
Hold to God's unchanging hand

11. Now, are you all feeling right up to it, to start the New Year now? Amen! Go right out in the New Year. We want to start it off right, serving the Lord. How many got up this morning and thanked Him for the old year and what all it meant, and asked Him, "Forget the back"? So, we did at the bedside when we got up, and then come in to the table and where usually a little family altar, they gather around the table and pray.
And so we always try to make it a habit of praying of a night before we go to bed. I have, that, since I was first converted. Get up of a morning, and it's too dark and too misty for me to walk, I--I don't know where I'm going. But if I just ask Him to take my hand and guide me through the day.

13. Then I remember, right across the street here, when I was just a young man, Billy Paul was about three years old, or four, and we lived just across the street. And one night he wanted a drink of water, and it was out in the kitchen, the dipper in the bucket. And I said... Oh, I was so tired, I had worked hard all day and preached half the night. And--and he said, "Daddy, I--I want a drink."
And I said, "Billy, just go right into the kitchen there, it's on the little table." I said...
He got up, rubbed his eyes, and looked through there, he said, "Daddy, I'm afraid to go." See?
And I said, "Well, that's... it's all right." I said, "Just run on, honey, and get a drink. Daddy's so tired." Just a little distance, about to that window.
And he--he said, "But I'm afraid to go, daddy." See?

18. Well, I got up with the little fellow. And reached over and got a hold of my hand, and it was a good thing; we hadn't walked four or five steps till he hit a rug where Meda had waxed the floor, and on a piece of linoleum, and you know how that is. And he just made a scoot, but I had his hand, and then he just squeezed me that much tighter. And then I stood there a little bit, and I thought, "God, that's right." See? "I don't want to make one step without You hold my hand, 'cause I don't know when I'm going to slide." You see? "And as long as I can feel Your big, powerful hand grip mine, I know You'll hold me up in the times of my... " See?

19. So I try to make a habit of that, to--to keep my hand in His. And sometimes I've done things that seemed ridiculous in my own sight, such things that seem so unnatural to the human mind; but if we just let it alone, I find out it was the only thing that could be done to be right.
You know, the things that don't look right here, if God leads you into them, they'll be right out here somewhere, you see, 'cause He knows how to lead. So, seeing that He is our all-sufficient grace, and all that we have need of or care for is in Him, then let's lay aside everything else besides Him and hold to God's unchanging hand.

Revelation Chapter Four #2 - 61-0101 - William Branham

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