
So God is the Healer

34. There never was medicine that healed. Any medicine that'd heal a cut in my hand would heal a cut in my coat, as I've often said. You say, "Medicine wasn't made for your coat. It was made for your hand." Let me cut my hand and die right here then. You sew my hand up, and take me down to the morgue, and--and embalm my body with a fluid that'll look natural for fifty years, and give me a shot of penicillin ever day, and put salve on it; and in fifty years from now if my body was still there, the cut would be there too, for it won't heal my body. You say, "Life's gone out of it." Then what you healed, medicine or life? Life. Tell me what life is, and I'll tell you Who God is. God is Life, Eternal Life to help this life.
Someone said then, "What about penicillin? Shoot penicillin into you."
I said, "Well, penicillin is just like rat poison. You got a house full of rats eating holes in the house. You put out some rat poison and kills the rats. It doesn't patch the holes. Penicillins kills the germ, but God has to heal the cells that's been damaged by it." So God is the Healer. It's correct.

60-1126 - Why? - William Branham

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