43. A young man asked me the other day, said, "You think I could, ought to get married, Brother Branham, to such-and-such a girl?"
I said, "How much do you think of her?"
He said, "Oh, my, I just love her."
I said, "Well, if you're not going to live without her, you better marry her then. But if you can live without her, you better not. So, but if it's going to kill you, you better--you better go ahead and get married," I said. And so what I was trying to get to him, this, that, if you love her so much.
44 Now, right now, before you're married, everything is just fine and dandy. But after you get married, then the toils and trials of life come in. That's when you've got to be so in love that you understand one another. When you're disappointed in her, she disappointed in you, you still understand one another.
45. That's the way it is with Christ. See? We've got to be so in love with Him, till when we ask for something, and He doesn't give it to us, that doesn't shake us a bit. See? See? Why? And the only way you can do that, is to become partakers of His Divine nature, then you'll understand the reason He can't give it to you. "Partakers of His Divine nature."
46 And look here, "Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." Escaped it! See who it's to? It's to the Church, them who are in Christ, has been exalted above these things. Not he exalted himself, but Christ brought him up.
The Stature Of A Perfect Man - 62-1014M - William Branham
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