together, be a Christian; walk with faith; let the virtue of God flow through you. Let the knowledge of God when it comes to right and wrong... When the devil presents something that's not exactly Scripture, walk away from it. That's right.

61-2. I can imagine them apostles never acted like us. They went around, probably men of few words till they got in the pulpit. They walked in, and they done what they was supposed to do, and walked out. Yes, sir. They had power. They had virtue. They had no arguments with men; they knowed where they stood. That's all. They knowed who they believed. They kept on walking in the Spirit doing only... Just as I said the other night, "One little nod. That's all God had to do, then nothing going to stop them." They didn't question, and study, and hum-haw, and weary like we do whether they should do this or that. They went ahead and done it anyhow. Just one little nod from God, that done it. That's just it. Why? How could they know it was a nod from God? They had all these virtues in here, all these qualifications. And the first little nod of God compared with every bit of this and with His Word; they knowed it was the Word of God and away they went. They didn't have to worry about nothing else. When God spoke, they went.

61-3. We speak--God speaks to us; and we'll say "Well, we'll start off. We'll see if we can live this Life." First thing you know, somebody upsets you. Why sure, that's the devil.
You ought to seen him trying to keep me away from this meeting this morning. You ought to have that one time. Oh, mercy, I have to fight every time I mention a meeting. And if I'm going to pray for sick, and somebody dying and not saved, there'll be thirty calls come in in ten minutes (if they can get that fast), to keep me from it. "Oh, Brother Branham, you got to do this." But there's a soul at stake. Yes.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham

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