
But I know beyond a shadow of doubt that it's there

9. We're here in service of the Lord this morning, knowing that--that--that we believe God, that we believe that He'll make everything just exactly right. Regardless of what it is and how it works out, we know it's got to work for good. He promised that. It's just got to be that way. Sometimes we can't understand that, gets very complicated at times, but yet we know that it's the truth, 'cause the Bible says it's the truth. And the Bible to us is God in letter form.
Now, we got to place our faith somewhere. And if--if I--any of us in life tried to make a success in life and become many times a multimillionaire... But what are we going to do with that? We got to come down at the end of the road and what--what good is it to us then? See? And money is a--a scrip; it's an exchange; but you can't exchange it for Life. Only God has Life.

11. So we--we realize that we're here in a negative form. And as long as there is a negative, there has to be a positive. There cannot be a negative without a positive (See?), because it's because of the positive that makes the negative. Like you had a negative picture of some object. There has to be an object somewhere or it--to strike--the light strike that lens or there wouldn't be any--any negative. So when we see that our life here is in the negative and knowing that we're in the image of some life somewhere, then we know that there is a positive somewhere that the light has struck, and it's reflected something here on earth. And we are only that reflection. The genuine object is somewhere. If that isn't, I'm the worst deceived man in the world; I've spent my life in vain. But I know beyond a shadow of doubt that it's there. That's why we're here.

12. When I see you people come across the country on a few moments notice, and sometime presuming, then it makes me feel real little when I come into a meeting like this, to think that I know people here has traveled for hundreds of miles just to be here for a few minutes of service, just to set here.
Some woman just made a remark, come in the other day and said, "Show me where the man has walked, and let me walk behind him upon the ground," said, "I'll get well." Now, the people believes you like that, and you're a representative of Christ, then what should we do? We should be very careful, because you're not only destroying yourself with wrong, you're destroying others who are following you.
So I know no denomination or other to take you to. There's only one thing I have my faith in (if you believe me, follow what I tell you, because I believe the Bible), that's the Word of God. Other things fail. I'm... He is Life. He is the Word.

The Masterpiece - 64-0705 - William Branham

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