
Tell them how it got lit

58 Like Hudson Taylor, the great missionary, many of you know, to China. There was an Indian boy, or not a--a Chinese boy one day got up, got saved, and the Holy Spirit come upon him. He went to Mr. Taylor, and he said, "Mr. Taylor, what shall I do? What school shall I enter? What shall I do?" And he said, "Shall I take these years of schooling that--that the church requires and so forth?"
Mr. Taylor said, "Don't take your candle out and burn it halfway down before you find out whether it's burning or not." He said, "Go when it's first lit."
Oh, I'll say the same thing. You don't need to wait and see it tested and tested and tested, and take a lot of trials, and tribulations, and all this schooling, and get your Bachelor of Art, and your Ph. and D.D., and everything like that. If you haven't got all that, that's all right.
But if you haven't got that, go when--when it's lit. If you can't do no more than tell them it got lit, tell them how it got lit. That's all you have to do. God lit your little candle; go tell them how it got lit. Amen. Let them alone. Just tell them how the candle lit. Let them... Then God will take care of the rest of it. The thing of it is, is lighten that candle with the fire off the altar and God sanctions with the power of the Holy Ghost, and the resurrection of Christ.

Convinced And Then Concerned - 62-0521 - William Branham

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