
He's closer than your right arm

I was praising my God, Who I could see in His universe, hear Him in His animals, seeing Him in His sunset, watch Him in His rainbow. I thought, "Everything here is God."

He's closer than your right arm. You just fail to see Him. How can a flower grow without God? All the science in the world cannot make one blade of that fern. They can make something look like it, but they can't make that because it's got life in it. God is the only Life there is.
Who could look in the face of a--a lily and say there's no God and still claim to be sane. He could not have his right mind. With all of our science, we could never build a lily. Make me a tree, somebody. You can't do it. Make me a blade of grass. You can't do it. That's God, God in His flowers, God in His sun, God in His universe, God in His animals, God in His creation. There's something about it.

Show Us The Father - 61-0521 - William Branham

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