27. Here not long ago... I don't tell this for a joke; pulpit's no place for a joke, but for a point. A little woman had a son; she sent him away to... He had a call to be a ministry--in the ministry. So she sent him away to school.
The old mother, while he's gone, taken pneumonia and almost died. Sent for the son to stand by, 'cause they might call her. The doctor give her up.
A little old lady went to a mission down there; she heard about it. The Lord led her up there, and come to, and said, "Say, sister," said, "our pastor prays for the sick, won't you let him come up and pray for you?"
She said, "Why, yes dear, I'd be glad." So he come up, and laid hands on her, and prayed for her, read Mark 16. Put his hands upon her, prayed for her; the old woman was well the next morning. So she sent back, told her son that she was all right, wouldn't have to come home.
So then, about a year later he come home on a visit. He said, "Mother, I want to ask you to you?" said, "What happened?" Said, "You know, you sent for me to stand by; you wanted me to come home; you were dying with pneumonia. And the next morning here come a--a letter, or telegram, that I didn't have to come, that you were well." Said, "What kind of medicine did the doctor give you, that changed it all at once?"
She said, "Well, son, I want to tell you." She said, "There's some people down here in the town, down in the low part...?... down there in the slums, that's got a little mission." And said, "A lady come up here and told me her pastor prayed for the sick." Said, "Honey, he come up here and read to me out of the Bible, that there's people that's supposed to lay hands on the people when they were sick. And you know, the Lord healed me."
He said, "Oh, mother." Said, "Such as that, why," said, "those people are illiterate." Said, "They don't know no better. Why," said, "He was reading Mark 16?"
Said, "Yes."
"Why," said, "we learned in the seminary that Mark 16, from the 9th verse on is not inspired." Said, "Those people are illiterate; they just don't know no better. They don't know the Word like we learned in the seminary."
The little mother said, "Well, glory to God."
He said, "Mother, what did... You're acting like them." Said, "What's the matter with you?"
Said, "I was just thinking: If God can heal me with uninspired Word, what could He do with that really is inspired?" So--so those basis... So that's about of the way it is. We...
28. Take you out there and put the embalming fluid in you and take all of the God that's ever in you out, and learn your theology. Why, you can't know God by knowledge. It's impossible. You've got... By grace saved and that through faith. Just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the way you know Him, not by all of your shrewd words; that takes you away from God. More you know, more you study and try to find out about it, the less you know. Quit studying and figuring it out; just let loose and believe.
I used to preach over in the Baptist church a little sermon; I called it, "Let Loose And Let God." That's right. Just let loose and let God; as long as you got yourself into it, there ain't no way. You know who the biggest enemy I got's William Branham. He's always in God's way. If I can just get him out of the way, then God can go to work. That's your worst enemy is yourself. Just get yourself out of the way, and then God can go to work.
Now, be careful of your associates when you get out there, and get among the people, and this one begins to tell you this, and this one, that. Then you get yourself all mixed up; you don't know what you do believe.
Separation From Unbelief - 55-0228 - William Branham
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