
That's the promise

53. I was baptized by the Holy Spirit, same One that was upon Abraham, baptized me into the same body. I'm heir of every one of the promises. If something looks just a little bit high, I'd go get me a step ladder, and get on it, and examine it, see what it looks like. That's the way. If Divine healing seems to be a little out of my reach, I'd get on my knees; that's Jacob's ladder, and climb right on up in prayer till I find out what it's all about, see what I own, it's mine. It's yours. It's all of you's, if you believe it. You was baptized by the grace of God, into this great big arcade that's got every redemptive blessing in it. Everything Jesus died for is right here in the body of Christ. Healing, salvation, joy, peace, all these things belongs to you; it's yours.

54. Let the devil say, "Aw, don't you do it; don't you do it." That's that old, nasty porter at the door. "Don't you believe in that." Walk right on in; it's yours. You got a pass. You got an abstract deed on the place. If sickness dwells in there, you got a abstract deed. If you went home tonight, and what if there's an enemy setting in your house. And the enemy said, "Now, wait a minute, this house is built for human being. It's mine just as much as it is your home. I'm just as much human as you are."
You walk right down to the courts, and get your abstract deed, and show him, "This is my property; it belongs to me."
"Well," he said, "Yes, but I'm as much human as you are."
If he won't listen, you can go get the law, and the law will throw him out. When you serve warning on the devil, that he's got his nasty self camped on God's property... Whew. Yes. If he don't want to get out, just call on the authorities of heaven, God's law Agent, the Holy Ghost. He will throw him out. Yes, sir, it's your property. Every Divine promise in the Bible belongs to every Christian.

55. When you're saved God gives you a checkbook. At the bottom of it it's got Jesus' Name signed on every check. Any redemptive blessing belongs to you. Are you afraid to fill it out? and Abraham's children? Are you afraid He won't recognize the Name of Jesus? "Whatever you ask the Father in My Name, that I will do." That's the promise. You're Abraham's children; you're not afraid to fill it out. The Bank of Heaven will recognize the Name of Jesus on any redemptive blessing that His body's setting at the right hand of God making intercessions for. That's what He died for.

The Faith Of Abraham - 59-0415E - William Branham

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