Anything happens, if I fall along the road or something happens to me, there's a great host of Angels standing there to pick me up. "Come on, we're marching on up towards Zion, on to that beautiful city above."
Can't fail, there's no failing in it. It don't rest upon what I do; it's rest upon what He did. Amen. It's already finished. The believer once anchored in Christ Jesus, coming through the door back there, put on this highway, you can't get any way but straight up to God with it, Angels to take care of you. God made a way of this.
When He seen in the beginning, in our first parent's fall, He seen the covenant He made with Adam; He tried to hook the ladder into him, and it failed. Then there's nothing else He could hook it to, but to bring down His own Son and hook it to Him. So it can't fail now. So what we worried about? What we stewing about? Why we go along, great big long face? Let's look up and grin. Look up, and not only grin, but laugh, not only laugh, but raise up holy hands everywhere, giving praise and glory to God, for His promises is yea and amen, not yes and no, not yes and no, but yes. There's no no in it. Yes.
Our foundation stands sure. Foundation of God... God laid in Zion the cornerstone. There we are, can't slip, can't slide, can't move. Then we come into the door, through Christ, put on here. Oh, we may have our ups-and-downs along; that's true enough, sicknesses and troubles. But remember, there's a great company of Angels all along the road, bear thee up any time. Taking you on up when you fall. Oh, yes, He's there. He promised it. And He had to make a way of it.
So the only way He could make was the Cornerstone, the precious Stone, the tried Stone, the Elect. And "The Name of the Lord is a mighty tower: the righteous run in at it and are safe." That's right. Safe, nothing can bother you any more. You're in the Rock. It's not whether you hold now; it's whether the Rock holds. And the Rock's done held, so then you're--you are safe. Nothing can harm you, nothing can come to you unless God permits it.
Infallibility Of God's Word - 56-0404 - William Branham
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