
The grace of God saved me

120. This old prophet, old baldheaded fellow stomped in, old Nathan, out of the wilderness, set down, said, "David, how's everything going?
Said, "Fine, fine. Oh, prophet of God, live forever. Hallelujah." Oh, he was just... He thought everything was fine; he thought he could hide it. But you can't hide from God. He knows what you're thinking right now. He knows your thoughts, for He's God. That Holy Spirit that's in the building this morning knows your thoughts, who you are, where you come from, what you've done, for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

123. God had revealed it to that prophet. He said, "David, there was a rich man lived on this side of the road; he had a whole lot of sheep; oh, he was very rich. A man lived on this side of the road, was poor, he had one lamb. He treated it like a daughter. He fed it out of the same spoon he eat with. He slept with the lamb. Everything was just... It was just like a daughter to him. And one day a visitor came, so, instead of the rich man taking one of his own sheep and making a feast for the visitor, well, instead of that, he went over and took the poor man's lamb, and by force took the lamb and slayed it, and made a feast."

124. Now, that was David's passions. He had five hundred wives, but when he seen Uriah's wife, instead of taking one of his five hundred wives to appease or satisfy his passions, he went took this other man's wife, then he killed Uriah when she become a mother. David didn't know what he was doing, why, David was ready to pronounce judgment. That's the way we are. We can always judge the other fellow, but when it comes to us, oh, that's different.
David said, "The man will pay with his life."
That old prophet, them eyes narrowed down; he said, "David, surely you'll not die." Watch grace then go to work right quick. The Spirit struck the prophet, saved David's life. Grace, "Surely you'll not die, but the sword will not leave your house till it's thoroughly purged your heart, for you are that rich man." Oh, it was different then, wasn't it?
What saved David when his own judgment said, "The man will die. He'll pay to the uttermost, and he'll pay for it with his life"?
And the prophet said, "Surely (grace) you'll not die. You'll not die, David. Grace has saved you." It was grace to David that saved him. Oh, my.
If it hadn't been for grace, where would we all be? Is that right? Certainly.

130. Sovereign grace is from a sovereign One. Sovereign grace from a sovereign One. Sovereign, what can it do? Sovereign can do whatever it wants to. Listen to this now. Sovereign grace can only be given by One that's Sovereign. And God is Sovereign, so He can give sovereign grace. Therefore, being sovereign, grace don't have to ask anybody; it don't has to... It does what it wants to. Isn't that wonderful? It don't has to ask, "Can I do this? Or, shall I do this? Can I? Must I? Will I?" Doesn't do it. It does it itself. Grace is sovereign; therefore, He can save the vilest. He can save the worst. He can save the impurest. He can save the immoralest. He can heal the sickest. Hallelujah.

131. He can save a wretch like me. And He did. What is it? Grace. William Branham, a drunkard's son: that don't make any difference; the grace of God saved me. "Me, I'm a woman's daughter that was no good." Don't make any difference, the grace of God saved you. It's sovereign, has to ask nobody nothing. Amen. I'm so glad of that. Hallelujah.
Can take the vilest sinner and make him white as snow, don't have to ask anybody about it. Oh, it can do it because it's sovereign.
Listen, quickly now. That was proved at the cross, when there was a vilest thief; he deserved to die. God had never come across his mind. He never thought nothing of it. There on the cross when, through those bloody lips, in between the groans there came a sound, "Lord, be merciful to me."
And there came another One back through Blood, tears, agony; grace took a hold and said, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Grace did that. How could that thief help himself? No more than Adam could help hisself, no more than Eve could help herself, no more than you can help yourself, no more than I can help myself, when no more we could jerk ourselves up the Milky White Way with our boot straps. We couldn't do it. But the grace of God can do something about it, and it does it. The grace of God, the sovereignty of the grace of God come to that dying thief, "Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise." Oh, think of it. That's wonderful.

136. Think of it. Love and grace is sisters, twin sisters. You can't have grace without having love. They're twin sisters. That's exactly right. Before you can have grace, you have to have love. Before you can actually show somebody a favor, you love them; right or wrong, you have to love them anyhow, or you can't. See? So love and grace is the same thing. They're just twin sisters (That's all.), love and grace. They were... We can't see one without the other. "God so loved the world, gave His only begotten Son." He shed His grace abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. See? There's just nothing you can do without working one with the other. Grace, grace of God this is what saves us.

The Message Of Grace - 61-0827 - William Branham

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